giovedì 14 luglio 2016

15 luglio feste santi e memorie

Saints CATULIN, diacre, JANVIER, FLORENCE, JULIE, et JUSTA, martyrs en Afrique.

Saint FELIX, évêque de Pavie en Lombardie, martyr.

Saint EUTROPE et saintes ZOSIMA et BONOSA, soeurs selon la chair, martyrs à Porto dans le Latium sous Aurélien (vers 273).

Saints AGRIPPIN, SECOND, MAXIME, FORTUNAT et MARTIAL, martyrs en Pannonie.

Saints JULITTE, noble matrone d'Iconium, et CYRIQUE son fils, martyrs à Tarse en Cilicie sous Dioclétien (304). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII des Ménées.) 

Saint LOLLIEN, qui accomplit son martyre en étant frappé à coups de pied par ses bourreaux. 

Saint ABOUDEME, chrétien de l'île de Ténédos dans l'Hellespont, martyr lors de la persécution de Dioclétien. 

Sainte APRONIE (EVRONIE, APRONE), soeur de saint Evre, évêque de Toul, moniale à Toul en Lorraine (vers 420). 

Saint ETERN (ATHERIUS), évêque d'Evreux en Normandie (vers 663). 

Saint DEUSDEDIT, archevêque de Cantorbéry (664). 

Saint DONALD (DONEVALD), ermite à Ogilvy en Ecosse avec ses NEUF filles (VIIIème siècle).
July 15th

St. Donald lived in Olgilvy in Forfarshire, Scotland. He and his wife had nine daughters. On the death of his wife, Donald and his nine daughters formed a kind of monastic home.  On his death, the daughters entered a monastery in Abernathy. St. Donald reposed circa 716

Icona in file allegato

Saint EVRARD, berger, ascète au diocèse de Langres en Bourgogne (VIIIème siècle). 

Mémoire de l'empereur JUSTINIEN II "Au nez coupé" ("Rhinotmète") qui convoqua le concile Quinisexte (711). 

Saint PLECHELM, Ecossais de nation, apôtre de la Gueldre et des duchés de Clèves et de Juliers, vénéré à Roermond dans le Limbourg néerlandais (732). 

Saint AUBRIN (ALDRIC) d'Autun, chorévêque au diocèse de Lyon, patron de la ville de Montbrison dans le Forez (IXème siècle). 

Sainte REGINSWINDE (REGENSVIDE), fillette de sept ans, tuée par sa nourrice près de Lauffen dans le Wurtemberg (IXème siècle). 

Saint TERENCE, évêque de Luna en Ligurie (siège transféré à Sarzane), assassiné par des envieux qu'irritaient ses largesses (IXème siècle). 

Invention des reliques de saint Swithin, évêque de Winchester dans le Wessex (+ 862). 

Saint ATHANASE, évêque de Naples en Campanie, injustement chassé de son siège par son propre neveu (872). 

Saint FELICISSIME, ermite près de Nocera en Ombrie. 

Sainte EDITH, abbesse de Polesworth en Angleterre (vers 925). 


Saint VLADIMIR, grand-prince de Kiev, Egal-aux-Apôtres et illuminateur des Russes et des Ukrainiens (1015). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII du Supplément aux Ménées. Acathiste traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)


O holy prince, Vladimir, you were like a merchant in search of fine pearls. By sending servants to Constantinople for the Orthodox faith, you found Christ, the priceless pearl. He appointed you to be another Paul washing away in baptism your physical and spiritual blindness. We celebrate your memory asking you to pray for all suffering Christians of Russia, and for us your spiritual children

SANTA MATRONA Invention du chef de sainte Matrone de Chio (cf. 20 octobre).

October 20th & July 15th

Troparion (Tone 8)

Through thee the divine likeness was securely preserved, O Mother Matrona; for thou didst carry the cross and followed Christ.  By example and precept thou didst teach us to ignore the body because it is perishable, and to attend to the concerns of the undying soul.  Therefore, doth thy soul rejoice with the angels.  

