11 marzo feste santi e memorie
Saint PIONE, prêtre, martyr à Smyrne sous Dèce (vers 250). A
Smirne, ¢odierna Turchia, san Pionio, sacerdote e martire,
che, come si racconta, per aver tenuto pubblicamente ¢apologia
in difesa della fede cristiana, dopo aver subíto amarezza del
carcere, durante il quale confortò con il suo incoraggiamento molti
fratelli ad affrontare il martirio, crudelmente torturato ottenne in
sorte nel fuoco una fine beata in Cristo.
Saints HERACLIUS et ZOSIME, martyrs à Carthage.
Saints CANDIDE, PIPERION et leurs compagnons, martyrs en Afrique, probablement sous Valérien et Gallien (vers 254-259).
Saints TROPHIME et THALLE, frères selon la chair, martyrs à Laodicée (Phrygie) sous Dioclétien (entre 284 et 305).
Sainte ALBERTE, martyre à Agen en Gascogne sous Dioclétien (vers 286).
Saint CONSTANTIN, confesseur à Carthage.
Saint CERASE, évêque d'Eauze en Gascogne (avant l'an 500).
Saint ALC'HOUEN, ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint BERRIEN, ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint GEORGES, moine du Sinaï (552).
Saints VINCENT, higoumène, RAMIRE (RAMIRO), prieur, et DOUZE moines du même monastère Saint-Claude dans les Asturies, martyrs par la main des Suèves ariens (vers 555).
Saint AFFRODIUS, moine en Bretagne (VIème-VIIème siècles).
Saints HERACLIUS et ZOSIME, martyrs à Carthage.
Saints CANDIDE, PIPERION et leurs compagnons, martyrs en Afrique, probablement sous Valérien et Gallien (vers 254-259).
Saints TROPHIME et THALLE, frères selon la chair, martyrs à Laodicée (Phrygie) sous Dioclétien (entre 284 et 305).
Laodicea in Siria, santi Trofimo e Talo, martiri, che, durante la
persecuzione ¢imperatore Diocleziano, dopo molti crudeli
tormenti ottennero la corona di gloria.
Saint CONSTANTIN, confesseur à Carthage.
Saint CERASE, évêque d'Eauze en Gascogne (avant l'an 500).
Saint ALC'HOUEN, ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint BERRIEN, ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint GEORGES, moine du Sinaï (552).
Saints VINCENT, higoumène, RAMIRE (RAMIRO), prieur, et DOUZE moines du même monastère Saint-Claude dans les Asturies, martyrs par la main des Suèves ariens (vers 555).
Saint AFFRODIUS, moine en Bretagne (VIème-VIIème siècles).
Saint SOPHRONE, patriarche de Jérusalem(633-638 ou 639), confesseur de la foi orthodoxe face au monophysitisme et au monothélisme, père spirituel de saint Maxime le Confesseur (638 ou 639). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées. Office complet plus récent traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, was born in Damascus around 560.
From his youth he was distinguished for his piety and his love for
classical studies. He was especially proficient in philosophy, and so he
was known as Sophronius the Wise. The future hierarch, however, sought
the true philosophy of monasticism, and conversations with the
He arrived in Jerusalem at the monastery of St Theodosius, and there he became close with the hieromonk John Moschus, becoming his spiritual son and submitting himself to him in obedience. They visited several monasteries, writing down the lives and spiritual wisdom of the ascetics they met. From these notes emerged their renowned book, the LEIMONARION or SPIRITUAL MEADOW, which was highly esteemed at the Seventh Ecumenical Council.
To save themselves from the devastating incursions of the Persians, Sts John and Sophronius left Palestine and went to Antioch, and from there they went to Egypt. In Egypt, St Sophronius became seriously ill. During this time he decided to become a monk and was tonsured by St John Moschus.
After St Sophronius recovered his health, they both decided to remain in Alexandria. There they were received by the holy Patriarch John the Merciful (November 12), to whom they rendered great aid in the struggle against the Monophysite heresy. At Alexandria St Sophronius had an affliction of the eyes, and he turned with prayer and faith to the holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John (January 31), and he received healing in a church named for them. In gratitude, St Sophronius then wrote the Lives of these holy Unmercenaries.
When the barbarians began to threaten Alexandria, Patriarch John, accompanied by Sts Sophronius and John Moschus, set out for Constantinople, but he died along the way. Sts John Moschus and Sophronius then set out for Rome with eighteen other monks. St John Moschus died at Rome. His body was taken to Jerusalem by St Sophronius and buried at the monastery of St Theodosius.
