venerdì 31 gennaio 2014

1 febbraio santi feste e memorie

1 febbraio santi feste e memorie

Avant-fête de la Sainte Rencontre de Notre Seigneur, Dieu et Sauveur Jésus-Christ. (Office traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II des Ménées.)

Saints SATURUS, SATURNIN, SECONDUS, REVOCAT, PERPETUE et FELICITE, martyrs à Carthage lors de la persécution de Septime Sévère (vers 203).


Saint TRYPHON, martyr à Nicée lors de la persécution de Dèce(vers 250). (Un village du Valais porte son nom.) (Office traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II des Ménées. Office plus complet et plus récent traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II du Supplément aux Ménées. Acathiste traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.) Nacque a Camposede, borgata sull'Ellesponto, vicino a Nicea nella Frigia, nell'anno 232 d.C. Sin da bambino Trifone si consacrò con diligenza allo studio delle Sacre Scritture ed alla conoscenza del Santo Vangelo. Gli vengono attribuiti molti miracoli anche da vivo. Nell'anno 250, imperatore Decio,vi fu una delle più crudeli ed atroci persecuzioni contro i cristiani.Trifone, conosciuto per la sua fede indomita,venne fatto arrestare dal prefetto Aquilino. Ancora diciottenne fu condotto a Nicea ed ivi dopo tremende torture subì il martirio più atroce.
Le povere spoiglie furono riportate a Campsede dove furono custodite fino al 809,quando una nave veneziana,mentre ne stava traslando i resti a Venezia,sorpresa da una tempesta al largo di Cattaro in Montenegro,trovava quì riparo.Detta nave non ha potuto più riprendere la rotta,mentre per intercessione del Santo si susseguivano miracoli. Ben presto fu eretta una maestosa basilica in suo onore ed elevato a patrono della città dalmata.Ben presto il culto di detto Santo si espanse lungo tutta la costa orientale dell'Adriatico.
Nei primi anni del X secolo,il corpo del Santo senza la testa,veniva traslata a Roma in una chiesetta di Campo Marzio,diventata poi Basilica di Sant'Agostino.
Neanche quì le rimanenti e sante reliquie hanno potuto trovare la pce definitiva :
- Alcune furono portate a Ravello-Sa e da quì a Tramonti-Sa
- Diverse furono portate ad Onano-Vt,durante lapeste del XVI secolo.
- Altre furono traslate c.o l'abbazia di Altilia - santaseverina- Kr
- Diverse altre furono portate a Cerignola-Fg
- Alcune sono rimaste presso la Basilica di Sant'Agostino di Roma.
- Altre piccole reliquie sono sparse in diversi posti,fra cui Adelfia-Ba.



Saint EUBERT de Séclin, chorévêque, apôtre des Nervins et des Morins et patron de la ville de Lille (vers 294).

Saint THEION, martyr, mort par le glaive avec DEUX enfants.

Saint CARION, martyr, mort après avoir eu la langue arrachée.

Saint CECIL, évêque itinérant, missionnaire au Roussillon et en Espagne (IVème siècle).

Saint SEVERE, évêque de Ravenne et confesseur (348), sainte VINCENTIA son épouse devenue sa soeur spirituelle et sainte INNOCENTIA leur filledella sua vita purtroppo non si sa niente, tranne che il suo nome compare tra i partecipanti al Concilio di Sardica (antico nome di Sofia in Bulgaria), tenutosi nel 342-343, inoltre è fra i sottoscrittori dei canoni conciliari, della lettera sinodica a papa s. Giulio I (337-352) e di quella a tutti i vescovi.
Come riferiscono gli agiografi medioevali Agnello e Liutolfo, Severo morì un 1° febbraio in un anno dopo il 342 e in questo giorno venne ricordato nell  sntico Calendario italico, inserito poi nel Martirologio Geronimiano  venne sepolto nella zona di Classe presso Ravenna, detta del Vicus Salutaris, in un sacello chiamato monasterium S. Rophili aderente al Sud della basilica del secolo VI. 

http://www.santiebe /39350

Saint TORQUAT, évêque du Tricastin (sud de l'actuel département de la Drôme) (avant 371).

