sous Dèce et Valérien (entre 249 et 259). (Office traduit en français
par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.)
Holy Martyr Quadratus (Codratus) and those with him: During a
persecution against Christians (in the third century) a
certain pious woman named Rufina fled from Corinth to a mountain, to
escape from her pursuers. There she gave birth to a son Quadratus, and
died soon afterward. By the Providence of God the infant remained alive
and was nourished in miraculous manner: a cloud appeared over him,
dropping a sweet dew into his mouth.
The childhood and youth of St Quadratus were spent in the wilderness. When he was a young man, he chanced upon Christians, who enlightened him with the light of the true Faith. Quadratus studied grammar, and later learned the physician's art and attained great success in it. But most of all, Quadratus loved the wilderness solitude and he spent the greater part of his time in the hills, in prayer and meditation upon God. Many years passed, and his friends and followers frequently came to the saint to hear his instruction. Among them were Cyprian, Dionysius, Anectus, Paul, Crescens and many others.
By order of the impious emperor Decius (249-251), the military prefect Jason arrived at Corinth to torture and slay Christians. Since Quadratus was the eldest, he spoke for the rest. The saint bravely defended his faith in Christ the Savior, then they began the torture. St Quadratus, despite inhuman suffering, encouraged the others, urging them not to be afraid and to stand firmly for the Faith.
Unable to persuade any of them to deny Christ, Jason ordered the martyrs to be thrown to wild beasts to be torn apart. But the beasts did not touch them. They tied the saints to chariots by their feet and dragged them through the city, and many of the crowd threw stones at them. Finally, they condemned the martyrs to beheading by the sword. At the place of execution the martyrs requested for a certain time to pray, and then one after the other they bent their necks beneath the sword.
The remaining disciples of St Quadratus also suffered for Christ: Dionysius (another one) was stabbed in the night; Victorinus, Victor and Nicephorus were crushed in a large stone press; Claudius's hands and feet were cut off; Diodorus was thrown into a fire prepared for him; Serapion was decapitated; Papias and Leonidas were drowned in the sea. Imitating the men, many holy women also went voluntarily to suffer for Christ.
The childhood and youth of St Quadratus were spent in the wilderness. When he was a young man, he chanced upon Christians, who enlightened him with the light of the true Faith. Quadratus studied grammar, and later learned the physician's art and attained great success in it. But most of all, Quadratus loved the wilderness solitude and he spent the greater part of his time in the hills, in prayer and meditation upon God. Many years passed, and his friends and followers frequently came to the saint to hear his instruction. Among them were Cyprian, Dionysius, Anectus, Paul, Crescens and many others.
By order of the impious emperor Decius (249-251), the military prefect Jason arrived at Corinth to torture and slay Christians. Since Quadratus was the eldest, he spoke for the rest. The saint bravely defended his faith in Christ the Savior, then they began the torture. St Quadratus, despite inhuman suffering, encouraged the others, urging them not to be afraid and to stand firmly for the Faith.
Unable to persuade any of them to deny Christ, Jason ordered the martyrs to be thrown to wild beasts to be torn apart. But the beasts did not touch them. They tied the saints to chariots by their feet and dragged them through the city, and many of the crowd threw stones at them. Finally, they condemned the martyrs to beheading by the sword. At the place of execution the martyrs requested for a certain time to pray, and then one after the other they bent their necks beneath the sword.
The remaining disciples of St Quadratus also suffered for Christ: Dionysius (another one) was stabbed in the night; Victorinus, Victor and Nicephorus were crushed in a large stone press; Claudius's hands and feet were cut off; Diodorus was thrown into a fire prepared for him; Serapion was decapitated; Papias and Leonidas were drowned in the sea. Imitating the men, many holy women also went voluntarily to suffer for Christ.
