PLUSIEURS martyrs de Rome sous Alexandre Sévère (entre 222 et 235).
Saint NESTOR et TRIBIMIOS, martyrs en Pamphylie sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).
Saint TROADIOS et ses compagnons, martyrs à Néocésarée dans le Pont sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).
Sainte EUTHALIE, vierge à Léontini en Sicile, martyre assassinée par son propre frère en haine de la religion (vers 257).
Saint NESTOR et TRIBIMIOS, martyrs en Pamphylie sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).
Saint TROADIOS et ses compagnons, martyrs à Néocésarée dans le Pont sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).
Sainte EUTHALIE, vierge à Léontini en Sicile, martyre assassinée par son propre frère en haine de la religion (vers 257).
Holy Martyr Euthalia lived with her mother and brother in Leontina on
the island of Sicily. Euthalia's mother, a pagan, suffered for a long
while with an issue of blood. Once, the Martyrs Alphaeus, Philadelphus
and Cyprian (May 10) appeared to her in a dream and told her she would
be healed only if she believed in Christ and was baptized.
After being baptized with her daughter, she was healed of her infirmity. When Euthalia's pagan brother Sirmianus learned of the baptism, went into a violent rage. The mother succeeded in fleeing, but St Euthalia confessed herself a Christian and suffered martyrdom. After fierce tortures, the saint was beheaded with a sword.
After being baptized with her daughter, she was healed of her infirmity. When Euthalia's pagan brother Sirmianus learned of the baptism, went into a violent rage. The mother succeeded in fleeing, but St Euthalia confessed herself a Christian and suffered martyrdom. After fierce tortures, the saint was beheaded with a sword.
e in francese il seguente
Le 2 mars, mémoire de la sainte vierge et martyre EUTHALIE, morte par le glaive
Euthalie demeurait dans la cité de Léontini, proche de Syracuse, en
Sicile, avec sa mère, nommée elle aussi Euthalie, laquelle avait été
guérie d'un flux de sang par l'apparition des Saints Martyrs Alphius,
Philadelphe et Cyprin (cf. 2 mai). Les deux femmes se firent alors
baptiser. Dès que Sermilien, le frère de la Sainte, apprit la nouvelle,
ce païen endurci se précipita avec rage sur sa mère pour l'étrangler, et
celle-ci ne put lui échapper que grâce à l'intervention de l'une de ses
Comme la jeune Euthalie reprochait sévèrement à son frère ses desseins criminels envers leur mère, Sermilien lui répondit : « Serais-tu donc chrétienne, toi aussi? » - « Oui, je suis Chrétienne, reprit la Sainte, et c'est volontiers que je suis prête à mourir pour le Christ! » L'ignoble Sermilien lui arracha alors ses vêtements, la roua de coups, puis la livra à l'un de ses serviteurs pour qu'il la déshonore. Mais dès que l'homme s'approcha d'elle, il fut frappé de cécité à la prière d'Euthalie qui avait invoqué les Saints Martyrs à son secours. Sermilien hors de lui, se précipita alors, un glaive à la main, et, tel un nouveau Caïn, il égorgea sa soeur
Comme la jeune Euthalie reprochait sévèrement à son frère ses desseins criminels envers leur mère, Sermilien lui répondit : « Serais-tu donc chrétienne, toi aussi? » - « Oui, je suis Chrétienne, reprit la Sainte, et c'est volontiers que je suis prête à mourir pour le Christ! » L'ignoble Sermilien lui arracha alors ses vêtements, la roua de coups, puis la livra à l'un de ses serviteurs pour qu'il la déshonore. Mais dès que l'homme s'approcha d'elle, il fut frappé de cécité à la prière d'Euthalie qui avait invoqué les Saints Martyrs à son secours. Sermilien hors de lui, se précipita alors, un glaive à la main, et, tel un nouveau Caïn, il égorgea sa soeur
Saints JOVIN et BASILEUS, martyrs à Rome sous Valérien (vers 258).
Saint QUINTUS, thaumaturge en Phrygie (vers 283). Nativo della Frigia da un famiglia cristiana, si portò in Eolide e qui si dedicò all’assistenza dei poveri. Il governatore Rufo, al tempo dell’imperatore Aureliano (270-275), cercò di costringere Quinto a sacrificare agli idoli secondo i decreti imperiali, ma poi lo lasciò libero perché era stato liberato dall’ossessione demoniaca in merito alle preghiere dello stesso Quinto.