Saint PAUL, évêque du Tricastin, successeur de saint Torquat (vers 375). (La ville de Saint-Paul-Trois- Châteaux porte aujourd'hui son nom.)

Saint PIERRE le Galate, ascète dans la région d'Antioche (vers 404).

Sainte KINNIE, vierge irlandaise, baptisée par saint Patrick (Vème siècle).
Saint SEVERE, évêque de Monte-Falco en Ombrie (vers 445). 
Saint JARLATH, évêque d'Armagh en Irlande (480).

Sainte GALLE (GALLA), vierge à Valence sur le Rhône (VI ème siècle).

Saint PRECORD, Ecossais de nation, prêtre et ermite à Corbie et à Vailly en Picardie (VI ème siècle).

Saint CHARTIER, prêtre et confesseur en Berry (VI ème siècle).

Saint TRAJAN ou TUIAN, higoumène de Braspart en Bretagne (VI ème siècle).

Saint CREWENNA, Irlandais de nation, ascète en Cornouailles / Cornwall (VIème siècle).


Saint SEIRIOL, moine sur une île au large du Pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Saint IGNER, moine, missionnaire en Bretagne (VIème siècle).

Saint BENDEDIANOS (BENDIMIEN, VENDIMIEN), ascète au Mont Saint-Auxence près de Chalcédoine (vers 512).

Saint FAUSTE, higoumène du monastère d'Agaune (aujourd'hui Saint-Maurice) en Valais (513).


Sainte BRIGITTE, disciple de saint Patrick, abbesse du monastère de Kildare (Cell-Dar) dans la région de Dublin et thaumaturge (Irlande 523). 
O holy Brigid, thou didst become sublime through thy humility, and didst fly on the wings of thy longing for God. When thou didst arrive in the Eternal City and appear before thy Divine Spouse, wearing the crown of virginity, thou didst keep thy promise to remember those who have recourse to thee. Thou dost shower grace upon the world, and dost multiply miracles. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.
Sainte Brigite ne s'abandonnait pas au sommeil,Ni n'était peu appliquée à l'amour de Dieu;Non seulement elle n'acquit pas, mais elle ne rechercha pasLes richesses de ce monde ici bas, la sainte.

Sainte DARDULAQUE (DARLUDAQUE) , vierge, qui fut guérie par sainte Brigitte, deuxième abbesse de Kildare (Irlande 524).

Saint SEVER, higoumène près de Vire, puis évêque d'Avrenches en Normandie (vers 570).

Saint SOUR, ermite, puis fondateur et premier higoumène du monastère de Terrasson près de Sarlat dans le Périgord (vers 592).

Saint LEGER, évêque de Coutances (VIIème siècle).

Saint MARTIN, évêque du Velay (VIIème siècle).

Saint AGREVE, Espagnol de nation (?), évêque du Velay, et saint URSICIN, martyrs par la main des Ariens à Chiniacum, village du Vivarais aujourd'hui appelé Saint-Agrève (vers 650). 

Saint SIEGBERT III, roi d'Austrasie, un des illustres saints de la maison de France, remarquable par sa piété (654). 
 Metz in Austrasia, oggi in Francia, san Sigisberto III, re, che costruì i monasteri di Stavelot, Malmédy e molti altri e distribuì con generosità elemosine alle chiese e ai poveri. 

Saint INGELMUND, Frison de nation, higoumène d'un monastère en Angleterre, puis missionnaire dans le nord de la Frise (vers 700).

Saint NIL le Nouveau, charpentier, martyr à Damas par la main des Musulmans (779).

Saints DAVID, SYMEON et GEORGES de Mytilène, frères selon la chair, moines (784, 843 et 844).

