giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Icons of St. Benedict the Great, abbot

Icons of St. Benedict the Great, abbot

Il tuo nome,la tua vocazione:Ai monaci d'Occidente
hai dettato la santa regola.A tutti hai indicato
la via della santità.Lavoro e preghiera come doni dello Spirito

Presso Cristo Dio o padre Benedetto continua ad
intercedere per la salvezza delle anime nostre

Saint BENOÎT de Nursie en Ombrie, patriarche des moines d'Occident, fondateur des monastères de Subiaco et du Mont-Cassin, auteur de la règle bénédictine (543). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées. Acathiste traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées. Office composé par saint Nil de Rossano et traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XIII du Supplément aux Ménées à la date du 21 mars.)

Top Icon: by the hand of Alexander Stolyarov, courtesy of Hieromonk Benedikt (Schneider) of the Moscow Patriarchate. The Latin inscription St. Benedict is holding is the prologue to the Holy Rule: "Hearken, my son, to the precepts of thy master," etc.
Sts. Benedict the Great and Photini, by the hand of Mother Justina, Greek Old Calendarist Convent of St. Elizabeth the New-Martyr at Etna, California
by the hand of Mother Justina, Greek Old Calendarist convent of St. Elizabeth, Etna, California, with permission. 
Fresco from a Church in Serbia
by the hand of Mother Justina, Greek Old Calendarist convent of St. Elizabeth, Etna, California, with permission. Inscriptions are in German; St. Benedict is the prostrate figure in black at the right of Christ's feet. 
from the workshop of the Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity in France. 
from a workshop in Pskov, Russia. From the Pravoslavie website.

The Officium or Introit for St. Benedict begins thus in the Old English liturgical books:  "With jubilation of the voice, O chant ye of our Father Benedict: The mouth of the righteous shall meditate wisdom. For wisdom hath built up a throne for herself in the bosom of the righteous man. And his tongue shall speak of judgment, seeing the Logos-teaching Pneumatos bedeweth the hidden places of his heart; for the law of his God is in his heart. (Ps 36:33,34, trope "In jubilo" in the Anglo-Saxon Troperia)  --- From Old Sarum Rite Missal, (c) 1998 St. Hilarion Press

St Benoit

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