I sinassari greci raccontano che questo avvenne nella città di Cime, dove un terremoto abbatté le statue e il tempio degli idoli, mettendo in fuga quanti erano lì presenti. Quaranta giorni dopo il suo rilascio, Quinto fu di nuovo arrestato da un altro magistrato Clearco, più intransigente di Rufo e sottoposto a torture, ma Dio lo guarì immediatamente dalle ferite, visto ciò fu di nuovo rilasciato e non ci si occupò più di lui.
Poté continuare così il suo ministero risanando i malati e venendo in aiuto dei poveri per altri dieci anni, morì nel 280-85 circa.
Saints ANDRONIC et ATHANASIE, morts par le glaive. Saints PAUL, HERACLIUS, SECONDILLE, JANUARIA et LUCIOSA, martyrs à Porto Romano près de Rome sous Dioclétien (vers 305).
Saint HESYCHIUS le Palatin, sénateur, martyr à Antioche sous Galère (entre 305 et 311).
Saint THEODOTE, évêque de Kyrénia en Chypre, confesseur sous Licinius (326). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.) The Hieromartyr Theodotus, a native of Galatia in Asia Minor, was Bishop of Cyrenia in Cyprus. During a time of persecution against Christians under the impious emperor Licinius (311-324), St Theodotus openly preached Christ, calling on the pagans to abandon idolatry and turn to the true God. Sabinus, the governor of Cyprus, ordered that Bishop Theodotus be arrested and brought to trial.
When he heard about this order, the saint did not wait for the soldiers to be sent after him, but immediately went to the governor saying, "I, whom you seek, am here. I have shown myself in order to preach Christ my God."
The governor ordered that the saint be beaten without mercy, suspended from a tree, raked with sharp implements, and then be taken to prison. Five days later St Theodotus was brought to the governor, who presumed that after his tortures the bishop would prefer to renounce Christ, rather than endure new sufferings.
However, St Theodotus did not cease to preach about Christ. At first they put the saint on an iron grate, under which they lit a fire, and then hammered nails into his feet and let him go. Many witnessed the sufferings of the martyr. Astonished at the saint's endurance and his divinely-inspired speech, they came to believe in Christ. Learning of this, Sabinus gave orders to stop the torture and throw the saint into prison.
During the reign of St Constantine the Great (May 21), the freedom to confess their faith was given to all Christians, and among those set free from prison was St Theodotus. The saint returned to Cyrenia and after two years serving as bishop he peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in about the year 326
Troparion — Tone 4
By sharing in the ways of the Apostles, / you became a successor to their throne. / Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God; / by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, even to the shedding of your blood. / Hieromartyr Theodotus, entreat Christ God to save our souls.Kontakion — Tone 3
You denounced the depths of false belief. / With the Orthodox faith you wounded the delusion of idolatry. / As a godly, whole burnt sacrifice, / You refreshed the ends of the earth with your wonders! / O holy hierarch Theodotus, our father, / Entreat Christ God to grant us great mercy!
Saint AGATHON, moine en Egypte (Vème siècle).
Sainte KIWA, solitaire en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint GISTLIAN, moine et oncle de saint David (Pays de Galles, VIème siècle).
Saint JOUVIN (JOAVAN, JAWA) de Saint-Pol-de-Léon, disciple de son oncle saint Pol et évêque en Bretagne (vers 570). QUATRE CENT QUARANTE martyrs d'Italie, martyrisés par les Lombards (579). Saint FERGNA le Blanc, higoumène d'Iona (Ecosse, 637).
Saint CHAD, disciple de saint Aidan au monastère-évêché de Lindisfarne, puis évêque de Lichfield et de la Mercie (672).
