8 marzo feste santi e memorie
8 marzo feste santi e memorie

Saint Apôtre HERMES, disciple de saint Paul, mort en paix (Ier siècle).
Saint PONCE, diacre et hagiographe de saint Cyprien de Carthage et confesseur (vers 262).
di san Ponzio, che fu a Cartagine diacono di san Cipriano, di cui fino
alla morte fu compagno in esilio, lasciando un mirabile resoconto della
sua vita e del suo martirio.
SILVAIN, DACIEN, JOCONDE et MAMILLE, martyrs en Afrique.
Saint martyr DION, mort par le glaive.
Saint DOMETIOS, mort en paix.
Saint PROVIN (PROVINUS), Gaulois de nation, disicple de saint Ambroise de Milan et évêque de Côme en Lombardie (vers 420). fra i latini e frequente nel IV secolo.
Probino era discepolo di s. Ambrogio, il quale lo inviò come collaboratore del protovescovo s. Felice a Como e quando questi morì nel 391, Probino ne divenne il successore; fu vescovo della diocesi fino al 420.
Il suo episcopato dovette rifulgere per saggezza e santità, perché dopo la sua morte, ebbe un culto ininterrotto; la reliquia del suo capo fu conservata in un tempietto fuori città, fatto edificare da lui stesso e dedicato ai santi Gervasio e Protasio, che pochi anni prima che divenisse vescovo, nel 386, ne erano stati scoperti i corpi a Milano ad opera di s. Ambrogio.
La reliquia restò lì fino al 1118 quando per salvaguardarla dalle scorrerie nemiche, fu trasferita entro le mura della città di Como, nella chiesa di S. Antonio, che prese il nome di S. Probino.
Si hanno notizie delle successive ricognizioni delle reliquie, avvenute negli anni 1504, 1618, 1836, 1933; l afflusso dei fedeli al suo sepolcro fu continuo, specie da parte degli ammalati di febbri maligne, di cui s. Probino è ritenuto guaritore.
Nel 1096 una parte del cranio, fu ceduta alla collegiata di Agno nel Canton Ticino e posta in un busto argento, qui si è poi sviluppato un culto molto intenso e ogni anno, marzo si celebra la sua festa liturgica con grande concorso di fedeli, provenienti anche da altre zone
Saint BEOADH, évêque en Irlande (vers 518).
Saint SENAN, évêque en Irlande (544).
Saint SAUMAY, SAUMAN ou PSALMODE, Irlandais de nation, disicple de saint Brandan de Clonfert, ermite près d'Eymoutiers en Limousin où il apaisait les loups (vers 589). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Saint martyr DION, mort par le glaive.
Saint DOMETIOS, mort en paix.
Saint PROVIN (PROVINUS), Gaulois de nation, disicple de saint Ambroise de Milan et évêque de Côme en Lombardie (vers 420). fra i latini e frequente nel IV secolo.
Probino era discepolo di s. Ambrogio, il quale lo inviò come collaboratore del protovescovo s. Felice a Como e quando questi morì nel 391, Probino ne divenne il successore; fu vescovo della diocesi fino al 420.
Il suo episcopato dovette rifulgere per saggezza e santità, perché dopo la sua morte, ebbe un culto ininterrotto; la reliquia del suo capo fu conservata in un tempietto fuori città, fatto edificare da lui stesso e dedicato ai santi Gervasio e Protasio, che pochi anni prima che divenisse vescovo, nel 386, ne erano stati scoperti i corpi a Milano ad opera di s. Ambrogio.
La reliquia restò lì fino al 1118 quando per salvaguardarla dalle scorrerie nemiche, fu trasferita entro le mura della città di Como, nella chiesa di S. Antonio, che prese il nome di S. Probino.
Si hanno notizie delle successive ricognizioni delle reliquie, avvenute negli anni 1504, 1618, 1836, 1933; l afflusso dei fedeli al suo sepolcro fu continuo, specie da parte degli ammalati di febbri maligne, di cui s. Probino è ritenuto guaritore.
Nel 1096 una parte del cranio, fu ceduta alla collegiata di Agno nel Canton Ticino e posta in un busto argento, qui si è poi sviluppato un culto molto intenso e ogni anno, marzo si celebra la sua festa liturgica con grande concorso di fedeli, provenienti anche da altre zone
Saint BEOADH, évêque en Irlande (vers 518).
