martedì 11 marzo 2014

12 marzo santi feste e memorie

12 marzo santi feste e memorie

Le juste PHINES, petit-fils d'Aaron, mort en paix (vers le XIIème siècle avant NSJC).

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE LYDDA" ("LIDSKAÏA"), sur un pilier à Lydda (aujourd'hui Lod) en Palestine (Ier siècle).


Saint MAXIMILIEN, martyr à Tebessa dans l'actuelle Algérie sous Dioclétien (295). Da una «Passio Sancti Massimiliani» si sa che Massimiliano subì il martirio intorno al 295, un 12 marzo, sotto il consolato di Tusco e Anulino (o Anulio), nei pressi di Cartagine, a Tebessa. Era figlio del veterano Fabio Vittore e, secondo le leggi del tempo, era tenuto a seguire la carriera del genitore. Il giovane cristiano, tuttavia, rifiutò tale strada, nonostante fosse riconosciuto abile al servizio militare. Condotto nel Foro, dinanzi al proconsole Dione, fu da questi interrogato circa le ragioni del suo rifiuto. Egli con fermezza rispose: «Non mi è lecito fare il soldato, giacché sono cristiano». Un'affermazione che lo condusse al martirio

Saint MAXIMILIEN, martyr à Rome, probablement sous Dioclétien. 

NEUF saints martyrs morts par le feu.


Saint PAUL ou POL (PAUL AURELIEN), originaire de Cornouailles / Cornwall ou du pays de Galles, premier évêque du Léon en Bretagne et un des sept saints fondateurs de la Bretagne (575). (La ville de Saint-Pol-de-Léon, jadis Oxismor, porte son nom.)

Saint TANGUY ou GURGUY, abbé en Bretagne (vers 600).


Saint GREGOIRE Ier le Dialogue, pape et patriarche de Rome (590-604), biographe de saint Benoît de Nursie, organisateur de la mission en Angleterre et qui condamna d'avance les prétentions de ses successeurs (604).
St. Gregory I is shown at left. At right is St. Basil the Great. 
Troparion (Tone 3)
Thou didst excellently dispense the Word of God, endowed with discretion of speech, O Hierarch Gregory: for by thy life thou didst set the virtues before us, and dost radiate the brightness of holiness. O righteous Father, pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion — Tone 4

Receiving divine grace from God on high, glorious Gregory, / and strengthened with its power, / you willed to walk in the path of the Gospel, most blessed one. / Therefore you have received from Christ the reward of your labors. / Entreat Him that He may save our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Father Gregory, you showed yourself to be an imitator of Christ, the chief Shepherd, / guiding the orders of monks to the fold of heaven. / You taught the flock of Christ His commandments. / Now you rejoice and dance with them in the mansions of heaven.


Saint PIERRE, diacre et disciple de saint Grégoire Dialogue (605). 

Saint MURE (MURA,MURAN, MURAMES) MC FEREDACH, higoumène de Fathen en Irlande (vers 645).

Saint MABON, évêque de Saint-Pol-de-Léon en Bretagne (vers 650).

Saint LAURENT, un des 300 martyrs dits "les Allemands" morts par la main des Musulmans sur l'île de Chypre (fin du VIIème siècle).


Saint THEOPHANE le Confesseur, higoumène du monastère du Grand-Champ au Mont Sigriane près de Cyzique, qui souffrit pour la cause des saintes Icônes sous Léon V l'Arménien (818). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.) Saint Theophanes the Confessor was born in 759 at Constantinople into a pious and renowned family. His father was a relative of the Byzantine emperor Leo the Isaurian (717-741). Three years after Theophanes was born, his father died, leaving his family under the care of the emperor himself.

Theophanes grew up at the court and became a dignitary under the emperor Leo IV the Khazar (775-780). His position obliged him to enter into marriage, but he persuaded his bride to live with him in virginity.

After the death of his parents, Theophanes and his wife visited monasteries in the Sygrian district (Asia Minor), Theophanes met the Elder Gregory Stratitios, who predicted to Theophanes' wife that her husband would earn the crown of martyrdom.

Later the wife of Theophanes was tonsured a nun in one of the monasteries in Bithynia, and Theophanes went to a monastery in the Cyzicus region. With the blessing of his Elder, Theophanes founded the Kalonymon monastery on an island in the Sea of Marmara and secluded himself in his cell, transcribing books. Theophanes attained a high degree of skill in this occupation.

Later, St Theophanes founded another monastery in Sygria, at a place called the "Big Settlement", and became its igumen. He participated in all the work of the monastery, and was an example to all in his love for work and ascetical effort. He received from the Lord the gift of wonderworking, healing the sick, and casting out demons.

The Seventh Ecumenical Council met in Nicea in 787, which condemned the heresy of Iconoclasm. St Theophanes was also invited to the Council. He arrived dressed in his tattered garments, but he revealed his wisdom in affirming the veneration of the holy icons.

At the age of fifty, St Theophanes fell grievously ill and he suffered terribly until the day he died. Even on his deathbed, the saint continued to work. He wrote his CHRONOGRAPHIA, a history of the Christian Church covering the years 285-813. This work has remained an invaluable source for the history of the Church.

During the reign of the emperor Leo the Armenian (813-820), when the saint was advanced in age, the Iconoclast heresy returned. They demanded that St Theophanes accept the heresy, but he firmly refused and was locked up in prison. His "Big Settlement" monastery was put to the torch. The holy confessor died in 818 after twenty-three days in prison.

After the death of the impious emperor Leo the Armenian, the "Big Settlement" monastery was restored and the relics of the holy confessor were transferred there.