Ceadda (Chad) proveniva da una famiglia molto religiosa della
Northumbria, della quale ben quattro fratelli divennero sacerdoti, due
addirittura vescovi. Egli fu discepolo di Sant’Aidano di Lindisfarne, e
proprio in quest’ultima città soggiornò per un certo periodo e ricevette
dal suo maestro un’ottima formazione. Ancora in giovane età, si
trasferì in Irlanda, dove insieme al compagno Egberto visse da monaco,
immerso nella preghiera, nel digiuno e nella meditazione delle Sacre
Scritture. Ricevette l’ordinazione presbiterale probabilmente una volta
tornato in Inghilterra. Nulla sappiamo di preciso sulla sua vita sino
alla morte del fratello San Cedda. Quest’ultimo predicò il Vangelo agli
angli del centro, fu pi vescovo ed apostolo dei sassoni orientali ed
infine fondò ed amministrò il monastero di Lastingham, che poi lasciò in
eredità al fratello.
Il nuovo abate si ritrovò ben presto nel mezzo di una intricata questine politica, che coinvolse i sovrani dei regni vicini e dei principali monasteri, ma che sarebbe lungo ed inutile riportare nei dettagli. Da ciò Ceadda ne ricavò la consacrazione episcopale, non solo in base a calcoli fatti a tavolino, ma proprio perchè nessuno dubitava sulla sua santità e sulle lodevoli qualità, come ebbe a testimoniare nelle sue memorie anche San Beda il Venerabile. Sorserò però dei dubbi sulla legittimità della sua nomina e della sua ordinazione, contestata da San Vilfrido che si rivolse al nuovo arcivescovo San Teodoro di Tarso dal quale ebbe pieno appoggio. Ceadda non esitò allora a farsi da parte per obbedienza ed umiltà, ma Teodoro commosso dalla sua reazione, convalidò la consacrazione episcopale di Ceadda, che comunque preferì ritirarsi a vita monastica presso Lastingham.
Quando però ben presto la Mercia rimase senza vescovi, Teodoro richiamò nuovamente Ceadda che prese possesso della sede di Lichfield. Vicino alla cattedrale il santo fece edificare un luogo ove portersi ritirare in preghiera con altri monaci quando era libero da altri impegni. Ricevette inoltre in dono un terreno presso Ad Barvae, probabilmente l’odierna Barrow nella contea di Lindsey, ove fondare un nuovo monastero. Annunciò in anticipo ai frati la prossimità della sua scomparsa, persuadendoli a vivere in pace con tutto e con tutti, rimanendo fedeli alle regole monastiche apprese da lui e dai suoi predecessori. Spirò infine il 2 marzo 672, dopo aver ricevuto la comunione sotto le due specie, a causa di quella tremenda epidemia di peste che parecchie vittime aveva già mietuto tra i suoi fedeli.
Il suo vecchio amico Egberto asserì che fu vista l’anima di Cedd scendere dal cielo assieme ad uno stormo di angeli per scortare il fratello verso la vita eterna. Dopo una primitiva sepoltura, le sue spoglie furono traslate ove oggi sorge la cattedrale di Lichfield. Su entrambe le tombe si verificarono numerosi miracoli, grazie ai quali il suo culto si diffuse ampiamente. Con le invasioni normanne si pensò che le reliquie fosse andate perdute, ma alcune di esse nel 1839 furono rinvenute e deposte sopra l’altar maggiore della nuova cattedrale di Birmingham, di cui divenne patrono. Il nome di San Chad figura nei calendari e nelle litanie anglosassoni e ad esso vennero dedicate parecchie chiese medioevali nell’Inghilterra centrale.
Il nuovo abate si ritrovò ben presto nel mezzo di una intricata questine politica, che coinvolse i sovrani dei regni vicini e dei principali monasteri, ma che sarebbe lungo ed inutile riportare nei dettagli. Da ciò Ceadda ne ricavò la consacrazione episcopale, non solo in base a calcoli fatti a tavolino, ma proprio perchè nessuno dubitava sulla sua santità e sulle lodevoli qualità, come ebbe a testimoniare nelle sue memorie anche San Beda il Venerabile. Sorserò però dei dubbi sulla legittimità della sua nomina e della sua ordinazione, contestata da San Vilfrido che si rivolse al nuovo arcivescovo San Teodoro di Tarso dal quale ebbe pieno appoggio. Ceadda non esitò allora a farsi da parte per obbedienza ed umiltà, ma Teodoro commosso dalla sua reazione, convalidò la consacrazione episcopale di Ceadda, che comunque preferì ritirarsi a vita monastica presso Lastingham.
