prophète EZECHIEL (VIème siècle avant NSJC). (Office traduit en français
par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Troparion (Tone 3)
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, O Prophet of God, thou didst proclaim the fulfilment of mysteries: God the Word's ineffable abasement and the resurrection of the dead from all past ages. O glorious Ezekiel, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, O Prophet of God, thou didst proclaim the fulfilment of mysteries: God the Word's ineffable abasement and the resurrection of the dead from all past ages. O glorious Ezekiel, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Saint VITAL, martyr à Ravenne (IIème siècle).

Sainte VALERIE, épouse de saint Vital, martyre à Milan en Lombardie (IIème siècle).
Saint APOLLONIUS, sénateur romain, martyr sous Commode (183).

Saint APOLLINAIRE, Syrien de nation, premier évêque de Ravenne en Emilie-Romagne, plutôt confesseur que martyr (vers 200). (Office à saint Apollinaire de Ravenne et saint Valérien de Cimiez composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Saint EUGENE, martyr à Rome.
Saint RASYPHE, martyr à Rome.
Sainte PRIMITIVE, vierge et martyre à Rome.
SEPT martyrs de Chaldia (d'autres disent de Carthage ou de Chalcédoine).
Saints TROPHIME, THEOPHILE, JUSTE, MATTHIEU et leurs compagnons, martyrs à Rome sous Dioclétien (entre 284 et 305). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Saint EUGENE, martyr à Rome.
Saint RASYPHE, martyr à Rome.
Sainte PRIMITIVE, vierge et martyre à Rome.
SEPT martyrs de Chaldia (d'autres disent de Carthage ou de Chalcédoine).
Saints TROPHIME, THEOPHILE, JUSTE, MATTHIEU et leurs compagnons, martyrs à Rome sous Dioclétien (entre 284 et 305). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Troparion (Tone 4)Thy
Holy Martyr Theophilus, O Lord, by his struggle hath received from
thee, our God, the imperishable crown; because, acquiring thy strength,
he demolished usurpers and crushed the powerless might of Satan.
Therefore, through his intercessions, O Christ God, save our souls
Saint LIBOIRE, évêque du Mans (vers 397). On l'invoque contre les maladies de la pierre, de la gravelle et de l'hydropisie.


Translation des reliques du saint hiéromartyr Phocas, évêque de Sinope (404-405). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII des Ménées.)
Saint THYRSOS (THERISSOS), évêque de Carpasia sur l'île de Chypre.
Saint VALERIEN, moine de Lérins, puis évêque de Cimiez (Cemelenum) dans le comté de Nice (vers 460). (Office à saint Apollinaire de Ravenne et saint Valérien de Cimiez composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Sainte SEVE (LOEVA, SEO), soeur de saint Tugdual, missionnaire en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Sainte EDWETTE, solitaire à Esquibien / Audierne en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint TEBIA, ermite à Landebie/Plancoët en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Sainte ROMULE (ROMULA), vierge romaine, morte au cours d'un pélerinage en Palestine (580).
Mémoire des SAINTS MARTYRS, peut-être au nombre de deux cent cinquante, qui furent mis à mort par les Bulgares encore païens après la défaite et la mort de l'empereur Nicéphore Ier (811).