Troparion — Tone 1
Let the godly-minded Quadratus, Anectus, Paul, Dionysius, Cyprian, and Crescens / Be praised with melodious hymns, / For as the six-fold choir of Christ’s prize-winners, / They ceaselessly pray for us before the Trinity!Troparion — Tone 4
Your holy martyrs, Quadratus and his companions, O Lord, / Through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!Kontakion — Tone 4
As you contested bravely in Corinth, O wise martyrs, / You appeared as a six-branched radiant lamp. / Illumining the way for Christ’s faithful by the grace that was given you!Saint VICTOR, martyr en Afrique du Nord sous Dèce (entre 249 et 251).
Troparion — Tone 1
Let the godly-minded Quadratus, Anectus, Paul, Dionysius, Cyprian, and Crescens / Be praised with melodious hymns, / For as the six-fold choir of Christ’s prize-winners, / They ceaselessly pray for us before the Trinity!Kontakion — Tone 4
As you contested bravely in Corinth, O wise martyrs, / You appeared as a six-branched radiant lamp. / Illumining the way for Christ’s faithful by the grace that was given you!
Martyr Leonidas and those with him at Corinth
Martyr Galina and those with her at Corinth
Martyr Quadratus and the rest of Nicomedia
Holy Martyrs Quadratus of Nicomedia, Saturinus, Rufinus and others
suffered during the persecutions of the emperor Decius (249-251) and his
successor Valerian (253-259).
St Quadratus was descended from an illustrious family. Possessing considerable wealth, the saint did not spare his means in helping fellow Christians, languishing in prison for the faith.
When the envoy of the impious Decius, the proconsul Perennius, arrived in Nicomedia, St Quadratus voluntarily appeared before him, in order to strengthen the courage of the imprisoned brethren by his self-sacrificing decision. At first Perennius attempted to lure Quadratus from Christ, promising him rewards and honors. Then, seeing the futility of his attempts, he cast the saint into prison and gave orders to lay him down on a bed of nails and to lay a large stone on him.
Setting out for Nicea, the proconsul commanded that all the imprisoned Christians be brought after him. In that number was St Quadratus. Upon arriving in the city, St Quadratus implored that they be led to the pagan temple. As soon as they untied his hands and feet, he began to overturn and destroy the idols. By order of the proconsul, they gave Quadratus over to torture. Enduring terrible torments, the saint held firm in spirit and by his act encouraged the other martyrs, whose wounds were seared with burning candles.
During the suffering of the martyrs, suddenly there shone a brilliant cloud, but the pagans found themselves in total darkness. In the ensuing silence was heard the singing of angels glorifying God. Many of those present confessed themselves Christians. Perennius ascribed the miracle to sorcery, and gave orders to take them to prison.
From Nicea the martyrs walked behind the proconsul to Apamea, then to Caesarea, Apollonia and the Hellespont, where they tortured them in all sorts of ways, hoping to make them deny Christ.
They tied St Quadratus into a sack filled with poisonous serpents, and threw it into a deep pit. On the following morning, everyone was astonished to see the martyr whole and unharmed. When they began to beat him mercilessly, two noblemen, Saturinus and Rufinus, were moved with pity for the martyr. This was observed, and Saturinus and Rufinus were beheaded.
Perennius subjected the martyr to even more fierce and refined tortures, but was not able to break his spirit. The saint lost his strength and was hardly able to move. For the last time the proconsul urged the martyr to abjure Christ. Marshalling his strength, the saint firmly replied, "Since childhood I have acknowledged Christ as the one and only God, and I know no other."
The proconsul gave orders to light the fire, make the iron grate red-hot and throw the martyr on it. Having blessed himself with the Sign of the Cross, St Quadratus laid himself down upon the red-hot couch as upon a soft bed, emerging unharmed from the flames. In frustration, the proconsul gave orders to behead St Quadratus.
St Quadratus was descended from an illustrious family. Possessing considerable wealth, the saint did not spare his means in helping fellow Christians, languishing in prison for the faith.