Quando però ben presto la Mercia rimase senza vescovi, Teodoro richiamò nuovamente Ceadda che prese possesso della sede di Lichfield. Vicino alla cattedrale il santo fece edificare un luogo ove portersi ritirare in preghiera con altri monaci quando era libero da altri impegni. Ricevette inoltre in dono un terreno presso Ad Barvae, probabilmente l’odierna Barrow nella contea di Lindsey, ove fondare un nuovo monastero. Annunciò in anticipo ai frati la prossimità della sua scomparsa, persuadendoli a vivere in pace con tutto e con tutti, rimanendo fedeli alle regole monastiche apprese da lui e dai suoi predecessori. Spirò infine il 2 marzo 672, dopo aver ricevuto la comunione sotto le due specie, a causa di quella tremenda epidemia di peste che parecchie vittime aveva già mietuto tra i suoi fedeli.
Il suo vecchio amico Egberto asserì che fu vista l’anima di Cedd scendere dal cielo assieme ad uno stormo di angeli per scortare il fratello verso la vita eterna. Dopo una primitiva sepoltura, le sue spoglie furono traslate ove oggi sorge la cattedrale di Lichfield. Su entrambe le tombe si verificarono numerosi miracoli, grazie ai quali il suo culto si diffuse ampiamente. Con le invasioni normanne si pensò che le reliquie fosse andate perdute, ma alcune di esse nel 1839 furono rinvenute e deposte sopra l’altar maggiore della nuova cattedrale di Birmingham, di cui divenne patrono. Il nome di San Chad figura nei calendari e nelle litanie anglosassoni e ad esso vennero dedicate parecchie chiese medioevali nell’Inghilterra centrale.
Saint CYNIBIL, frère de saint Chadd, missionnaire en Angleterre (VIIème siècle).
Saint VILLEIC (WILLEIC), disicple de saint Suitbert, prêtre en Saxe (726).
Saint JACOB, évêque de Toul en Lorraine (767).
Saint SLEBHENE (SLEBHINE), Irlandais de nation, abbé d'Iona (Irlande 767).
ARSENE, évêque de Tver (Russie 1409). (Office et acathiste traduits en
français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux
Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, was born at Tver, and in his early years
received monastic tonsure in the Kiev Caves monastery. Even among the
monks of this ancient monastery, distinguished for their piety, Arsenius
was noted for his saintly life as well as for his strictness in keeping
his monastic vows, his knowledge of the Church typikon, his study of
Holy Scripture, and his love for work.
Under Metropolitan Cyprian of Kiev (1380-1382) he served as archdeacon, and when the Metropolitan was absent, he governed the administration of the Kiev metropolitanate. On July 3, 1390 he went with Metropolitan Cyprian to Tver, where at the request of Prince Micjae of Tver, a Council of Russian and Greek hierarchs had been convened to pass judgment upon Bishop Euthymius of Tver.
The prince and the bishop were involved in a lengthy dispute, and many of the people of Tver made serious accusations against the bishop. After unsuccessful attempts to restore peace to the Tver church, Metropolitan Cyprian deposed Euthymius as bishop and sent him off to Moscow to the Chudov monastery.
St Arsenius was appointed to the Tver cathedra, but he was both troubled and afraid to accept this position, in view of the great enmity and spite in that place. Upon the return of Metropolitan Cyprian and archdeacon Arsenius to Moscow, the Prince sent his nobles to the Metropolitan with a petition to consecrate Arsenius as Bishop of Tver. This time Arsenius also refused. In the words of the chronicle for the year 1390 "even at the Metropolitan's entreaty, Archdeacon Arsenius would not go to Tver."
After threatening Arsenius with suspension, the Metropolitan and the Prince finally got him to agree to accept episcopal consecration, which took place on August 15, 1390. Among the bishops taking part in the laying on of hands was St Stephen, Bishop of Perm (April 26).
Bishop Arsenius, as a man of great prayer and peacemaker, was able to end much of the discord in the Tver principality. During his episcopacy, from 1390 to 1409, cathedrals were built and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael at Staritsa and Mikulina, and the Savior-Transfiguration cathedral was restored with the construction of a cathedral belltower. The saint founded the Zheltikov monastery on the river Tmaka near Tver, where a church was built in honor of Sts Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves (1394), and a stone Dormition cathedral.
