santi italici ed italo greci dal 31 Marzo al 6 Aprile
31 marzo feste santi e memorie
1 aprile feste santi e memorie
Sainte THEODORA, soeur de saint Hermès (cf. 28 août), martyre à Rome sous Adrien (vers 120).
Saint PRUDENCE, évêque d'Atina en Italie, martyr (vers 300).
Saint JEAN IV le Scribe, évêque de Naples en Campanie (850).
2 aprile santi feste e memorie
Saint ABONDE (ABUNDIUS), évêque de Côme en Lombardie (489).
Saint VICTOR, évêque de Capoue en Campanie (554)
3 APRILE feste santi e memorie
San Pancrazio di Taormina
Saint PANCRACE, disciple de l'apôtre Pierre, évêque de Taormina en Sicile et martyr (Ier siècle)
nacque ad Antiochia, in Cilicia, regione in cui risuonava forte dalla Palestina l’eco dei fatti prodigiosi narrati circa la vita di Gesù Cristo. Narra un’antca tradizione che San Pancrazio era appena adolescente, quando suo padre, attratto dalla fama dei miracoli e infiammato dal desiderio di vedere Gesù, decise di recarsi a Gerusalemme, portando con sé il figlio. Pancrazio ebbe così la straordinaria occasione di vederlo con i suoi occhi. Fatto ritorno ad Antiochia, ebbe poi modo “post Christi in caelum Ascensum”, cioè dopo l’ascensione di Gesù al cielo, come si legge nella “Vitae Sanctorum Siculorum”, di udire la predicazione di San Pietro. E proprio dall’apostolo venne battezzato, avviato al sacerdozio ed infine consacrato vescovo.
Nell’anno 40 d.C., nel tempo in cui era imperatore Caligola, San Pancrazio fu inviato da San Pietro in Sicilia quale primo vescovo di Taormina. Nella città sicula il protovescovo riuscì a convertire parecchi pagani, tra i quali lo stesso prefetto ed i suoi nemici si mobilitarono allora contro di lui per ucciderlo. Promotore dell’assassinio fu un pagano di nome Artagato, definito infatti “adoratore degli dei”. Egli, con un gruppo di amici, organizzo l’agguato: invitò San Pancrazio a casa sua per un banchetto e tentò di costringerlo a baciare un idolo di legno, oggetto che il vescovo con un segno di croce ridusse in frantumi. Ciò gli costò dunque la vita e venne immediatamente aggredito con bastoni, pugni, morsi, pietre e spade. Il suo cadavere fu infine occultato in un profondo pozzo, ma scoperto poi dai suoi discepoli ricevette finalmente degna sepoltura. La tradizione vuole che tale rinvenimento avvenne tramite un segno di luc: “Divinae lucis indicio repertum deinde corpus discipuli maximo cum luctu sepelivere». Quanto all’età di San Pancrazio si dice invece: “Vixit egregius Pastor ad summam senectutem, et Traiani principatus initia attigit”, cioè arrivò a tarda vecchiaia e visse sino agli inizi del regno di Traiano. Essendo questi asceso al trono romano nel 98 d.C., si presume che l’età di San Pancrazio al momento del martirio dovesse oscillare intorno ai novant’anni circa.
Quando la Sicilia passò sotto il dominio bizantino si intensificò ulteriormente nell’isola il culto di quei santi di origine orientale, fra cui appunto quello di San Pancrazio. Nel XV secoli i taorminesi introdussero il suo culto anche a Canicattì, che ancora oggi lo venera quale patrono.
The Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina, was born when our Lord Jesus Christ yet lived upon the earth.
The parents of Pancratius were natives of Antioch. Hearing the good news of Jesus Christ, Pancratius' father took his young son with him and went to Jerusalem in order to see the great Teacher for himself. The miracles astonished him, and when he heard the divine teaching, he then believed in Christ as the Son of God. He became close with the disciples of the Lord, especially with the holy Apostle Peter. It was during this period that young Pancratius got to know the holy Apostle Peter.
After the Ascension of the Savior, one of the Apostles came to Antioch and baptized the parents of Pancratius together with all their household. When the parents of Pancratius died, he left behind his inherited possessions and went to Pontus and began to live in a cave, spendng his days in prayer and deep spiritual contemplation. The holy Apostle Peter, while passing through those parts, visited Pancratius at Pontus. He took him along to Antioch, and then to Sicily, where the holy Apostle Paul then was. There the holy Apostles Peter and Paul made St Pancratius Bishop of Taormina in Sicily.
St Pancratius toiled zealously for the Christian enlightenment of the people. In a single month he built a church where he celebrated divine services. The number of believers quickly grew, and soon almost all the people of Taormina and the surrounding cities accepted the Christian Faith.
St Pancratius governed his flock peacefully for many years. However, pagans plotted against the saint, and seizing an appropriate moment, they fell upon him and stoned him. Thus, St Pancratius ended his life as a martyr.