Saint OURS, prêtre à Aoste, confesseur contre l'iconoclasme qui infestait les Alpes à cause de l'hérésie de Claude de Turin (début du IXème siècle).
 Sembra fosse un presbitero di Aosta, che aveva il compito di custodire e celebrare, nella chiesa cimiteriale di san Pietro. Sant'Orso, uomo semplice, pacifico e altruista, viveva da eremita trascorrendo il tempo nella preghiera continua, sia di giorno che di notte, dedito al lavoro manuale per procurarsi il cibo per vivere, accogliendo e consolando e aiutando tutti quelli che a lui accorrevano. Il tutto costellato da miracoli e prodigi, testimonianza della sua santità. Se incerto è il periodo in cui visse (fra il V e l'VIII secolo), più sicuro è il giorno della morte, che poi è diventato il giorno della sua festa: 1 febbrai
Saint EVRARD, archevêque de Sens en Bourgogne (888).

Saint BASILE le Confesseur, évêque de Thessalonique (vers 895).

Dédicace de l'église du Christ-Sauveur à Armoladis ou Armouladis.

Sainte BRIGITTE, Ecossaise de nation, moniale à Fiésole en Italie (début du Xème siècle).

Saint RIZCALLAH IBN NAB', martyr à Tripoli du Liban par la main des Musulmans (1363 ou 1365).

Saint TRYPHON, évêque de Rostov (Russie 1468).

Saint TRYPHON de Petchenga et Kola, apôtre de la Laponie (1583). (Mémoire principale le 15 décembre.)

Saint ANASTASE, peintre, martyr par la main des Musulmans (Nauplie 1655).

Saint PIERRE SKIPETROV, prêtre, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1918).

Saint NICOLAS, prêtre, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1938).

giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

31 gennaio feste santi e memorie

31 gennaio feste santi e memorie

Saints VICTORIN, VICTOR, NICEPHORE, CLAUDE, DIODORE, SERAPION et PAPIAS, martyrs à Corinthe sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).

Saints VICTOR, PUBLIUS, SATURNIN et POLYCARPE, martyrs en Afrique.


Troparion — Tone 4

Your holy martyr Athanasia, O Lord, / Through her sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, she laid low her adversaries, / And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through her intercessions, save our souls!
Image:Byzantinischer Maler des 7. Jahrhunderts 001.jpg

Saints CYR et JEAN, anargyres, et sainte ATHANASIE et ses filles THEODOTE, THEOCTISTIE et EUDOXIE, martyrs sous Dioclétien (vers 303). (Office à saints Cyr et Jean traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome I des Ménées.)Giovanni fu soldato e Ciro fu monaco dopo aver esercitato l'arte medica: ad Alessandria si mostrava, incorporata alla chiesa dei «Tre Fanciulli», la camera dove Ciro riceveva i clienti  Ciro e Giovanni, avendo un giorno saputo che quattro cristiane di Canopo, Teodosia (o Teodota), Teotista, Eudossia, e la loro madre Atanasia erano state arrestate si portarono a Canopo per incoraggiarle a non venire meno alla loro fede, ma furono anch'essi arrestati e condannati a morte, come avveniva contemporaneamente per le quattro cristiane. Gli uni e le altre furono decapitati verso il 303, sotto Diocleziano. Al principio del sec. V le reliquie dei ss. Ciro e Giovanni risposavano nella chiesa di S. Marco ad Alessandria.

Troparion — Tone 5

You have given us the miracles of Your martyrs, Cyrus and John, / as an invincible rampart; / through their prayers, frustrate the plans of the heathens, / and strengthen the faith of the Orthodox Christians, / for You alone are good and love mankind.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Podoben: “Today the Virgin...” / Having received the gift of miracles through divine grace, O saints, / you work wonders in the world unceasingly. / You remove all of our passions through your invisible surgery, / divinely-wise Cyrus and glorious John, / for you are truly divine physicians.