Desiring that the monks of this new monastery would always be edified by the asceticism of the Fathers of the Caves, St Arsenius gave orders to compile a list from the Kiev Caves Paterikon, using the most ancient manuscripts of this precious memorial of Russian literature. This compilation was known as the Arseniev Redaction.
The saint died on March 2, 1409, and was buried in the Zheltikov monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, which he founded. In 1483 his relics were found incorrupt and were placed in the monastery cathedral. In the same year hieromonk Theodosius composed a Life and a Canon in honor of the holy bishop.
At a Council of 1547 St Arsenius' commemoration was established throughout all the Church.
Under Metropolitan Cyprian of Kiev (1380-1382) he served as archdeacon, and when the Metropolitan was absent, he governed the administration of the Kiev metropolitanate. On July 3, 1390 he went with Metropolitan Cyprian to Tver, where at the request of Prince Micjae of Tver, a Council of Russian and Greek hierarchs had been convened to pass judgment upon Bishop Euthymius of Tver.
The prince and the bishop were involved in a lengthy dispute, and many of the people of Tver made serious accusations against the bishop. After unsuccessful attempts to restore peace to the Tver church, Metropolitan Cyprian deposed Euthymius as bishop and sent him off to Moscow to the Chudov monastery.
St Arsenius was appointed to the Tver cathedra, but he was both troubled and afraid to accept this position, in view of the great enmity and spite in that place. Upon the return of Metropolitan Cyprian and archdeacon Arsenius to Moscow, the Prince sent his nobles to the Metropolitan with a petition to consecrate Arsenius as Bishop of Tver. This time Arsenius also refused. In the words of the chronicle for the year 1390 "even at the Metropolitan's entreaty, Archdeacon Arsenius would not go to Tver."
After threatening Arsenius with suspension, the Metropolitan and the Prince finally got him to agree to accept episcopal consecration, which took place on August 15, 1390. Among the bishops taking part in the laying on of hands was St Stephen, Bishop of Perm (April 26).
Bishop Arsenius, as a man of great prayer and peacemaker, was able to end much of the discord in the Tver principality. During his episcopacy, from 1390 to 1409, cathedrals were built and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael at Staritsa and Mikulina, and the Savior-Transfiguration cathedral was restored with the construction of a cathedral belltower. The saint founded the Zheltikov monastery on the river Tmaka near Tver, where a church was built in honor of Sts Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves (1394), and a stone Dormition cathedral.
Desiring that the monks of this new monastery would always be edified by the asceticism of the Fathers of the Caves, St Arsenius gave orders to compile a list from the Kiev Caves Paterikon, using the most ancient manuscripts of this precious memorial of Russian literature. This compilation was known as the Arseniev Redaction.
The saint died on March 2, 1409, and was buried in the Zheltikov monastery of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, which he founded. In 1483 his relics were found incorrupt and were placed in the monastery cathedral. In the same year hieromonk Theodosius composed a Life and a Canon in honor of the holy bishop.
At a Council of 1547 St Arsenius' commemoration was established throughout all the Church.
Sabbatius of Tver pursued asceticism with the blessing of St Arsenius,
Bishop of Tver, at a distance 15 versts from Tver. St Sabbatius
established a monastery there, known for the strictness and holiness of
its rule. Such ascetics as St Joseph of Volokolamsk (September 9) and St
Cornelius of Komel (May 19) went there to be instructed in monasticism.
The chains found in the cave where St Sabbatius practiced silence
testify to his ascetic deeds. He died no later than the year 1434.
Saints BARSANUPHE et SABBAS, frères selon la chair, fondateurs du monastère de Saint-Sabbas au diocèse de Tver (1459 et 1467).
Saints BARSANUPHE et SABBAS, frères selon la chair, fondateurs du monastère de Saint-Sabbas au diocèse de Tver (1459 et 1467).
L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "SOUVERAINE" ou "DU REGNE" ("DIERJAVNAÏA")
(Kolomienskoïé, Russie, 1917). (Office traduit en français par le père
Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées. Autre office et
acathiste traduits en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII
du Supplément aux Ménées.)







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