When the envoy of the impious Decius, the proconsul Perennius, arrived in Nicomedia, St Quadratus voluntarily appeared before him, in order to strengthen the courage of the imprisoned brethren by his self-sacrificing decision. At first Perennius attempted to lure Quadratus from Christ, promising him rewards and honors. Then, seeing the futility of his attempts, he cast the saint into prison and gave orders to lay him down on a bed of nails and to lay a large stone on him.
Setting out for Nicea, the proconsul commanded that all the imprisoned Christians be brought after him. In that number was St Quadratus. Upon arriving in the city, St Quadratus implored that they be led to the pagan temple. As soon as they untied his hands and feet, he began to overturn and destroy the idols. By order of the proconsul, they gave Quadratus over to torture. Enduring terrible torments, the saint held firm in spirit and by his act encouraged the other martyrs, whose wounds were seared with burning candles.
During the suffering of the martyrs, suddenly there shone a brilliant cloud, but the pagans found themselves in total darkness. In the ensuing silence was heard the singing of angels glorifying God. Many of those present confessed themselves Christians. Perennius ascribed the miracle to sorcery, and gave orders to take them to prison.
From Nicea the martyrs walked behind the proconsul to Apamea, then to Caesarea, Apollonia and the Hellespont, where they tortured them in all sorts of ways, hoping to make them deny Christ.
They tied St Quadratus into a sack filled with poisonous serpents, and threw it into a deep pit. On the following morning, everyone was astonished to see the martyr whole and unharmed. When they began to beat him mercilessly, two noblemen, Saturinus and Rufinus, were moved with pity for the martyr. This was observed, and Saturinus and Rufinus were beheaded.
Perennius subjected the martyr to even more fierce and refined tortures, but was not able to break his spirit. The saint lost his strength and was hardly able to move. For the last time the proconsul urged the martyr to abjure Christ. Marshalling his strength, the saint firmly replied, "Since childhood I have acknowledged Christ as the one and only God, and I know no other."
The proconsul gave orders to light the fire, make the iron grate red-hot and throw the martyr on it. Having blessed himself with the Sign of the Cross, St Quadratus laid himself down upon the red-hot couch as upon a soft bed, emerging unharmed from the flames. In frustration, the proconsul gave orders to behead St Quadratus.
Troparion — Tone 4
Your holy martyrs, O Lord, / Through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!Saint MARCIEN, qui accomplit son martyre en étant broyé sous des pièces de bois.
Saint SYLVESTRE, missionnaire en Irlande (vers 420).
Saint SIMPLICIUS, pape et patriarche de Rome (468-483), confesseur face au monophysitisme et à l'arianisme (483).
Simplicio, nativo di Tivoli, esercitò il ministero pontificio dal 468
al 483, in un periodo tormentato sia per la vita della Chiesa che per
quella dello Stato. Com'è noto, Odoacre, poiché non venivano soddisfatte
le richieste di terre da coltivare avanzate dai suoi Eruli, troncò ogni
indugio: tolto di mezzo Oreste, ne depose il figlio Romolo Augustolo,
ultimo rappresentante imperiale, che relegò in una villa napoletana con
una rendita annuale di 6.000 libbre d'oro, e rinviò le insegne imperiali
all'imperatore d'Oriente, Zenone.
Neppure questi
d'altra parte aveva una vita tranquilla, poichè proprio nel 475-476
dovette fronteggiare la rivolta di Basilisco: riuscì ad averne ragione
solo con l'aiuto di Teodorico, re degli Ostrogoti, che poi spodestò
anche Odoacre. Questa serie di avvicendamento non restava senza
conseguenze anche per la vita della Chiesa sia in Occidente che in
Oriente. Odoacre, infatti, e anche Teodorico erano seguaci dell'eresia
ariana, mentre Basilisco si appoggiava nella sua rivolta particolarmente
sui seguaci dell'eresia monofisita.