Saint SENAN, évêque en Irlande (544).
Saint SAUMAY, SAUMAN ou PSALMODE, Irlandais de nation, disicple de saint Brandan de Clonfert, ermite près d'Eymoutiers en Limousin où il apaisait les loups (vers 589). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Saint FELIX de Bourgogne, évêque de Dunwich et de toute l'Est-Anglie (647).
borgognone, Felice convertì e battezzò l'esiliato principe
dell'Estanglia, Sigeberto. Quando questi, verso il 631, fu richiamato in
patria lo volle con sé affinché portasse il dono della fede anche ai
suoi sudditi. L'Estanglia, infatti, pur avendo in parte accettato il
Cristianesimo durante il regno di re Redwald, era poi ricaduta nel
Forse Felice era già vescovo prima di passare in Inghilterra; secondo alcuni, invece, egli fu consacrato nel 627 da Onorio, arcivescovo di Canterbury, ed è probabile che gli sia stata da lui affidata la missione di predicare nell'Estanglia. Datosi con ardore al suo lavoro apostolico, Felice convertì rapidamente ed efficacemente gli abitanti del Norfolk, del Suffolk e del Cambridgeshire fissando la sua sede episcopale a Domnoc (od. Dunwich). Sigeberto lo aiutò a fondare chiese, fra cui quella di Reedham, monasteri e scuole. Le scuole da lui fondate, ad esempio a Felixstowe, erano organizzate sul modello di quelle francesi di quei tempi. E' tuttavia una esagerazione ritenere Felice come il fondatore dell'Università di Cambridge.
Dopo la morte di Sigeberto, il quale fu onorato dal suo popolo come martire il 27 settembre, Felice continuò a predicare nell'Estanglia, aiutato dal re Anna, successore di Sigeberto, antenato di molti santi.
Dopo diciassette anni di episcopato Felice morì nel 646 o 647, e fu sepolto a Dunwich. Sfortunatamente il mare poco a poco invase e sommerse la città. Le sue spoglie furono allora trasferite dapprima nel vicino Ely e più tardi, sotto il regno di Canuto, ca. il 1030, furono portate a Ramsey.
La sua festa, secondo il calendario medievale inglese è l'8 marzo, data in cui figura nel Martirologío Romano, e ancora oggi si celebra in questo giorno nella diocesi di Northampton.
Molte chiese gli furono dedicate non solo nell'Estanglia, come a Babingley, ma anche altrove, per esempio a Feliskirk e a Kirby Ravensworth nello Yorkshire.
Forse Felice era già vescovo prima di passare in Inghilterra; secondo alcuni, invece, egli fu consacrato nel 627 da Onorio, arcivescovo di Canterbury, ed è probabile che gli sia stata da lui affidata la missione di predicare nell'Estanglia. Datosi con ardore al suo lavoro apostolico, Felice convertì rapidamente ed efficacemente gli abitanti del Norfolk, del Suffolk e del Cambridgeshire fissando la sua sede episcopale a Domnoc (od. Dunwich). Sigeberto lo aiutò a fondare chiese, fra cui quella di Reedham, monasteri e scuole. Le scuole da lui fondate, ad esempio a Felixstowe, erano organizzate sul modello di quelle francesi di quei tempi. E' tuttavia una esagerazione ritenere Felice come il fondatore dell'Università di Cambridge.
Dopo la morte di Sigeberto, il quale fu onorato dal suo popolo come martire il 27 settembre, Felice continuò a predicare nell'Estanglia, aiutato dal re Anna, successore di Sigeberto, antenato di molti santi.
Dopo diciassette anni di episcopato Felice morì nel 646 o 647, e fu sepolto a Dunwich. Sfortunatamente il mare poco a poco invase e sommerse la città. Le sue spoglie furono allora trasferite dapprima nel vicino Ely e più tardi, sotto il regno di Canuto, ca. il 1030, furono portate a Ramsey.
La sua festa, secondo il calendario medievale inglese è l'8 marzo, data in cui figura nel Martirologío Romano, e ancora oggi si celebra in questo giorno nella diocesi di Northampton.