Saints FIRMUS et RUSTICUS, martyrs à Vérone sous Maximien (303). 
Con questi nomi ci sono stati in Africa del Nord due martiri: Fermo, che morì a Cartagine (di fame) al tempo imperatore Decio, promotore di una delle più dure persecuzioni contro i cristiani (249-251). E Rustico, che invece fu ucciso con altri a Lambesa (Algeria) nel 259, sotto imperatore Valeriano.
I loro resti si trovano a Verona, in San Fermo Maggiore, singolare complesso sacro formato da due chiese costruite in tempi diversi l 'una sopra l' altra, nel XIII secolo e poi nel XIII-XIV

Sainte martyre TRIPHENE de Cyzique.

Saint GEMINIEN, premier évêque de Modène en Emilie (348).

Sainte MARCELLE, veuve et ascète à Rome (410). Appartenne ad una delle piú illustri famiglie romane: quella dei Marcelli (secondo altri dei Claudi). Nacque verso il 330, ma non ebbe la giovinezza felice, essendo ben presto rimasta orfana del padre. Contratto matrimonio in giovane età fu nuovamente colpita da un gravissimo lutto per la morte del marito avvenuta sette mesi dopo la celebrazione delle nozze. Questi luttuosi avvenimenti fecero maggiormente riflettere Marcella sulla caducità delle cose terrene tanto piú che nella fanciullezza era rimasta assai affascinata dalle mirabili attività del grande anacoreta Antonio, narrate nella sua casa dal vescovo Atanasio (340-343).
Lo spirito ascetico propugnato dal monachesimo, consistente nell'abbandono di ogni bene mondano, andò sempre piú conquistando l'animo della giovane vedova. Quando perciò le furono offerte vantaggiose seconde nozze col console Cereale (358), nonostante le premurose pressioni della madre Albina, oppose al ventilato matrimonio un netto rifiuto, motivato dal desiderio di dedicarsi interamente ad una vita ritirata facendo professione di perfetta castità.
Cosí Marcella, secondo s. Girolamo, fu la prima matrona romana che sviluppò fra le famiglie nobili i principi del monachesimo. Il suo maestoso palazzo dell'Aventino andò trasformandosi in un asceterio ove confluirono altre nobili romane come Sofronia, Asella, Principia, Marcellina, Lea; la stessa madre Albina si associò a questa nuova forma d i vita.
Piú che di vita monastica in senso stretto può parlarsi di gruppi ascetici senza precise regole, ma ispirati ai principi di austerità e di disprezzo del mondo, propri della scuola egiziana, assai conosciuti attraverso la vita di s. Antonio e le frequenti visite di monaci orientali. Lo stesso vescovo di Alessandria, Pietro, fu nel 373 ospite della casa Marcella e narrò la vita e le regole dei monaci egiziani.
Porse proprio dopo il 373 la casa di Marcella divenne un vero centro di propaganda monastica. Riservatezza, penitenza, digiuno, preghiera, studio, vesti dimesse, esclusione di vane conversazioni furono il quadro della vita quotidiana quale risulta dalle lettere di s. Girolamo, divenuto dal 382 il direttore spirituale del gruppo ascetico dell'Aventino. Nella domus di Marcella entravano vergini e vedove, preti e monaci per intrattenersi in conversazioni basate specialmente sulla S. Scrittura. Il sacro testo, specie il Salterio, non fu studiato solo superficialmente: per meglio comprenderne il significato Marcella imparò l'ebraico e sottopose al dotto Girolamo molte questioni esegetiche, come ne fanno fede varie lettere a lei dirette. Fra Girolamo e Marcella si strinse una profonda spirituale amicizia, continuata anche dopo la partenza del monaco per la Palestina.
Tuttavia questa donna fu di spirito piú moderato tanto da non condividere pienamente le violente diatribe e le acerbe polemiche del dotto esegeta. Simile moderazione dimostrò nelle pratiche ascetiche; pur amando e professando la povertà non alienò in favore della Chiesa e dei poveri tutti i suoi beni patrimoniali, anche per non recare dispiacere alla madre. Né volle trasferirsi a Betlemme, nonostante una pressante lettera delle amiche Paola ed Eustochio. Preferí invece continuare la diffusione della vita ascetica e penitente in Roma; per molti anni infatti la sua domus dell'Aventino rimase un cenacolo ascetico specie fra le vergini e le vedove della nobiltà.
Verso la fine del IV sec. si trasferí in un luogo piú isolato nelle vicinanze di Roma, forse un suo ager suburbanus, nel quale visse con la vergine Principia come madre e figlia. Rientrò in Roma nel 410 sotto il timore dell'invasione gota; in tale occasione Marcella subí percosse e maltrattamenti e a stento riuscí a salvare Principia dalle mani dei barbari, rifugiandosi nella basilica di S. Paolo.
Morí nello stesso anno e la sua festa è celebrata il 31 gennaio. 