The parents of Pancratius were natives of Antioch. Hearing the good news of Jesus Christ, Pancratius' father took his young son with him and went to Jerusalem in order to see the great Teacher for himself. The miracles astonished him, and when he heard the divine teaching, he then believed in Christ as the Son of God. He became close with the disciples of the Lord, especially with the holy Apostle Peter. It was during this period that young Pancratius got to know the holy Apostle Peter.
After the Ascension of the Savior, one of the Apostles came to Antioch and baptized the parents of Pancratius together with all their household. When the parents of Pancratius died, he left behind his inherited possessions and went to Pontus and began to live in a cave, spendng his days in prayer and deep spiritual contemplation. The holy Apostle Peter, while passing through those parts, visited Pancratius at Pontus. He took him along to Antioch, and then to Sicily, where the holy Apostle Paul then was. There the holy Apostles Peter and Paul made St Pancratius Bishop of Taormina in Sicily.
St Pancratius toiled zealously for the Christian enlightenment of the people. In a single month he built a church where he celebrated divine services. The number of believers quickly grew, and soon almost all the people of Taormina and the surrounding cities accepted the Christian Faith.
St Pancratius governed his flock peacefully for many years. However, pagans plotted against the saint, and seizing an appropriate moment, they fell upon him and stoned him. Thus, St Pancratius ended his life as a martyr.
Troparion - Tone 8
As a flaming arrow You were sent from on high
To the throne of Taormina to wound godless impiety
And to illumine the hearts of the faithful,
Confirming them in the faith through the word of God.
And having completed your course You did suffer unto bloodshed.
O Hieromartyr Pancratius, pray for all who praise your memory.
Troparion - Tone 4
By sharing in the ways of the Apostles,
you became you became a successor to their throne.
Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God;
by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, even to the shedding of your blood.
Hieromartyr Pancrátius entreat Christ God to save our souls.
Kontakion - Tone 8
You were a brilliant star in Taormina, O blessed Pancratius,
And You became a hieromartyr for Christ.
Standing before Him now, pray for those who honor you.
Kontakion - Tone 4
Pancrátius, you were revealed as a brilliant star for the people of Taormina;
you were also shown to be a sufferer for Christ.
Since you now stand before Him, O blessed one, pray for those who honor you.
As a flaming arrow You were sent from on high
To the throne of Taormina to wound godless impiety
And to illumine the hearts of the faithful,
Confirming them in the faith through the word of God.
And having completed your course You did suffer unto bloodshed.
O Hieromartyr Pancratius, pray for all who praise your memory.
Troparion - Tone 4
By sharing in the ways of the Apostles,
you became you became a successor to their throne.
Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God;
by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, even to the shedding of your blood.
Hieromartyr Pancrátius entreat Christ God to save our souls.
Kontakion - Tone 8
You were a brilliant star in Taormina, O blessed Pancratius,
And You became a hieromartyr for Christ.
Standing before Him now, pray for those who honor you.
Kontakion - Tone 4
Pancrátius, you were revealed as a brilliant star for the people of Taormina;
you were also shown to be a sufferer for Christ.
Since you now stand before Him, O blessed one, pray for those who honor you.
Saint SIXTE Ier, pape et patriarche de Rome (125).
San Giuseppe l’Innografo Monaco a Costantinopoli
Troparion — Tone 2
Come, let us acclaim the divinely inspired Joseph, / The twelve-stringed instrument of the Word, / The harmonious harp of grace and lute of heavenly virtues, / Who lauded and praised the assembly of the saints. / And now he is glorified with them.Kontakion — Tone 3
Your divinely inspired tongue was the pen of a ready scribe, /
according to the words of David. / You sang of the contests of the
saints / and described the grace they received through their labors. /
Therefore, we cry to you: “Rejoice, O blessed harp of holy melody!”
4 aprile feste santi e memorie
IN DEROGA Per quanto riguarda la chiesa di Roma Antica oggi voglio ricordare per il 4 aprile non già santi e sante della chiesa una ed indivisa(oggi i calendari coincidono9 quanto un santo post scisma e quindi solo della chiesa di Roma Antica caro comunque ai palermitani
San Benedetto il Moro Religioso
4 aprile - Comune
San Fratello (Messina), 1526 - 4 aprile 1589
- con santa Rosalia - della diocesi di Palermo, Benedetto Manassari
nacque a San Fratello (Messina) nel 1526 da genitori discendenti di
schiavi africani. A 21 anni entrò in una comunità
eremitica e visse sul Monte Pellegrino. Quando Pio IV sciolse la
comunità, passò ai Frati minori. Visse 24 anni nel convento di Santa
Maria di Gesù a Palermo come cuoco, superiore, maestro dei novizi,
infine ancora cuoco. Morto nel 1589 è santo dal 1807. (Avvenire)
5 aprile feste santi e memorie

sopra l'icona scrisse le parole: “O Cristo Dio, non resti confuso
chiunque spera in te”. Cronografo di Giovanni Skylitzes, cod. Vitr.
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