Il monofisismo era stato
suscitato da Dioscoro, patriarca di Alessandria d'Egitto, e soprattutto
dal monaco Eutiche: la sua tesi centrale, che le dava anche il nome, era
che in Cristo vi è una sola natura, quella divina. Nonostante
l'importante ed energico intervento di S. Leone Magno, l'eresia trionfò
in occasione del cosiddetto "latrocinio di Efeso", ma due anni dopo la
dottrina ortodossa venne affermata con chiarezza nel concilio di
Calcedonia, che assunse come articolo di fede il documento di S. Leone
Questo concilio emanò anche il famoso canone 28, che
riconosceva una preminenza del patriarcato costantinopolitano, che venne
contestata come innovazione pericolosa dagli inviati di S. Leone Magno e
venne combattuta anche da S. Simplicio. La controversia sul monofisismo
andò avanti ancora per qualche tempo: ne fu responsabile anche
l'imperatore Zenone che nel 482 tentò un impossibile compromesso con il
suo Henoticon, contro il quale papa Simplicio prese netta posizione.
a questa difesa della dottrina cristiana genuina, S. Simplicio si rese
benemerito per aver restaurato e dedicato alcune chiese romane come S.
Stefano Rotondo e S. Bibiana, e, mostrandosi rispettoso di ogni valida
arte, fu lui ad ordinare che venissero salvati dalla distruzione i
mosaici pagani della chiesa di S. Andrea. Le sue reliquie si venerano a
Sainte DISCIOLE, vierge, moniale à Poitiers (VIème siècle).
Saint KESSOG, Irlandais de nation, évêque missionnaire en Ecosse (vers 560).
Saint SEDNA, évêque en Irlande (vers 570).
Sainte ANASTASIE la Patricienne, dame de la cour de Constantinople devenue solitaire au désert de Scété en Egypte (vers 576).
aaaLe 10 mars, mémoire de notre vénérable Mère ANASTASIE la PATRICIENNE
Anastasie vivait à Constantinople au
temps de l'empereur Justinien (527-565). De noble et riche extraction,
elle avait été honorée par l'empereur du rang de première patricienne de
la cour. Comptant cependant pour peu de chose les honneurs de cette
vie, la bienheureuse gardait avec soin dans son cœur la crainte de Dieu
et s'adonnait avec zèle à la pratique de Ses commandements. Mais le
démon, ennemi implacable de ceux qui désirent vivre dans la vertu,
prenant occasion de la faveur que lui accordait l'empereur, sema des
sentiments de vive jalousie dans l'âme de l'impératrice.
Lorsqu'Anastasie apprit qu'elle avait été cause de scandale, saisissant
cette occasion, elle quitta la cour, en disant : « Sauve-toi, ô mon âme,
tu délivreras ainsi l'impératrice de sa jalousie déraisonnable et tu te
prépareras au Royaume des Cieux! » Prenant avec elle une petite partie
de sa fortune et distribuant le reste aux pauvres, elle s'embarqua pour
la ville d'Alexandrie, non loin de
laquelle elle fonda un monastère de religieuses, appelé par la suite le
Monastère-de- la-Patricienne, dans un endroit nommé Pempton1.
aaaQuelques années plus tard, l'impératrice Théodora étant décédée (548), l'empereur fit rechercher partout la belle et vertueuse Anastasie, en vue de l'épouser. Dès qu'elle en eut connaissance celle-ci abandonna son monastère en pleine nuit et se rendit au centre monastique de Scété, auprès d'Abba Daniel, pour lui soumettre son problème. L'Ancien la revêtit alors de vêtements masculins, lui donna le nom d'Anastase et l'installa dans une caverne éloignée de Scété, en lui donnant comme règle d'y demeurer dans le jeûne et la prière, sans jamais sortir à l'extérieur et sans y recevoir quiconque. Chaque semaine, un de ses disciples venait déposer une jarre d'eau à l'entrée de la grotte et se retirait silencieusement après avoir fait une métanie.
