Saint VALENTIN, évêque, martyr à Toro en Espagne sous Trajan (entre 98 et 116).
Saint ELEUCADE, évêque de Ravenne (vers 112).
Saint ELEUCADE, évêque de Ravenne (vers 112).
Saint VALENTIN, prêtre, martyr à Rome sous Claude II le Gothique (vers 269).
Saint VALENTIN Ier, évêque de Terni, martyr sous Aurélien (vers 273).
San Valentino ed i suoi discepoli, Codex: Français 185, Fol. 210. Vite di santi, Francia, Parigi, XIV secolo.
Saints PROCULE, EPHEBE et APOLLONIUS, martyrs à Terni (273).
Saints VITAL, FELICULA et ZENON, martyrs à Rome.
Saints VITAL, VITALIEN et QUARANTE-QUATRE soldats, martyrs à Spolète en Ombrie.
Saints ANTHIME, MARCIEN, TIAN, CELERIN, MAGNE et JULIEN, martyrs à Rome sur la Via Flaminiana.
Saint PHILEMON ou PHILIPPE, évêque de Gaza,martyr.
Saint PAULIEN, évêque du Velay (Vème ou VIème siècle).
(L'ancienne capitale du Velay, Ruessum, est aujourd'hui devenue le village de Saint-Paulien dans le département de la Haute-Loire.)
Saint ABRAHAM, ascète au Mont-Liban, puis évêque de Carrhes (Harran) en Mésopotamie, mort lors d'un voyage à Constantinople (423).
Abraham, Bishop of
Charres, lived during the mid-fourth and early fifth centuries, and was
born in the city of Cyrrhus. In his youth he entered a monastery. Later
he became a hermit in Lebanon, a place where many pagans lived.
St Abraham suffered much vexation from the pagans, who wanted to expel him from their area. He once saw tax-collectors beating those who were unable to pay. Moved to pity, he paid the taxes for them, and those people later accepted Christ.
The Christian inhabitants of this village built a church and they fervently besought St Abraham to accept the priesthood and become their pastor. The monk fulfilled their wish. Having encouraged his flock in the faith, he left them in place of himself another priest, and he again retired to a monastery.
For his deep piety he was made bishop of Charres; his pastors the saint constantly taught by his God-pleasing life. From the time of his accepting of the priesthood, he never used cooked food. The emperor Theodosius the Younger wanted to meet the bishop and made him an invitation. After he arrived in Constantinople, St Abraham soon died. His remains were solemnly transferred to the city of Charres and there given over to burial.
St Abraham suffered much vexation from the pagans, who wanted to expel him from their area. He once saw tax-collectors beating those who were unable to pay. Moved to pity, he paid the taxes for them, and those people later accepted Christ.
The Christian inhabitants of this village built a church and they fervently besought St Abraham to accept the priesthood and become their pastor. The monk fulfilled their wish. Having encouraged his flock in the faith, he left them in place of himself another priest, and he again retired to a monastery.
For his deep piety he was made bishop of Charres; his pastors the saint constantly taught by his God-pleasing life. From the time of his accepting of the priesthood, he never used cooked food. The emperor Theodosius the Younger wanted to meet the bishop and made him an invitation. After he arrived in Constantinople, St Abraham soon died. His remains were solemnly transferred to the city of Charres and there given over to burial.
Saint MARON, ascète près de Cyr en Syrie (vers 423 ou 433). (Les Maronites du Liban, convertis au monothélisme au VIIème siècle, puis ralliés à la Papauté au XIIème siècle, se réclament de ce saint orthodoxe du nord de la Syrie.)
Saint NOSTRIANUS, évêque de Naples en Campanie, confesseur (vers 450).
Saint AUXENCE, ascète au mont Skopa (plus tard appelé mont Saint-Auxence) près de Chalcédoine (470). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II des Ménées.) Sant'Aussenzio, probabilmente figlio di un persiano di nome Addas, trascorse gran parte della sua vita quale eremita in Bitinia, regione dell'Ellesponto davanti a Costantinopoli. In precedenza era stato una delle guardie equestri dell'imperatore d'Oriente Teodosio II, regnante dal 408 al 450. Venuto a conoscenza durante il servizio militare della vita eremitica praticata da parecchi asceti, Aussenzio decise di abbracciare il loro stile di vita stabilendosi sulla collina desertica di Oxia, a una dozzina di chilometri da Costantinopoli. Si guadagnò ben presto fama di santità e numerose persone cercavano il suo consiglio su questioni spirituali. Sembra che anch'egli ad un certo punto venne accusato di monofisismo, dottrina che negava la natura umana di Gesù, ma venne scagionato. Aussenzio costruì un nuovo eremo sul monte Skopa, nei pressi di Calcedonia, dedicando tutto il resto della propria vita alla pratica della mortificazione e all'istruzione dei suoi discepoli sempre più numerosi, tra i quali vi erano anche alcune donne, che vivevano ai piedi del monte Skopa ed erano conosciute come le «trichinaraeae», cioè indossatrici di sacchi. Aussenzio morì il 14 febbraio probabilmente nell'anno 473
Troparion — Tone 1
Dweller of the desert and angel in the body, / you were shown to be a wonder-worker, our God-bearing Father Auxentius. / You received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer: / healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith. / Glory to Him who gave you strength! / Glory to Him who granted you a crown! / Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all!Kontakion — Tone 2
You delighted in abstinence, / restraining the desires of the flesh. / Divinely wise and holy Father Auxentius, / you were revealed to be shining with faith, / blossoming like a plant in the midst of paradise.Saint LOUANS (LUPANT, LUPANS, LUPANTIUS, LINENTIUS), higoumène au pays de Chinon en Touraine (VIème siècle).