St. Matrona lived during the first half of the fourteenth century.  She was born in Volissos on Chios.  Her parents were pious Christians blessed with wealth.  From a young age, she was drawn to the monastic life.  St. Matrona left her parents and withdrew into the wilderness and founded a small monastery for women.  Before long others joined her there.  She is known for her charity to the poor and sick.  She performed miracles both during her life and after death.   

Risultati immagini

Sant' Uriel Arcangelo
15 luglio
In alcuni testi apocrifi della Bibbia compare il suo nome dopo quello dei tre arcangeli maggiori. Il suo culto è presente nella Chiesa Copta che lo celebra al 15 luglio. Una chiesa dedicata ai Sette Angeli 
che stanno davanti al trono di Dio  tra cui Uriel, esisteva a

Palermo e vi si celebrava la festa al 20 aprile.

Santa Valentina Venerata a Nevers
Il suo culto si basa solamente sul fatto che sono stati ritrovati i suoi resti nelle catacombe. 

E' noto con quanta facilità, nonostante gli avvertimenti degli archeologi, siani stati insigniti del titolo di santità e proposti al culto i corpi prelevati dalle Catacombe romane nella prima metà del sec. XIX. A questi appartengono le reliquie di santa Valentina, custodite dalle religiose della Carità e dell'Istruzione cristiana di Nevers.

Mons. di Coissigny, vicario generale di Nevers, le ottenne dal Patrizi, cardinale vicario di Gregorio XVI. Mons. Dufetre, vescovo di Nevers, con decreto del 28 maggio 1852, ha fissato la festa di Valentina al 15 luglio.

St. Pishoy Washing the Feet of Jesus Christ
July 15th

Troparion (Tone 1)

Thou didst appear making the wilderness thy home, an angel in the flesh, a doer of wonders; and by fasts, vigils and prayers thou didst receive heavenly gifts. Therefore, thou dost heal the sick and the souls of those who hasten to thee, O God-mantled Father Pishoy. Glory to him who hath given thee power; glory to him who through thee accomplished healing for all.
St. Pishoy was born in 320 in the Nile valley. He was the frailest of his pious parents' seven sons. It was revealed to his mother in a dream that he was to be especially devoted to the Lord so that His strength would be made perfect in weakness. Pishoy joined the monastery in the scetis when he was 20. He succeeded St. John the Short as Abbot of the monastery, because of his great humility and hospitality. He loved the Scriptures so much that he had much of the Bible memorized. He was so fond of Jeremiah, he was called "the Jeremian". He was always welcoming strangers. Once, when he was washing a weary traveler's feet, the man said: "My chosen Pishoy, you are an honorable man!" The saint realized it was the Lord and bowed down and worshiped. This icon commemorates that event. St. Pishoy reposed in the Lord on July 15, 408, and was buried with his good friend, Abba Paul El-Tamouhi. In 842, their bodies were exhumed and carried in great procession to St. Pishoy Monastery. They looked as if they had just died.

mercoledì 13 luglio 2016

Saint NICODEME l'Hagiorite, fils de Naxos, moine de Dionysiou au Mont Athos, éditeur de la Philocalie et du Pidalion, hésychaste, luminaire de l'Orthodoxie (1809). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII du Supplément aux Ménées.)


Saint NICODEME l'Hagiorite, fils de Naxos, moine de Dionysiou au Mont Athos, éditeur de la Philocalie et du Pidalion, hésychaste, luminaire de l'Orthodoxie (1809). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

14 luglio santi feste e memorie

Saint apôtre AQUILA, époux de sainte Priscille, un des SEPTANTE (cf. 13 février). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII des Ménées.)

Troparion (Tone 8)
Through thee the divine likeness was securely preserved, O Mother Priscilla; for thou didst carry the cross and followed Christ. By example and precept thou didst teach us to ignore the body because it is perishable, and to attend to the concerns of the undying soul. Therefore, doth thy soul rejoice with the angels.