In the year 628, Patriarch Zacharias of Jerusalem (609-633) returned from his captivity in Persia. After his death, the patriarchal throne was occupied for two years by St Modestus (December 18). After the death of St Modestus, St Sophronius was chosen Patriarch. St Sophronius toiled much for the welfare of the Jerusalem Church as its primate (634-644).
Toward the end of his life, St Sophronius and his flock lived through a two year siege of Jerusalem by the Moslems. Worn down by hunger, the Christians finally agreed to open the city gates, on the condition that the enemy spare the holy places. But this condition was not fulfilled, and St Sophronius died in grief over the desecration of the Christian holy places.
He arrived in Jerusalem at the monastery of St Theodosius, and there he became close with the hieromonk John Moschus, becoming his spiritual son and submitting himself to him in obedience. They visited several monasteries, writing down the lives and spiritual wisdom of the ascetics they met. From these notes emerged their renowned book, the LEIMONARION or SPIRITUAL MEADOW, which was highly esteemed at the Seventh Ecumenical Council.
To save themselves from the devastating incursions of the Persians, Sts John and Sophronius left Palestine and went to Antioch, and from there they went to Egypt. In Egypt, St Sophronius became seriously ill. During this time he decided to become a monk and was tonsured by St John Moschus.
After St Sophronius recovered his health, they both decided to remain in Alexandria. There they were received by the holy Patriarch John the Merciful (November 12), to whom they rendered great aid in the struggle against the Monophysite heresy. At Alexandria St Sophronius had an affliction of the eyes, and he turned with prayer and faith to the holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John (January 31), and he received healing in a church named for them. In gratitude, St Sophronius then wrote the Lives of these holy Unmercenaries.
When the barbarians began to threaten Alexandria, Patriarch John, accompanied by Sts Sophronius and John Moschus, set out for Constantinople, but he died along the way. Sts John Moschus and Sophronius then set out for Rome with eighteen other monks. St John Moschus died at Rome. His body was taken to Jerusalem by St Sophronius and buried at the monastery of St Theodosius.
In the year 628, Patriarch Zacharias of Jerusalem (609-633) returned from his captivity in Persia. After his death, the patriarchal throne was occupied for two years by St Modestus (December 18). After the death of St Modestus, St Sophronius was chosen Patriarch. St Sophronius toiled much for the welfare of the Jerusalem Church as its primate (634-644).
Toward the end of his life, St Sophronius and his flock lived through a two year siege of Jerusalem by the Moslems. Worn down by hunger, the Christians finally agreed to open the city gates, on the condition that the enemy spare the holy places. But this condition was not fulfilled, and St Sophronius died in grief over the desecration of the Christian holy places.

Written works by Patriarch Sophronius have come down to us in the area of dogmatics, and likewise his "Excursus on the Liturgy," the Life of St Mary of Egypt (April 1), and also about 950 troparia and stikheras from Pascha to the Ascension.
While still a hieromonk, St Sophronius reviewed and made corrections to the Rule of the monastery of St Sava the Sanctified (December 5). The saint's three Odes Canons for the Holy Forty Day Great Fast are included in the the contemporary Lenten Triodion.
Troparion (Tone 5)
O Father Sophronios, thou wast glorious in the splendour of sobriety, and didst reveal thy ineffable enlightenment from heaven through the radiance of thy words. For by thy life thou didst attain to wisdom and dost now confirm thy Church, as an illustrious Hierarch and intercessor for us with the Lord
O Father Sophronios, thou wast glorious in the splendour of sobriety, and didst reveal thy ineffable enlightenment from heaven through the radiance of thy words. For by thy life thou didst attain to wisdom and dost now confirm thy Church, as an illustrious Hierarch and intercessor for us with the Lord
Troparion — Tone 5
Patriarch Sophronius, you were glorious in the splendor of
sobriety, / and through the radiance of your words you revealed
ineffable enlightenment from heaven. / For by your life you attained
wisdom / and now you confirm the Church / as an illustrious hierarch and
intercessor for us with the Lord.
Kontakion — Tone 8
You were most wise among patriarchs, Sophronius of Jerusalem. / You struggled with divine zeal, spreading the commandments of truth with your lips. / You set right the foundations of the Church and firmly established the monastic order. / You brought to light wise sermons, and instructed by them, / therefore we cry out to you: “Rejoice, splendid boast of the Orthodox.”