Sainte ANNE, ascète à Leucade (vers 918).
L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Potchaïev (Volhynie 1559). (Autre commémoration le 8 septembre.)
Commémoration de l'apparition miraculeuse de la Mère de Dieu, qui sauva le monastère de Potchaïev de l'attaque des Turcs et des Tatars (Volhynie 1675).
Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is among the most venerable sacred
items of the Orthodox Church. Located at the Dormition Cathedral,
Pochaev, Ukraine, the icon is renowned throughout the Slavic world and
is venerated by Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Christians of
other confessions also come to venerate the wonderworking image of the
Most Holy Theotokos, together with the Orthodox. The wonderworking icon
has been kept at the Pochaev Lavra, an ancient bastion of Orthodoxy, for
about 400 years. (The account of the transfer of the icon to the
Pochaev monastery is found under September 8). The miracles which issued
forth from the holy icon are numerous and are testified to in the
monastery books with the signatures of the faithful who have been
delivered from unclean spirits, liberated from captivity, and sinners
brought to their senses.
In the year 1721, Pochaev was occupied by Uniates. Even in this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle notes 539 miracles from the glorified Orthodox icon. During the time of the Uniate rule in the second half of the eighteenth century, for example, the Uniate nobleman Count Nicholas Pototski became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra through the following miraculous circumstance. Having accused his coachman of overturning the carriage with frenzied horses, the count took out a pistol to shoot him. The coachman, turning towards Pochaev Hill, reached his hands upwards and cried out: "Mother of God, manifest in the Pochaev Icon, save me!" Pototski several times tried to shoot the pistol, which had never let him down, but the weapon misfired. The coachman remained alive. Pototski then immediately went to the wonderworking icon and decided to devote himself and all his property to the building-up of the monastery. From his wealth the Dormition cathedral was built, as well as buildings for the brethren.
The return of Pochaev into the bosom of Orthodoxy in 1832 was marked by the miraculous healing of the blind maiden Anna Akimchukova, who had come on pilgrimage to the holy things together with her seventy-year-old grandmother from Kremenets-Podolsk, 200 versts away. In memory of this event, the Volhynia archbishop and Lavra archimandrite Innocent (1832-1840) established the reading of the Akathist on Saturdays before the wonderworking icon. During the time of Archimandrite Agathangelus, Archbishop of Volhynia (1866-1876), a separate chapel was constructed in the galleries of the Holy Trinity church in memory of the victory over the Tatars, which was dedicated on July 23, 1875.
The Pochaev Icon is also commemorated on Friday of Bright Week and on September
In the year 1721, Pochaev was occupied by Uniates. Even in this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle notes 539 miracles from the glorified Orthodox icon. During the time of the Uniate rule in the second half of the eighteenth century, for example, the Uniate nobleman Count Nicholas Pototski became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra through the following miraculous circumstance. Having accused his coachman of overturning the carriage with frenzied horses, the count took out a pistol to shoot him. The coachman, turning towards Pochaev Hill, reached his hands upwards and cried out: "Mother of God, manifest in the Pochaev Icon, save me!" Pototski several times tried to shoot the pistol, which had never let him down, but the weapon misfired. The coachman remained alive. Pototski then immediately went to the wonderworking icon and decided to devote himself and all his property to the building-up of the monastery. From his wealth the Dormition cathedral was built, as well as buildings for the brethren.
The return of Pochaev into the bosom of Orthodoxy in 1832 was marked by the miraculous healing of the blind maiden Anna Akimchukova, who had come on pilgrimage to the holy things together with her seventy-year-old grandmother from Kremenets-Podolsk, 200 versts away. In memory of this event, the Volhynia archbishop and Lavra archimandrite Innocent (1832-1840) established the reading of the Akathist on Saturdays before the wonderworking icon. During the time of Archimandrite Agathangelus, Archbishop of Volhynia (1866-1876), a separate chapel was constructed in the galleries of the Holy Trinity church in memory of the victory over the Tatars, which was dedicated on July 23, 1875.
The Pochaev Icon is also commemorated on Friday of Bright Week and on September
L'apparizione Mariana avvenne
nel 1340 a due monaci che stavano pregando sulla cima della collina di
Pochaiev (Volinia), luogo su cui più tardi sorgerà la celeberrima Lavra.
Anche un guardiano di greggi ebbe la medesima visione e tutti e 3 si
inginocchiarono lodando Dio. La Madre di Dio lasciò l'impronta del suo
piede destro nella roccia.
nel XVI secolo un metropolita di Costantinopoli in visita pastorale agli ortodossi della Volinia regalò ad una nobildonna l'Icona Mariana che aveva con sè. Questa Icona si dimostrò subito taumaturgica effettuando molti miracoli (tra cui la guarigione del fratello della citata nobile) tanto che la nobildonna portò l'Icona nella chiesa costruita sul luogo dell'apparizione e dedicata alla Dormizione della Deipara e nel contempo finanziò i lavori di costruzione di un monastero, la Laura di Pochaiev per l'appunto. Il monastero conserva ancora i registri di tutti i miracoli avvenuti (molte centinaia) e proseguiti anche dopo la sciagurata occupazione della Laura da parte degli Uniati (XVIII secolo), grazie a Dio questa parentesi fu breve e nel XIX secolo questo bastione dell'Ortodossia ritornò nelle mani della corretta Fede e subito si verificò un altro miracolo: la restituzione della vista ad una nobile che vi era andata in pellegrinaggio. |
Translation des reliques de saint Germain, évêque de Kazan (Russie 1704).

Sainte PELAGIE, moniale à Tinos, à qui la Mère de Dieu révéla en 1822 l'emplacement de la célèbre icône de Tinos (1834).

-ovviamente molto divulgativo -
23 Luglio, giorno di commemorazione della Monaca
Pelagia che ha avuto il grande privilegio di vedere nella sua umile
cella la Vergine e di ascoltare il primo messaggio per il rinvenimento
dell Icona. Per l occasione e di buon mattino la santa
Immagine, scortata dalle Monache e da una folla di fedeli, viene
trasportata dal Santuario fino al Monastero di Pelagia, dove viene
celebrata La Divina Liturgia in segno di gioia. Nel pomeriggio, ancora
un Ufficio di paraclisis viene cantato nella cella di Pelagia,
dove il visitatore può vedere ancora gli oggetti appartenuti
all umile Monaca: il suo letto e l austero arredo; il
visitatore può anche chinarsi per venerare la santa reliquia della sua
testa. Sul far della sera, l Icona è riportata in Processione nel
Santuario, scortata dal Clero e da migliaia di fedeli.

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "JOIE DE TOUS LES AFFLIGES" où l'Enfantrice de Dieu distribue des kopecks aux pauvres (1888).
Saint NECTAIRE (Trezvinsky), évêque de Iaransk, martyr par la main des Communistes.
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