aaaCette âme vaillante et généreuse, resta ainsi pendant vingt-huit ans, en observant scrupuleusement les prescriptions de son ancien. Surmontant sa faiblesse naturelle et la mollesse des habitudes de la cour, elle menait un combat de jour et de nuit, contre la faim, la soif, le sommeil, mais surtout contre les esprits des ténèbres qui lui suggéraient d'abandonner sa retraite. Devenue par sa persévérance un vase d'élection du Saint-Esprit, elle connut à l'avance que sa dernière heure approchait, et écrivit sur une poterie à Abba Daniel d'apporter les instruments nécessaires à sa sépulture. L'Ancien, ayant été prévenu par Dieu au cours d'une vision nocturne, envoya son disciple à la grotte. Après avoir lu le message, il se précipita pour assister la bienheureuse dans ses derniers instants, et se jeta à ses pieds en lui demandant d'intercéder auprès de Dieu pour lui et ses disciples. Après avoir communié aux Saints Mystères, la Sainte salua les Anges qui étaient apparus à ses côtés et, son visage ayant pris l'éclat du feu, elle remit son âme à Dieu. A son retour à Scété, Abba Daniel révéla aux frères que l'eunuque Anastase était l'illustre patricienne recherchée par l'empereur Justinien.
1. C'est-à-dire la cinquième station sur la route conduisant à Alexandrie
Saint DROCTOVEE ou DROTTE, originaire d'Auxerre en Bourgogne, abbé à Paris, disciple de saint Germain de Paris (576 ou 580). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.) Parigi in Francia, san Droctoveo, abate, che san Germano di Autun, suo maestro, pose a capo di un cenobio di monaci istituito in questa città.
Saint ATTALE, originaire de Bourgogne, successeur de saint Colomban comme higoumène de Luxeuil (Franche-Comté) puis de Bobbio (Lombardie) et confesseur face à l'arianisme (626).
aaaQuelques années plus tard, l'impératrice Théodora étant décédée (548), l'empereur fit rechercher partout la belle et vertueuse Anastasie, en vue de l'épouser. Dès qu'elle en eut connaissance celle-ci abandonna son monastère en pleine nuit et se rendit au centre monastique de Scété, auprès d'Abba Daniel, pour lui soumettre son problème. L'Ancien la revêtit alors de vêtements masculins, lui donna le nom d'Anastase et l'installa dans une caverne éloignée de Scété, en lui donnant comme règle d'y demeurer dans le jeûne et la prière, sans jamais sortir à l'extérieur et sans y recevoir quiconque. Chaque semaine, un de ses disciples venait déposer une jarre d'eau à l'entrée de la grotte et se retirait silencieusement après avoir fait une métanie.
aaaCette âme vaillante et généreuse, resta ainsi pendant vingt-huit ans, en observant scrupuleusement les prescriptions de son ancien. Surmontant sa faiblesse naturelle et la mollesse des habitudes de la cour, elle menait un combat de jour et de nuit, contre la faim, la soif, le sommeil, mais surtout contre les esprits des ténèbres qui lui suggéraient d'abandonner sa retraite. Devenue par sa persévérance un vase d'élection du Saint-Esprit, elle connut à l'avance que sa dernière heure approchait, et écrivit sur une poterie à Abba Daniel d'apporter les instruments nécessaires à sa sépulture. L'Ancien, ayant été prévenu par Dieu au cours d'une vision nocturne, envoya son disciple à la grotte. Après avoir lu le message, il se précipita pour assister la bienheureuse dans ses derniers instants, et se jeta à ses pieds en lui demandant d'intercéder auprès de Dieu pour lui et ses disciples. Après avoir communié aux Saints Mystères, la Sainte salua les Anges qui étaient apparus à ses côtés et, son visage ayant pris l'éclat du feu, elle remit son âme à Dieu. A son retour à Scété, Abba Daniel révéla aux frères que l'eunuque Anastase était l'illustre patricienne recherchée par l'empereur Justinien.