Molte chiese gli furono dedicate non solo nell'Estanglia, come a Babingley, ma anche altrove, per esempio a Feliskirk e a Kirby Ravensworth nello Yorkshire.
Saint JULIEN, archevêque de Tolède et métropolitain de toute l'Espagne (690). Un grande vescovo del VII secolo, le notizie sulla sua vita ci provengono da Felice, suo successore nella sede arcivescovile di Toledo.
Giuliano nacque in un anno imprecisato, intorno al 620, nella stessa città di Toledo in Spagna, ricevendo il battesimo nella cattedrale di S. Maria; i suoi genitori erano cristiani ma di origine ebraica, da bambino fu affidato dai genitori come oblato, nella stessa cattedrale, dove ebbe come maestro il più grande poeta dell 'epoca Eugenio, che diverrà arcivescovo di Toledo e veneratissimo santo.
In un primo momento pensò di farsi monaco, ma poi proseguì gli studi e divenne sacerdote del clero diocesano, salendo poi man mano nei gradi della gerarchia, mettendo in luce la su grande personalità, le doti naturali e la enorme prudenza nel disbrigo dei compiti a lui affidati.
Il 16 gennaio 680, essendo defunto il metropolita Quirico, Giuliano venne eletto arcivescovo di Toledo, si pensa che avesse sessanta anni; con la carica assunse anche quella di vescovo della corte e metropolita della Provincia ecclesiastica di Cartagena, composta da una ventina di Diocesi.
Durante il suo episcopato Giuliano fu protagonista di uno spiacevole episodio, di tipo politico-religioso; un certo impostore Ervigio, dopo aver narcotizzato il re Wamba, fece sapere a Giuliano che il re voleva abdicare al trono e ricevere la tonsura penitenziale; ignaro, il vescovo si affrettò ad adempiere al presunto desiderio del re, ma secondo il diritto germanico, il suo atto era vincolante e quindi Wamba dovette lasciare il trono.
Giuliano cercò di riparare al suo involontario errore rilasciando la migliore apologia di Wamba e del suo governo.
Sotto il suo ministero la sede metropolitana di Toledo, acquistò un’importanza indiscutibile, su tutto l’episcopato della Penisola Iberica, sancita nel Concilio XII di Toledo; durante il suo episcopato vennero celebrati altri tre Concili: XIII - XIV e XV di Toledo.
Fu autore di una importante produzione letteraria, che ci è tutta pervenuta, apologia, lettere, composizioni poetiche, produzione e revisione liturgica.
Discreto e coraggioso nella risoluzione degli affari difficili; giusto nei litigi, sempre disponibile alla diminuzione della pena e al perdono, pronto e sollecito a difendere i diritti della giustizia.
Non sopportava, specie nei periodi di carestia, che qualcuno fosse in restrizione bisognosa, senza che gli venisse dato soccorso; non rifiutò mai qualche cosa a chi gli chiedeva un aiuto.
Se nell esercizio delle sue funzioni, volle essere circondato dalla magnificenza della carica, in privato si distingueva per umiltà e integrità dei suoi costumi.
Morì pieno di meriti il 6 marzo 690 e sepolto nella chiesa di S. Leocadia a Toledo; verso la metà del secolo VIII, le sue reliquie comprese quelle della santa titolare e dei suoi predecessori, furono traslate altrove, non si conosce il posto, qualcuno dice ad Oviedo.
Troparion — Tone 8
Felix of Burgundy, hierarch and teacher, preaching the Word of life, / You did gather a rich harvest of believers; / Together with Furzey of Ireland, pilgrim for the love of the Lord, / Outstanding in virtue, renowned in word and deed; / Enlighteners of East Anglia, we rightly praise you, holy and God-bearing fathers.Kontakion — Tone 2
Having come to the land of Sigerberht, the righteous king, / You preached the kingdom of Christ our God, / And as a first-fruit the king himself received the tonsure, / Seeking an everlasting kingdom; / And mindful of his monastic vow, / He lay down his life, unarmed in the midst of battle; / Wherefore, O Felix and Furzey, we venerate your memory crying out: / Glory to Christ our King the Redeemer of the World.
Saint THEOPHYLACTE, évêque de Nicomédie en Bithynie, confesseur des saintes Icônes (vers 840). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.)
