lunedì 28 agosto 2017

Commémoration de la décollation du saint et glorieux Prophète et Précurseur JEAN BAPTISTE (vers 29). Jour de jeûne strict






 — Tone 2

The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise, / but the Lord’s testimony is sufficient for you, O Forerunner. / You were shown in truth to be the most honorable of the prophets, / for you were deemed worthy to baptize in the streams of the Jordan Him whom they foretold. / Therefore, having suffered for the truth with joy, / you proclaimed to those in hell God who appeared in the flesh, / who takes away the sin of the world, and grants us great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone 5

The glorious beheading of the Forerunner, / became an act of divine dispensation, / for he preached to those in hell the coming of the Savior. / Let Herodias lament, for she entreated lawless murder, / loving not the law of God, nor eternal life, / but that which is false and temporal.

Commémoration de la décollation du saint et glorieux Prophète et Précurseur JEAN BAPTISTE (vers 29). Jour de jeûne strict. (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII des Ménées. Acathiste à saint Jean le Précurseur traduit en français par le même au tome VIII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Taierea Capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul
Troparion (Tone 2)The memory of the just is mentioned with praise. As for you, O Forerunner, the Lord's witness is enough: indeed, you were greater than the prophets since you were found worthy to baptize in the waters the one they could but announce. You have fought for the sake of truth and proclaimed to those in hades that God who appeared in the flesh has taken away the sins of the world and bestowed his great mercy upon

John was the son of Zachariah, a Temple priest, and his wife, Elizabeth, the cousin of the Theotokos. He was born when his parents were advanced in years, after a prophecy by an angel. He lived an ascetical life in the wilderness as an Old Testament Prophet, and he preached a message of repentance and of preparation for the coming of the Messiah and his Kingdom. He himself baptized Christ in the Jordan River and proclaimed Him as the Messiah. John was imprisoned for denouncing the incestuous union of Herod Antipas with Herodias. When Salome', Herodias' daughter, greatly pleased Herod with her dancing, he promised to give her whatever she wanted. Prompted by her mother, she demanded the head of St. John on a platter. He was immediately executed. He is holding the chalice and pointing to Christ in the chalice. His scroll reads: "Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the whole world." The wild olive tree has a branch cut off and grafted onto the domesticated olive whose branches have been cut off, signifying the turning point that John represents between Old and New Testaments. His life is portrayed from top to bottom around the central icon:
The Annunciation to St. Zacharias
The Conception of the Forerunner
The Visitation of the Theotokos
The Nativity of the Forerunner
The Circumcision fo the Forerunner
Fearing Herod Elizabeth Fleeth with the Child John
The Angel of the Lord Leads the Forerunner into the Wilderness
The Prayer of the Forerunner in the Wilderness
The Theophany of the Lord
The Synaxis of the Forerunner
The Beheading of the Forerunner
The Finding of the Head of the Forerunner

 Risultati immagini per icoane Tăierea Capului Sfântului Proroc Ioan Botezătorul
Risultati immagini per icoane Tăierea Capului Sfântului Proroc Ioan Botezătorul

Risultati immagini per icoane Tăierea Capului Sfântului Proroc Ioan Botezătorul

Glasul 2
Pomenirea dreptului cu laude, iar ţie destul îţi este mărturia Domnului, Înaintemergătorule. Că te-ai arătat cu adevărat mai cinstit şi decât proorocii. Că te-ai învrednicit a boteza în repejunile Iordanului pe Cel Propovăduit. Drept aceea, pentru adevăr nevoindu-te, bucurându-te, ai binevestit şi celor din iad pe Dumnezeu, Cel Ce S-a arătat în trup: pe Cel Ce a ridicat păcatul lumii şi ne-a dăruit nouă mare milă.

Risultati immagini per icoane Tăierea Capului Sfântului Proroc Ioan Botezătorul

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