1. C'est-à-dire la cinquième station sur la route conduisant à Alexandrie
Saint DROCTOVEE ou DROTTE, originaire d'Auxerre en Bourgogne, abbé à Paris, disciple de saint Germain de Paris (576 ou 580). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.) Parigi in Francia, san Droctoveo, abate, che san Germano di Autun, suo maestro, pose a capo di un cenobio di monaci istituito in questa città.
Saint ATTALE, originaire de Bourgogne, successeur de saint Colomban comme higoumène de Luxeuil (Franche-Comté) puis de Bobbio (Lombardie) et confesseur face à l'arianisme (626).
Santo Attala
era originario della Borgogna, ove nacque da una nobile famiglia. Per
una sua conveniente educazione venne affidato ad Aredio, vescovo di Gap,
città del Delfinato. Desiderando però uno stile di vita più rigido,
Attala fuggì e per qualche tempo si rifugiò nel monastero di Lérins.
Anche questa sistemazione però non lo soddisfece e decise dunque di
trasferirsi a Luxeuil, il monastero fondato da San Colombano: qui poté
finalmente trovare l’austerità tanto desiderata e porsi sotto la guida
del grande santo irlandese. Quando Colombano venne bandito dalla
Francia per aver rinfacciato i vizi del re Teodorico Austrasia,
portò con sé in Lombardia alcuni compagni, tra i quali proprio Attala.
Si stabilirono a Bobbio, su un tereno donato dal re longobardo
Agilulfo, marito della celebre Teodolinda. Colombano aveva ormai una
settantina anni, venerabile età per quel tempo, e sopravvisse solo
un anno. Buona parte del merito nella fondazione del monastero di Bobbio
si deve infatti a Santo Attala, che dal 615 gli succedette quale
Venuta meno autorità carismatica del santo fondatore,
furono avanzate dai monaci varie obiezioni alla austerità della vita
comunitaria, ma Attala non si lasciò condizionare e lasciò andara coloro
che erano insoddisfatti. Alcuni di questi fecero però poi ritorno ed
egli li accolse con affetto e benevolenza. Giona di Susa, suo agiografo,
lo ricorda quale “uomo benevoluto da tutti, di grande fervore, carità
per i poveri e i pellegrini. Sapeva tenere testa allo orgoglioso, ma
era umile con i più umili, non si lasciava zittire in conversazioni con
le persone
intelligenti ma con i semplici sapeva parlare dei segreti di Dio.
Saggio quando si imbatteva in problemi spinosi, fermo se contestato
dagli eretici, era forte nelle avversità, disciplinato nei periodi
favorevoli, sempre temperato e discreto. Mostrava amore e rispetto verso
i suoi subalterni, saggezza con i suoi discepoli. In sua presenza
nessuno poteva essere smodatamente triste o feliceâ€.
Come San
Colombano, anche Attala si trovò a dover combattere l arianesimo,
diffuso nei dintorni di Milano. Ammalatosi gravemente, chiese di essere
disteso fuori della cella, vicino alla quale era posta una croce che
egli toccava ogni volta che entrava o usciva, e di essere lasciato solo.
Come testimoniò un monaco rimasto nei paraggi, il santo ormai morente
pregò con fervore ed ebbe per diverse ore una visione del paradiso.
Riportato infine nella sua cella morì il giorno seguente: era l’anno
627. Santo Attala fu sepolto a fianco di San
Colombano e pochi anni dopo anche San Bertolfo, loro successore, li
raggiunse nella stessa tomba e condivise con loro il culto.
Saint BLANCHARD ou BLANQUART, confesseur, honoré à Nesle-la-Reposte en Brie (659).
Saint EMILIEN ou IMELIN, successeur de saint Fursy comme higoumène de Lagny-sur-Marne (vers 675).