Theophylactus lived at Constantinople in the eighth century during the
time of the Iconoclast heresy. After the death of the iconoclast emperor
Leo IV the Khazar (775-780), Emperor Constantine VI (780-797) ascended
the throne. At the same time, the holy Patriarch Paul (August 30), not
having the strength to continue guiding the flock in the face of
iconoclasm, voluntarily resigned his office (784). St Tarasius (February
25) was chosen in his place. At that time, he was an eminent imperial
counselor. Under the supervision of the new Patriarch the Seventh
Ecumenical Council (787) was convened to condemn the Iconoclast heresy. A
relatively peaceful time began for the Church, and monasteries again
began to fill with monks.
St Theophylactus, a gifted disciple of St Tarasius, with the blessing of the Patriarch, went to a monastery on the coast of the Black Sea with St Michael (May 23). The zealous ascetics by their God-pleasing labors and intense prayer were granted the gift of wonderworking by God. During a drought, when the workers in the field were weakened by thirst, the saints prayed and an empty vessel became filled with enough water to last the entire day.
After several years in the monastery, they were both consecrated as bishops by Patriarch Tarasius. St Michael was made Bishop of Synada, and St Theophylactus was made Bishop of Nicomedia.
Heading the Church of Nicomedia, St Theophylactus cared for the flock entrusted to him. He built churches, hospices, homes for wanderers, he generously distributed alms, was the guardian of orphans, widows and the sick, and personally attended those afflicted with leprosy, not hesitating to wash their wounds.
When the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813-820) came to the imperial throne, the terrible heresy burst forth with renewed strength.
But the iconoclast emperor was not able to influence St Nicephorus (June 2), the successor of Patriarch Tarasius, who with the other bishops vainly urged Leo not to destroy the peace of the Church. St Theophylactus was present at the negotiations of the emperor with the Patriarch. Denouncing the heretics, St Theophylactus predicted a speedy death for Leo the Armenian. For his bold prophecy the saint was sent into exile to the fortress Strobil (in Asia Minor). He languished for thirty years until his death, which took place around the year 845.
After the restoration of icon-veneration in the year 847 under the empress St Theodora (February 11) and her son Michael, the holy relics of St Theophylactus were returned to Nicomedia.

St Theophylactus, a gifted disciple of St Tarasius, with the blessing of the Patriarch, went to a monastery on the coast of the Black Sea with St Michael (May 23). The zealous ascetics by their God-pleasing labors and intense prayer were granted the gift of wonderworking by God. During a drought, when the workers in the field were weakened by thirst, the saints prayed and an empty vessel became filled with enough water to last the entire day.
After several years in the monastery, they were both consecrated as bishops by Patriarch Tarasius. St Michael was made Bishop of Synada, and St Theophylactus was made Bishop of Nicomedia.
Heading the Church of Nicomedia, St Theophylactus cared for the flock entrusted to him. He built churches, hospices, homes for wanderers, he generously distributed alms, was the guardian of orphans, widows and the sick, and personally attended those afflicted with leprosy, not hesitating to wash their wounds.
When the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813-820) came to the imperial throne, the terrible heresy burst forth with renewed strength.
But the iconoclast emperor was not able to influence St Nicephorus (June 2), the successor of Patriarch Tarasius, who with the other bishops vainly urged Leo not to destroy the peace of the Church. St Theophylactus was present at the negotiations of the emperor with the Patriarch. Denouncing the heretics, St Theophylactus predicted a speedy death for Leo the Armenian. For his bold prophecy the saint was sent into exile to the fortress Strobil (in Asia Minor). He languished for thirty years until his death, which took place around the year 845.
After the restoration of icon-veneration in the year 847 under the empress St Theodora (February 11) and her son Michael, the holy relics of St Theophylactus were returned to Nicomedia.
Saint HUMFROI ou HUNTFRIDE, évêque de Thérouanne en Artois (871)
Saint LITIFRED ou LITIFROID, évêque de Pavie en Lombardie (874).
Saint ANTOINE de Froidemont, moine de Luxeuil puis ermite en Franche-Comté (avant le Xème siècle).