Saint BIAVILI, disciple de saint Gwenolé, moine au Faou en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint THEODOSE, évêque de Vaison dans le Comtat-Venaissin (554).
Saint CONRAN, évêque des îles Orcades (VIIème siècle).
Saint ANTONIN, abbé à Sorrente et confesseur (vers 830). Vissuto nel IX secolo, nato forse a Campagna d'Eboli, Antonino si fece benedettino a Cassino. Quando il monastero fu devastato dai Longobardi, vagò per la Campania, finché non si fermò a Stabia, l'odierna Castellammare, dove fu amico del vescovo san Catello. Questi gli lasciò la guida della diocesi, ma presto anche Antonino si ritirò con lui, eremita sui monti. Ai due apparve l'arcangelo Michele, chiedendo la costruzione di una chiesa sul Monte Faito (in una località che oggi si chiama Monte Sant'Angelo o Punta San Michele). Essa divenne meta di pellegrini, soprattutto pastori e contadini. Antonino si stabilì poi a Sorrento e divenne abate del monastero di Sant'Agrippino. È patrono di Sorrento e della sua penisola. Tra i miracoli a lui attribuiti figura il salvataggio di un bambino inghiottito da un mostro marino
Saint CYRILLE le Philosophe, Egal-aux-Apôtres, illuminateur des Slaves (869). (Autre mémoire, commune avec celle de son frère saint Méthode, le 11 mai.) (Office grec récent à saints Cyrille et Méthode traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II du Supplément aux Ménées. Acathiste aux saints Cyrille et Méthode traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome II du Supplément aux Ménées.) Cirillo e Metodio, fratelli nel sangue e nella fede, nati a Tessalonica (attuale Salonicco, Grecia) all’inizio del sec. IX, evangelizzarono i popoli della Pannonia e della Moravia. Crearono l’alfabeto slavo e tradussero in questa lingua la Scrittura e anche i testi della liturgia latina, per aprire ai nuovi popoli i tesori della parola di Dio e dei Sacramenti. Per questa missione apostolica sostennero prove e sofferenze di ogni genere. Papa Adriano II accreditò la loro opera, confermando la lingua slava per il servizio liturgico. Cirillo morì a Roma il 14 febbraio 869.
Troparion — Tone 4
Wisdom was your sister from birth; / You loved her, O voice of God, as a pure virgin / Who adorned your soul and mind as a precious jewel, / So revealing you, O blessed man, to be another Cyril: / Wise in name and understanding!Saint ISAAC le Reclus de la Laure des Grottes de Kiev (1090).
Saint NICOLAS de Corinthe, commerçant, martyr à Constantinople par la main des Musulmans (1554). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Saint DAMIEN le Nouveau, fondateur du monastère du Précurseur à Kissavos, martyr par la main des Musulmans à Larissa (Thessalie 1568). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Translation des reliques du prince martyr Michel de Tchernigov et de son conseiller Théodore (1578).
Saint GEORGES de Mytilène, tailleur, martyr par la main des Musulmans à Constantinople (1693).
Saint NICOLAS de Trébizonde, moine thaumaturge, puis évêque, martyr par la main des Musulmans (1920).
Saint ONESIME, évêque de Toula, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1937).
Saint GEORGES de Mytilène, tailleur, martyr par la main des Musulmans à Constantinople (1693).
Saint NICOLAS de Trébizonde, moine thaumaturge, puis évêque, martyr par la main des Musulmans (1920).
Saint ONESIME, évêque de Toula, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1937).
Translation of the relics of the Martyr Theodore of Chernigov On February 14, 1572, at the wish of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible, and with the blessing of Metropolitan Anthony, the relics of the holy martyrs Michael and his councilor Theodore were transferred to Moscow, to the temple dedicated to them. From there in 1770 they were transferred to the Visitation cathedral, and on November 21, 1774 to the Archangel cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. See September 20 for their Life.
St Hilarion the Georgian, the New
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