Saints JULES, prêtre, et JULIEN, diacre, Grecs de nation, frères selon la chair et apôtres des îles du Lac Majeur (Lago Maggiore) entre la Lombardie et le Tessin (Vème siècle). Saint Jules est le patron d'Orta dans le Novarais. Giulio e Giuliano erano fratelli oriundi della Grecia; educati cristianarnente dai genitori, abbracciarono lo stato clericale e Giulio fu ordinato presbitero mentre Giuliano diacono.
Nauseati dagli errori diffusi dagli eretici e per sfuggire alle loro persecuzioni, decisero di allontanarsi dalla patria; si recarono allora dall'imperatore Teodosio dal quale ottennero l'autorizzazione a distruggere altari e boschi pagani ed edificare chiese cristiane. Passati poi in Italia dimorarono per un po' di tempo nei pressi di Roma ad Aqua Salvia, quindi attraversarono il Lazio e pervennero nell'Italia settentrionale predicando, convertendo molti alla vera fede e soprattutto edificando un. cospicuo numero di chiese, che raggiunsero il centinaio. Le due ultime le costruirono nei pressi del lago di Orta e precisamente la novantanovesima a Gozzano, dedicata a s. Lorenzo, dove rimase Giuliano che ivi anche morì e vi fu sepolto; l'altra, la centesima, Giulio la costruì sulla piccola isola esistente nel lago, dedicandola agli apostoli Pietro e Paolo e nella quale egli stesso fu poi sepolto.

Saint GEMINIEN III, évêque de Modène (458 ou 460). Saint GAUD (VALDUS, WALDUS), évêque d'Evreux, puis ermite à Scicy (491).

Saint MADOES ou MADIANUS (Ecosse).

Saint POUANGE, confesseur en Champagne (VIème siècle).

Saint WILGIS, père de saint Willibrord, ermite en Angleterre (VIIème siècle).

Saint NICET (NIZET, NICETIUS), évêque de Besançon (vers 611).

Saint AIDAN ou MAEDOC, évêque en Irlande (626). 
A Ferns in Irlanda, san Maedóc o Aidano, vescovo, che fondò in questo luogo un cenobio e rifulse per la grande austerità di vita. 
Saint ADAMNAN, Irlandais de nation, moine en Ecosse (vers 680).

Sainte ULPHIE, solitaire près d'Amiens (VIIIème siècle).

Saint BOBIN ou BOCIN, moine à Moutier-La Celle, puis évêque de Troyes (vers 766).

Saint ATHANASE, Sicilien de nation, évêque de Méthone dans le Péloponnèse (vers 880).

Saint EUSEBE, Irlandais de nation, moine à Saint-Gall puis ermite dans le Vorarlberg, martyr par la main des impies (884). AViktorsberg vicino a Rankweil nella Baviera meridionale, oggi in Austria, santo Eusebio, che, nato in Irlanda, fu pellegrino per Cristo e, divenuto poi monaco nel cenobio di San Gallo, visse infine da eremita.

Saint NICETAS, reclus de la Laure des Grottes de Kiev, puis évêque de Novgorod (1108). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome I du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Saint Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, in his youth entered the Kiev Caves monastery and soon wished to become a hermit. The igumen cautioned him that such an exploit was premature for a young monk, but he, trusting in his own strength, would not listen.