Lazarus of Murom was a Greek, born at Constantinople. In his native
city he became a monk at the High-Mount monastery under the Elder
Athanasius Diskotes, builder of many monasteries. Eight years later,
Lazarus was under the guidance of Bishop Basil of Caesarea. In the year
1343 Bishop Basil, wanting to encourage the Russian Church, sent St
Lazarus as a noted iconographer together with monks and gifts to St
Basil, Archbishop of Novgorod (February 10, October 4, June 3).
St Lazarus made a copy of Novgorod's Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (August 15) for the Caesarea diocese, and compiled an account of Novgorod churches and monasteries. Meeting the monk, the Novgorod hierarch bowed to the ground to his guest and blessed him to remain in a monastery he built. For ten years St Lazarus faithfully served St Basil, and in 1352 upon the death of the holy archpastor, he "dressed the holy body in the prepared clothing and shed many tears."
Grieved that he had been deprived of both his guides (Previously, the saint had received letters informing him of the death of Bishop Basil), St Lazarus considered returning to his native land. However, in a dream the Novgorod hierarch appeared to him and directed him "to go northward towards the sea, to Mucha Island in Lake Onega" (Murom Island in Lake Onega). In a short time his first guide, Bishop Basil of Caesarea, commanded him in a dream to go to that same place and found a monastery. The Chronicles say that at this time the Novgorodians were making their first attempts to convert the peoples of the White Sea coastal region to Christianity.
But St Lazarus was not able to get to this island at once. For a long time, he owner of the island, the Novgorod merchant Ivan, would not permit him. The monk prayed fervently to the Most Holy Theotokos and to St John the Forerunner, and he wept at the grave of St Basil. And the owner's resistance was removed. St Basil once appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to bestow the island "to our friend Lazarus", so that the Mother of God might be honored there.
St Lazarus arrived alone at the blessed spot. He set up a cross, a hut, and a chapel. Soon the Lopari and Chud natives living on the island heard about him, and he endured much suffering from them. They burned down his hut and did what damage they could. They beat him, chased him from the island, and pursued him in order to kill him. But God and the Queen of Heaven guarded the saint.
At the site of the burned hut the icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to St Lazarus, miraculously undamaged by the fire. It was with this icon that they had blessed him when he became a monk, and from it was heard a commanding Voice: "The faithless people shall become faithful, and there will be one Church and one flock of Christ. Establish upon this place a church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos."
Another time the saint saw how this place was blessed by "a Woman of majesty, radiant with golden hue, and resplendant men who made reverence to Her." Soon the eldest of the Lopari came to the monk and begged him to heal a child born blind: "... then we shall depart from the island, as your servants have been commanded." St Lazarus perceived that this was an angel, and he gave thanks unto the Lord. He healed the blind child after praying and sprinkling him with holy water. Then, the "bad people" quit the island, and the father of the healed child later became a monk, and all his sons were baptized.
From that time, people started coming to the saint from faraway places. He baptized them, and tonsured them into monasticism. Even his fellow countrymen came to him from Constantinople, the holy Monks Eleazar, Eumenius and Nazarius (June 4), future founders of the Monastery of the Forerunner in the Olonetsk region.
Visiting Novgorod, St Lazarus received from Bishop Moses (1352-1360) his blessing for the construction of a monastery, together with an antimension and some church vessels. A church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the first in all the coastal region; also a church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, and even a wooden church of St John the Forerunner together with a trapeza.
The Murom Dormition monastery was built up and strengthened by its zealous head St Lazarus until his old age.
The time of his death was revealed to him in a vision by his faithful protector, St Basil of Novgorod. Having chosen a worthy successor, the Athonite Elder Theodosius, and after receiving the Holy Life-Creating Mysteries and blessing everyone, St Lazarus departed to the Lord on March 8, 1391 at the age of 105 years. They buried him in a chapel beside the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The Life of St Lazarusus was written by the Elder Theodosius from the words of the monk himself.
Saint Athanasius was igumen at the monastery of St Lazarus during the mid-fifteenth century. After his death, the ascetic's body was buried in a separate chapel, where the chains of the saint were preserved as evidence of his exploits.
The veneration of this saint goes back a long time. In the second half of the seventeenth century they called St Athanasius "a wonderworking monk."
There is troparion and kontakion to the saint.
