giovedì 24 settembre 2020

24 Settembre Santi Martiri dal XVII al XXI secolo

Saint GALACTION de Vologda, fils de boyard devenu cordonnier puis ascète en son veuvage, martyr par la main des Catholiques Romains polonais et lituaniens (Russie 1612). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XVI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Arrivée en Alaska des premiers missionnaires orthodoxes sur le sol américain: saints Germain, Joasaph, Juvénal, et leurs compagnons (1794).

Saint Peter the Aleut is mentioned in the Life of St Herman of Alaska 


Troparion — 

Tone 4 Today Alaska rejoices and America celebrates, / For the new world has been sanctified by martyrdom / Kodiak echoes with songs of thanksgiving, / Iliamna and Kenai observe the festival of faith. / The Apostle and martyr Juvenaly is glorified, / And Peter the Aleut is exalted by his voluntary sacrifice, / In their devotion and love for the Lord / They willingly endured persecution and death for the Truth, / Now in the Kingdom of Heaven they intercede for our souls!

Saint Juvenal, the Protomartyr of Americ

Kontakion — Tone 4

Today Valaam joins Alaska / In celebrating this joyous feast, / As her spiritual son Juvenaly / Embraces the new martyr Peter with love. / Together they suffered for the Lord in America / And united the old world with the new by their voluntary sacrifice. / Now forever they stand before the King of glory and intercede for our souls

Saint BASILE, diacre, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1918). 

Saints ANDRE et PAUL, prêtres, VITAL, moine, et BASILE, SERGE et SPYRIDON, laïques, martyrs par la main des Communistes (Russie 1937).

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