Priscilla was the wife of Holy Apostle Aquila. Aquila had been one of the 70 whom Jesus had sent out to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. They lived in Italy until Claudius decreed the exile of all Jews from Italy. The Apostle Paul met them in Corinth and baptised them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. They had only received the baptism of John prior to this. Paul stayed in their home for 18 months. They then followed Paul to Ephesus and established a church in their house (1 Corinthians 16:19). They discipled Apollos, who then became an apostolic preacher for Christ. After Claudius' death, they went to Rome and established a church in their home there. They then returned to Ephesus to work with Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:19) Aquila served as a Bishop in the Church, discipling and ordaining many to the ministry. It is interesting to note that in all mentions of them Priscilla is mentioned first, except in the references to the churches in their houses, where Aquila is mentioned first. She was definitely a teacher and an evangelist without usurping or undermining her husband's ecclesial authority. Priscilla & Aquila were martyred for Christ at the hands of a pagan mob.

 Saint martyr JUST.

Saints martyrs AQUILA et HILAIRE, morts lapidés.

Saint hiéromartyr PIERRE le Nouveau, évêque de Crète, qui accomplit son martyre en ayant les jambes brisées.

Saint martyr HERAKLEIOS, qui accomplit son martyre frappé à coup de massues.

Saints PAPIAS et DONAT, martyrs en Afrique du Nord.

Saint CYR, évêque de Carthage.

Saint ONESIME le Thaumaturge, moine à Magnésie (fin IIIème siècle).

Saint HELLIOS, moine (IVème siècle).

Saint FELIX, premier évêque de Côme en Lombardie (vers 390). 
Les "BONS SAINTS", famille martyre à Leuglay en Bourgogne (Vème siècle).

Saint MARCIEN, Grec de nation, évêque de Fricenti en Campanie (Vème siècle).

Saint IDUS, baptisé par saint Patrick, évêque d'Alt-Fadha dans le Leinster en Irlande (Vème siècle).

Saint JUSTE, confesseur à Trèves.

Saints RUFIN et AVENANCE, ermites près de Sarzane en Piémont.

Saint OPTATIEN, évêque de Brescia en Lombardie (vers 505).

Sainte TRIFINE, mère de saint Trémeur, martyre à Sainte-Triphine en Bretagne (548).

Sainte RAGENULFE (RAGENUFLE, REINOFRE), vierge, assassinée par des brigands près de Namur (650). On l'invoque contre les fièvres et l'hydropisie.

Saint MAUGER (MADELGAIRE), surnommé VINCENT, époux de sainte Valtrude et père de saint Dentelin, puis abbé d'Hautmont et de Soignies dans le Hainaut belge (677).

Saint BASIN, roitelet irlandais, martyr près de Gand par la main des païens (685).

Sainte ALDEGONDE de Drongen, fille de saint Basin, guérie de la cécité par un miracle (fin du VIIème siècle).

Saint EVRARD, moine (VIIIème siècle).

Saint MARCHELME (MARCELLIN, MARCHELM, MARCULF), Anglais de nation, apôtre en Belgique, mort à Oldenzaal et vénéré à Deventer aux Pays-Bas (775).

Saint JOSEPH, archevêque de Thessalonique, confesseur des saintes Icônes (832).


Saint ETIENNE, higoumène de Makhrichtchi dans la région de Moscou (1406). 

Saint NICODEME l'Hagiorite, fils de Naxos, moine de Dionysiou au Mont Athos, éditeur de la Philocalie et du Pidalion, hésychaste, luminaire de l'Orthodoxie (1809). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

lunedì 4 luglio 2016

Saint ATHANASE l'Athonite, fondateur de la Grande Laure et du monachisme cénobitique sur la Sainte Montagne (1001).

Saint ATHANASE l'Athonite, fondateur de la Grande Laure et du monachisme 

cénobitique sur la Sainte Montagne (1001). (Office traduit en français par le 

père Denis Guillaume au tome VII des Ménées. Acathiste traduit en français par 

le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)


venerdì 1 luglio 2016

Our Father among the Saints John (Maximovitch), Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (1896-1966)

Saint JEAN (Maximovitch), archevêque russe hors-frontières de Changhaï, puis de Bruxelles, puis de San Francisco, dont le corps incorrompu repose en sa cathédrale de San Francisco (1966). (Acathiste traduit en français par le docteur Jean Besse dans son livre L'Eglise orthodoxe russe et ses missions, Monastère de l'Archange Michel, Lavardac 1994.)