In the hermitage St Nikita fell into temptation. The devil appeared to him in the guise of an angel, and the inexperienced ascetic bowed down to him. The devil gave him advice, speaking as if to one who had attained perfection: "Don't bother to pray, just read and study other things, and I shall pray in your place." He stood near the hermit, giving the appearance of praying. The deceived monk Nikita came to surpass everyone in his knowledge of the Books of the Old Testament, but he would not speak about the Gospel, nor did he wish to hear it read.

The Elders of the Kiev Caves went to the monk, and after they had prayed, they expelled the devil from him. After this St Nikita remained a hermit with the blessing of the Elders, and lived in strict fasting and prayer, surpassing everyone in obedience and humility.

Through the prayer of the holy Elders, the merciful Lord brought him up from the depths of his fall to a high degree of spiritual perfection. Afterwards, he was made Bishop of Novgorod, and for his holy life God granted him the gift of wonderworking. Once, during a time of drought, he brought rain from the heavens by his prayers. Another time, he stopped a fire in the city. St Nikita guided the Novgorod flock for thirteen years, and then peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in 1109.

In 1558, during the reign of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, Bishop Nikita was glorified as a saint. His relics now rest in the church of the holy Apostle Philip in Novgorod. He is also commemorated on May 14.

St Nikita is invoked for protection against lightning and fire. People also turn to the Most Holy Theotokos, glorified in her "Unburnt Bush Icon" (September 4), for this purpose.

Saint PACHÔME, fondateur du monastère de Kiensk (Russie 1525).

Saint ELIE ARDOUNIS, mort par le feu à Calamas (Péloponnèse) par la main des Musulmans (1686). 

Saint ARSENE de Paros, hiéromoine (Cyclades, 1877). 
Saint Arsenius was born on January 31, 1800 in Ioannina, Epirus of pious Orthodox parents. In holy Baptism he was given the name Athanasius. His parents died when he was quite young. He was only nine years old when he made his way to Kydoniai, Asia Minor, where he was received by Hieromonk Gregory Saraphis and enrolled in his school. His humility and piety endeared him to Fr Gregory and also to the other teachers. The boy remained at the school for five years, surpassing the other students in learning and in virtue.

One day the renowned Spiritual Father Daniel of Zagora, Thessaly came to the school to hear confessions. Athanasius became Daniel's disciple, remaining with him until the latter's death.

Not long after this, Fr Daniel decided to go to the Holy Mountain for quiet and spiritual struggles. Athanasius begged his Elder not to leave him, but to take him with him. He expressed the desire to travel to Mt. Athos, the Garden of the All-Holy Virgin, and to become a monk.

Fr Daniel instructed Athanasius in the monastic life, which is called "the art of arts, and the science of sciences." The holy Elder was a perfect teacher who was accomplished in the spiritual life, and Athanasius was an attentive student. After a time Fr Daniel tonsured his pupil, and told him he had to learn three important lessions. First, he must cut off his own will. Secondly, he must acquire humility. Finally, he must learn obedience. "If you cut off your will, if you become humble, and if you practice perfect obedience, you will also make progress in the other virtues, and God will glorify you."

After a further period of testing, Fr Daniel tonsured Athanasius into the Great Schema and gave him the name Arsenius. The saint remained on Mt. Athos with his Elder for six years. Then they had to leave the Holy Mountain because of the agitation against the so-called "Kollyvades," who called for a strict adherence to Holy Tradition. The name comes from the kollyva (boiled wheat) used in the memorial service. Part of the controversy involved the debate on whether it was proper to serve memorial services for the dead on Sunday. The Kollyvades believed that these services were inappropriate for the Day of Resurrection, but should be served on Saturday. The Kollyvades advocated frequent Communion, rather than the practice of receiving the Holy Mysteries only a few times during the year. When Fr Daniel and St Arsenius left Athos, it was probably due to the animosity of those who opposed the Kollyvades.

Early in 1821, before the Greek War of Independence, they went to the Monastery of Pendeli near Athens. Their stay was a brief one, for Fr Daniel forsaw the destruction of the monastery by the Turks.