San Teofane potrebbe essere considerato come uno dei non pochi esempi di santità votata alla preghiera e nello stesso tempo conquistatrice della preghiera. In effetti niente potè arrestare il suo desiderio di abbracciare nella vita monastica preghiera e silenzio. Né la ricchezza familiare ereditata, né il fidanzamento imposto e sublimato, né il matrimonio; neppure le lusinghe della politica e il non breve addestramento militare.
A un certo momento della vita ottenne l'ordinazione sacerdotale e da allora vagò "nel silenzio" della terraferma e delle isole greche, spesso rifiutando le proposte di direzione delle comunità monastiche che lo accettavano o che egli stesso andava fondando. E' vero: gli rimase tempo di essere anche generoso coi fratelli. In effetti tutta la sua cospicua fortuna ereditata venne assai rapidamente distribuita ai poveri.
La commemorazione liturgica di S. Teofane ricorre il 12 marzo: nello stesso giorno dell'817 egli infatti morì nell'isola Samotracia dell'Egeo dove era stato esiliato quale conseguenza del suo costante rifiuto dell'iconoclastia. Egli sempre infatti, coerente col suo grande bisogno di preghiera e di contemplazione, difese il culto delle immagini anche contro imperatore e qualche patriarca che andarono scatenando, particolarmente in quei tempi, varie ondate iconoclastiche.

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile / And by your longing for God you brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illuminated the whole universe. / O our holy Father Theophan, pray to Christ our God to save our souls.

Saint ALPHEGE le Chauve, évêque de Winchester en Angleterre (951).
A Winchester in Inghilterra, sant’Elfégo, vescovo, che, già monaco, si adoperò molto per il rinnovamento della vita cenobitica.


Saint NICODEME, disciple de saint Fantin, solitaire à Mammola en Calabre (990).

Saint SYMEON le Nouveau Théologien, ascète (1022). (Mémoire principale le 12 octobre.) (Canon paraclitique traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Saint DEMETRE le Sacrifié, roi de Géorgie, martyr (1289).
King Demetre, grandson of Holy Queen Tamar, was orphaned by the age of ten.  His mother was killed when he was an infant and his father died when Demetre was ten years old.  When Demetre was twelve, the Georgian people sent him to the Mongol ruler of the time, Abaqa Khan, requesting that he recognize and instate him as king.  Abaqa Khan granted the request and King Demetre ruled Georgia wisely.  He ministered to the poor, the sick, and the orphaned by distributing his money amoung them.  He rebuilt churches, monasteries, and fortifications and established new during times of relative peace.  Unfortunately, Georgia became desperate from the constant exhaustion of it's soldiers being used for foreign wars by the Mongol ruler.  During this time of upheaval, a plot was made to uproot and kill the khan, then Arghun, Abaqa Khan's son.  The plot was discovered and the conspirators were executed.  Not being satisfied, the khan sought to root out any other possible conspirators.  King Demetre became a suspect and was summoned to the khan.  He is known to have said, "I am certain he intends to do me evil, but my kingdom will lie defenseless before him if I do not go.  How many Christians will die or become his slaves?  How many churches will be laid to waste?  Truly my life cannot be so valuable that I could live and bear this sin while many Christian souls are left to perish.  It is my wish to go to the khan.  God's will be done: if I am killed, I will be certain that my country is saved!"  He was questioned and even though they found no fault in him, they imprisoned him and chose to execute him.  When King Demetre learned of his execution, he prepared himself with prayer and fasting and partook of the Holy Gifts and gave up his soul to God.  Upon his death, the sky became dark and a gloom enveloped the surrounding city.  


Saint NICEPHORE, prêtre, martyr par la main des Musulmans à Caffa en Crimée (1730).

Saints JEAN, prêtre, et VLADIMIR, moine, martyrs par la main des Communistes (Russie 1938
Icon "Not Made by Hands" from Lydda
The wonder-working Lydda Icon is mentioned in the service for the Kazan Icon (July 8 & October 22) in the third Ode of the Canon. 

According to Tradition, the Apostles Peter and John were preaching in Lydda (later called Diospolis) near Jerusalem. There they built a church dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, then went to Jerusalem and asked her to come and sanctify the church by her presence. She sent them back to Lydda and said, "Go in peace, and I shall be there with you." 

Arriving at Lydda, they found an icon of the Virgin imprinted in color on the wall of the church (some sources say the image was on a pillar). Then the Mother of God appeared and rejoiced at the number of people who had gathered there. She blessed the icon and gave it the power to work miracles. This icon was not made by the hand of man, but by a divine power. 

Julian the Apostate (reigned 361-363) heard about the icon and tried to eradicate it. Masons with sharp tools chipped away at the image, but the paint and lines just seemed to penetrate deeper into the stone. Those whom the emperor had sent were unable to destroy the icon. As word of this miracle spread, millions of people came to venerate the icon. 

In the eighth century, St Germanus, the future Patriarch of Constantinople (May 12) passed through Lydda. He had a copy of the icon made, and sent it to Rome during the iconoclastic controversy. It was placed in the church of St Peter, and was the source of many healings. In 842, the reproduction was returned to Constantinople and was known as the Roman Icon (June 26). 

The oldest sources of information for the Lydda Icon are a document attributed to St Andrew of Crete in 726, a letter written by three eastern Patriarchs to the iconoclast emperor Theophilus in 839, and a work of George the Monk in 886. 

The icon still existed as late as the ninth century.
St Kirion II, Catholicos of Georgia

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