Saint HIMELIN, Irlandais de nation (?), prêtre, honoré à Vissenaken près de Tirlemont en Belgique (vers 750).
Saint FAIBHE le Petit, higoumène d'Iona en Ecosse (754).
Saint AGATHON, moine de Saint-Siméon près d'Antioche (IXème-Xème siècles).
Saint MICHEL d'Agrapha en Thessalie, boulanger, martyr par le feu par la main des Musulmans à Thessalonique (1544). (En fait, il fut brûlé le 21 mars, et non le 10 mars.)
L'icône de la Mère de Dieu du monastère de la Sainte-Trinité d'Elie près de Tchernigov (1658). (Autre fête le 16 avril.)
Saint PAUL de Taganrog (Russie 1879).
Saint JEAN de Khakhouli, surnommé Chrysostome (Géorgie, Xème-XIème siècles
St John of Khakhuli the Oqropiri, also called Chrysostom |
In the
second half of the 10th century King Davit Kuropalates founded Khakhuli
Monastery in the historical region of Tao, at the gorge of the Khakhuli
River, where it joins the Tortumi River.
Once famed for its holiness and academic activity, today Khakhuli Monastery is a Turkish possession and has become a tourist site. Nevertheless, the Georgian nation continues to be illumined by its grace and the radiance of the Georgian faithful who labored there.
A contemporary of King Bagrat III (975–1014), St. John of Khakhuli was a highly educated theologian, translator, and calligrapher. He has been called “Chrysostom†since he, like the beloved archbishop of Constantinople, delivered his sermons with extraordinary eloquence.
Some sources claim that St. John was first consecrated bishop of Bolnisi and later transferred to the Khakhuli diocese. It is generally agreed, however, that he left Khakhuli around the year 1019 and traveled to Mt. Athos with Arsen of Ninotsminda and John Grdzelisdze.
One Georgian manuscript, however, suggests that St. John was not a bishop at that time, and this has baffled Church historians to this day. In this manuscript it is written: “Pray for the blessed monk John Grdzelisdze and his spiritual son John Chrysostom, who labored to write this holy book.
While laboring on Mt. Athos, St. John faithfully assisted St. Ekvtime of the Holy Mountain, and these spiritual brothers became close friends.
The countless good works he performed from the bishops throne, the title “Chrysostom, and the many important writings accredited to him attest to the piety, wisdom, and patriotism of St. John of Khakhuli. It is written in The Life of Giorgi of the Holy Mountain that St. John reposed on Mt. Athos.
Once famed for its holiness and academic activity, today Khakhuli Monastery is a Turkish possession and has become a tourist site. Nevertheless, the Georgian nation continues to be illumined by its grace and the radiance of the Georgian faithful who labored there.
A contemporary of King Bagrat III (975–1014), St. John of Khakhuli was a highly educated theologian, translator, and calligrapher. He has been called “Chrysostom†since he, like the beloved archbishop of Constantinople, delivered his sermons with extraordinary eloquence.
Some sources claim that St. John was first consecrated bishop of Bolnisi and later transferred to the Khakhuli diocese. It is generally agreed, however, that he left Khakhuli around the year 1019 and traveled to Mt. Athos with Arsen of Ninotsminda and John Grdzelisdze.
One Georgian manuscript, however, suggests that St. John was not a bishop at that time, and this has baffled Church historians to this day. In this manuscript it is written: “Pray for the blessed monk John Grdzelisdze and his spiritual son John Chrysostom, who labored to write this holy book.
While laboring on Mt. Athos, St. John faithfully assisted St. Ekvtime of the Holy Mountain, and these spiritual brothers became close friends.
The countless good works he performed from the bishops throne, the title “Chrysostom, and the many important writings accredited to him attest to the piety, wisdom, and patriotism of St. John of Khakhuli. It is written in The Life of Giorgi of the Holy Mountain that St. John reposed on Mt. Athos.
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