The two made their way to the Cyclades Islands in the southern Aegean Sea. First they stopped at Paros, perhaps because some of the Kollyvades had settled there. Eventually, they decided to live on the island of Pholegandros. Since there were no teachers for the children, the inhabitants entreated Fr Daniel to allow St Arsenius to instruct their children. The Elder agreed, and had Arsenius ordained as a deacon. Then he was appointed to the teaching post by the government.

The saint remained there as a teacher from 1829-1840. He taught the required subjects in school, but he also helped his students to form a good character, and to live as pious Christians.

In 1840 St Arsenius entered the Monastery of St George on the island of Paros. Elder Daniel had passed away in 1837. Before his repose, he asked his disciple to take his remains to Mt. Athos after two years. St Arsenius left Plolegandros in obedience to Fr Daniel's request, planning to stop on Paros then continue to the Holy Mountain. On Paros the abbot of St George's Monastery, Fr Elias Georgiadis, told St Arsenius that it was God's will for him to remain on Paros. This was providential, because Mt. Athos was undergoing great difficulty after the Greek War of Independence. 3,000 Turkish soldiers occupied Athos, resulting in the departure of 5,000 of the 6,000 monks.

St Arsenius joined the community at St George's Monastery on the northern end of Paros. There he found spiritual strivers of true wisdom and excellent conduct, who were worthy models for him to follow.

When he was ordained to the holy priesthood at the age of forty-seven, St Arsenius intensified his spiritual efforts. Every day he studied the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers, and became adept at the unceasing prayer of the heart. He also began to show forth the gift of tears. In this, he resembled his patron St Arsenius the Great (May 8), who continuously wept tears of contrition.

Gradually, the inhabitants of Paros came to recognize him as an outstanding Father Confessor and spiritual guide. Whenever he stood before the holy altar, he felt that he was standing before God. He served with great compunction, and his face often became radiant like the face of an angel.

As his virtues became known to people, they flocked to him from near and far. He received all with paternal affection, treating each one with the proper spiritual medicine which would restore their souls to health.

A certain girl from Syros came to the Convent of the Transfiguration to visit her sister, who was a nun. The nun had previously been informed that her sister had fallen into a serious sin. When she learned that the girl was outside the doors of the convent, the nun screamed at her, "Go far away from here. Since you are defiled, you will defile the convent and the nuns." Instead of feeling pity for her sister, and trying to lead her to repentance, the nun and some of the other nuns struck the poor girl and told her to go away.

The wretched girl cried, "I have made a mistake. Forgive me!"

The nun shrieked, "Go away, or I will kill you to wash away the shame you have brought to our family."

"Have you no pity, my sister, don't you share my pain?"

"No," the nun shouted, "you are not my sister, you are a foul harlot."

"Where shall I go?" she sobbed.

"Go and drown yourself," was the heartless reply.

The poor girl fled from the convent, bleeding and wounded, intending to kill herself. At that very moment, St Arsenius was on his way to visit the convent. Seeing the girl in such a state, he asked her what was wrong. She explained that she had been led astray by corrupt men and women. Realizing her sin, she went to the convent to ask her sister for help

"See what they have done to me, Elder. What do you advise me to do? Shall I drown myself, or leap off a cliff?"

"I do not advise you to do either, my child. If you wish, I shall take you with me and heal the wounds of your soul and body," he said gently.

"Where will you take me?" the miserable girl asked.

"To the convent, my child."

"I beg you not to take me there, Elder. My sister and the other nuns said they would kill me if I came back."

The saint replied, "Do not be afraid. They will not kill you, because I shall entrust you to Christ, and no one will be able to harm you."

"Very well," she said, "If you entrust me to Christ I will not be afraid of them, for Christ is more powerful than they."

St Arsenius led her to the convent, consoling her and encouraging her to repentance and confession. After hearing her confession, he made her a nun. Then he called all the nuns into the church and severely rebuked those who wounded the girl. He reminded them of the parable of the Prodigal Son, and of how Christ had come to save sinners. He often associated with sinners, showing them great love and mercy.