St Lazarus made a copy of Novgorod's Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (August 15) for the Caesarea diocese, and compiled an account of Novgorod churches and monasteries. Meeting the monk, the Novgorod hierarch bowed to the ground to his guest and blessed him to remain in a monastery he built. For ten years St Lazarus faithfully served St Basil, and in 1352 upon the death of the holy archpastor, he "dressed the holy body in the prepared clothing and shed many tears."
Grieved that he had been deprived of both his guides (Previously, the saint had received letters informing him of the death of Bishop Basil), St Lazarus considered returning to his native land. However, in a dream the Novgorod hierarch appeared to him and directed him "to go northward towards the sea, to Mucha Island in Lake Onega" (Murom Island in Lake Onega). In a short time his first guide, Bishop Basil of Caesarea, commanded him in a dream to go to that same place and found a monastery. The Chronicles say that at this time the Novgorodians were making their first attempts to convert the peoples of the White Sea coastal region to Christianity.
But St Lazarus was not able to get to this island at once. For a long time, he owner of the island, the Novgorod merchant Ivan, would not permit him. The monk prayed fervently to the Most Holy Theotokos and to St John the Forerunner, and he wept at the grave of St Basil. And the owner's resistance was removed. St Basil once appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to bestow the island "to our friend Lazarus", so that the Mother of God might be honored there.
St Lazarus arrived alone at the blessed spot. He set up a cross, a hut, and a chapel. Soon the Lopari and Chud natives living on the island heard about him, and he endured much suffering from them. They burned down his hut and did what damage they could. They beat him, chased him from the island, and pursued him in order to kill him. But God and the Queen of Heaven guarded the saint.
At the site of the burned hut the icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to St Lazarus, miraculously undamaged by the fire. It was with this icon that they had blessed him when he became a monk, and from it was heard a commanding Voice: "The faithless people shall become faithful, and there will be one Church and one flock of Christ. Establish upon this place a church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos."
Another time the saint saw how this place was blessed by "a Woman of majesty, radiant with golden hue, and resplendant men who made reverence to Her." Soon the eldest of the Lopari came to the monk and begged him to heal a child born blind: "... then we shall depart from the island, as your servants have been commanded." St Lazarus perceived that this was an angel, and he gave thanks unto the Lord. He healed the blind child after praying and sprinkling him with holy water. Then, the "bad people" quit the island, and the father of the healed child later became a monk, and all his sons were baptized.
From that time, people started coming to the saint from faraway places. He baptized them, and tonsured them into monasticism. Even his fellow countrymen came to him from Constantinople, the holy Monks Eleazar, Eumenius and Nazarius (June 4), future founders of the Monastery of the Forerunner in the Olonetsk region.
Visiting Novgorod, St Lazarus received from Bishop Moses (1352-1360) his blessing for the construction of a monastery, together with an antimension and some church vessels. A church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the first in all the coastal region; also a church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, and even a wooden church of St John the Forerunner together with a trapeza.
The Murom Dormition monastery was built up and strengthened by its zealous head St Lazarus until his old age.
The time of his death was revealed to him in a vision by his faithful protector, St Basil of Novgorod. Having chosen a worthy successor, the Athonite Elder Theodosius, and after receiving the Holy Life-Creating Mysteries and blessing everyone, St Lazarus departed to the Lord on March 8, 1391 at the age of 105 years. They buried him in a chapel beside the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The Life of St Lazarusus was written by the Elder Theodosius from the words of the monk himself.
Saint Athanasius was igumen at the monastery of St Lazarus during the mid-fifteenth century. After his death, the ascetic's body was buried in a separate chapel, where the chains of the saint were preserved as evidence of his exploits.
The veneration of this saint goes back a long time. In the second half of the seventeenth century they called St Athanasius "a wonderworking monk."
There is troparion and kontakion to the saint.

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DU SIGNE DE KOURSK" ("ZNAMINESKAÏA KOURSKAÏA") trouvée en 1295 et aussi fêtée le 8 septembre, le 27 novembre et le 9ème vendredi après Pâques. Le 8 mars, on commémore l'échec d'un attentat contre cette icône, tenté en 1898 par des terroristes dans l'église du monastère de Koursk où elle était conservée.

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