Saint VIGILE, évêque d'Auxerre en Bourgogne, martyr pour la justice sur ordre du maire du palais Varaton (689).
Saint VINDICIEN, évêque des diocèses réunis d'Arras et de Cambrai en Artois (vers 705).
Saint VINDICIEN, évêque des diocèses réunis d'Arras et de Cambrai en Artois (vers 705).
regione Hainault in Neustria, Francia,
san Vindiciano, vescovo di Cambrai e Arras, che invitò Teodorico III ad
espiare con la penitenza il crimine commesso con uccisione di
san Leodegario.
Saint BENOÎT CRISPUS, évêque de Milan, qui construisit un refuge pour les femmes repenties (vers 725).
Saint BENOÎT CRISPUS, évêque de Milan, qui construisit un refuge pour les femmes repenties (vers 725).
Saint ANGUS le Culdée, évêque en Irlande (vers 830).
Saint EULOGE, métropolite de Tolède en Espagne, martyr à Cordoue par la main des Musulmans (859). Eulogio è il più importante dei «Martiri di Cordoba» assieme a Rodrigo e Salomone. Strappata ai Visigoti dagli Arabi nel 771, Cordoba raggiunse il suo apogeo culturale nel X secolo, prima di essere "riconquistata" nel 1236 da Ferdinando III di Castiglia. I musulmani non si mostrarono sempre feroci persecutori dei cristiani, cui talvolta si limitavano a imporre di non testimoniare la loro fede e di versare un cospicuo tributo periodico: se ciò provocava lo spirito d'indipendenza dei cristiani, i più sensibili, non potevano tollerare una specie di ibernazione religiosa. Di qui sporadiche reazioni alla dominazione, che venivano soffocate con sporadiche persecuzioni. Di una di queste reazioni furono protagonisti Rodrigo, Salomone ed Eulogio. Questo era prete; non potendo accettare la passività dei cristiani, parlò apertamente contro il Corano. Imprigionato una prima volta, venne rilasciato, ma, nominato vescovo di Toledo, non poté essere ordinato, perché venne decapitato l'11 marzo 859.
Sainte LEOCRITIE ou LUCRECE, vierge musulmane convertie, martyre à Cordoue par la main des Musulmans quatre jours après saint Euloge et honorée le même jour que lui (859).
A Córdova Andalusia in Spagna, santa Leocrizia, vergine e martire, che, nata da famiglia mora, progredì di nascosto nella fede di Cristo e, arrestata in casa insieme a santo Eulogio, fu decapitata quattro giorni dopo il martirio di lui, passando così alla gloria eterna.
Saint GEORGES le Nouveau, le Thaumaturge, qui reposait au quartier de Diipion à Constantinople (milieu du Xème siècle).
Saint SOPHRONE, reclus de la Laure des Grottes de Kiev (XIIIème siècle).
Sainte THEODORA, reine de l'Epire et ascète; épouse fidèle du despote d'Epire Michel II Ange qui lui fit subir d'injustes tourments avant de se repentir (après 1271).
Transfert des reliques du saint martyr EPIMAQUE de Péluse (mémoire le 31 octobre).
Ad Alessandria Egitto, santo Epimachio di Pelusio, martire, che, come si tramanda, durante la persecuzione imperatore Decio, vedendo che il prefetto costringeva i cristiani a sacrificare agli idoli, tentò di rovesciare l ' altare e fu per questo arrestato, torturato e, infine, decapitato con la spada.
Saint EUTHYME le Thaumaturge, archevêque de Novgorod (1429-1458) qui se retira au monastère de la Mère de Dieu (Russie 1458). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)
Troparion — Tone 4
O hierarch Euthymius, you were chosen by God from your youth / And honored with the rank of bishop. / You faithfully cared for your flock / And even after your repose / You received the gift of wonderworking, to heal infirmities. / Now pray for us who celebrate your memory / That we might praise Christ ceaselessly!Kontakion — Tone 8
Equal in rank with the great hierarchs and champion among holy bishops, / O holy Bishop Euthymius, continue to care for your flock. / Pray for those who celebrate your holy memory and venerate your holy relics, / That we may all cry: Rejoice, O holy hierarch wise in God!Saint SOPHRONE, évêque de Bratchansk (Bulgarie, 1813).
Saint ALEXIS, starets du skite Goloseïevski à Kiev (1917).
Saint PATRICE, confesseur (Russie 1933).
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