"You, however, have done the opposite. Though you knew that her soul had been wounded by the devil, you did not feel sorry for her. You did not embrace her and try to save her from further sin, but you attacked her and beat her. Then you urged her to kill herself. Now I, your Spiritual Father, tell you that you are not nuns, you are not Christians, you are not even human beings. You are devoid of compassion, affection, and sympathy. You are murderesses! Therefore, I forbid you to receive Holy Communion for three years, unless you recognize your sin. Repent and confess, weep and ask forgiveness from God and from me, your Spiritual Father, and from the other nuns who did not participate in your sinful behavior."

The nuns began to weep bitterly and they repented. Thus, he lessened their penance and forgave them. He gave the girl's sister the penance of not receiving Holy Communion for a whole year. Because the other nuns had shared in this sin, he would not permit them to receive Communion for six months.

St Arsenius foresaw his death a month before it occurred. At the Liturgy for the Feast of St Basil, he announced that he would soon depart from them. With great effort, he was able to serve for the Feast of the Theophany. After the service, he told some nuns that this had been his last Liturgy.

News of the saint's illness and approaching death spread quickly to all the villages of Paros. People wept because they were about to lose their Spiritual Father, and they hastened to bid him farewell and to receive his blessing.

On the eve of his repose, he called the nuns of the convent to come to him. He told them that the next day he would leave this temporary life and enter into eternal life.

On January 31, 1877 St Arsenius received Holy Communion for the last time and fell asleep in the Lord. For three days, people came to kiss his body, then they followed the funeral procession to the burial site which he himself had selected.

St Arsenius of Paros was glorified by the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1967. He is also commemorated on August 18 (the uncovering of his relics).

mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

I Santi Tre Gerachi Elogio Iconografico


Les TROIS SAINTS DOCTEURS: Basile le Grand, Grégoire le Théologien et Jean Chrysostome. (Office traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome I des Ménées. Acathiste traduit par le père Denis Guillaume au tome I du Supplément aux Ménées.) 
Que nous tous qui aimons leurs paroles nous nous rassemblions avec des hymnes,Pour honorer les trois grands luminaires de la Divinité Tri-Une,Basile le Grand, Grégoire le Théologien et Jean Chrysostome.Ces hommes ont illuminé le monde avec les rayons de leurs divines doctrines.Ce sont des rivières débordantes de sagesse,Qui ont irrigué toute la création avec les sources de la connaissance céleste.Ils ne cessent d'intercéder pour nous auprès de la Sainte Trinité. (1)

Troparion — Tone 1

Let us who love their words gather together / and honor with hymns the three great torch-bearers of the triune Godhead: / Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. / These men have enlightened the world with the rays of their divine doctrines. / They are sweetly-flowing rivers of wisdom / filling all creation with springs of heavenly knowledge. / Ceaselessly they intercede for us before the Holy Trinity!

Kontakion — Tone 2

O Lord, You have taken up to eternal rest / and to the enjoyment of Your blessings / the divinely-inspired heralds, the greatest of Your teachers, / for You have accepted their labors and deaths as a sweet-smelling sacrifice, / for You alone are glorified in Your saints!

Basilio il grande, Gregorio il Teologo, Giovanni il Crisostomo.
Questa festa fu istituita intorno al 1100 durante il regno dell'Imperatore Alessio I, Comneno. Era sorta, tra gli uomini virtuosi e illustri di quel tempo,una disputa su chi fosse il più grande di questi tre Santi Padri; si era giunti a tal punto che c'erano tre fazioni ognuna della quali sosteneva il rispettivo santo. Desiderosi di mettere fine a questa disputa e ristabilire l'unità, i tre Santi Padri apparvero al santo vescovo di Euchaita, Giovanni Mavropous rivelandogli che,davanti al trono di Dio, essi hanno la stessa gloria. Inoltre, essi chiesero al santo vescovo di comporre un'ufficiatura comune in loro onore.