18 MARZO feste santi e memorie
Saints TROPHIME et EUCARPION, gardes du corps du gouverneur de Bithynie, martyrs sous Maximien (300 ou 301).
Saint NARCISSE, Espagnol de nation, évêque qui fut le premier apôtre de la Rhétie (actuel canton suisse des Grisons) et mourut martyr à Girone (Espagne) sous Dioclétien (entre 303 et 305).
Mémoire des DIX MILLE martyrs anonymes morts par le glaive.
Saint NARCISSE, Espagnol de nation, évêque qui fut le premier apôtre de la Rhétie (actuel canton suisse des Grisons) et mourut martyr à Girone (Espagne) sous Dioclétien (entre 303 et 305).
Mémoire des DIX MILLE martyrs anonymes morts par le glaive.
Saint CYRILLE, archevêque de Jérusalem, qui souffrit l'exil pour la foi orthodoxe et prit part au IIème concile oecuménique (386). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.) Tutta la sua vita è coinvolta nel travaglio della Chiesa durante i primi secoli. Ossia nei dibattiti teologici anche molto aspri, mescolati alle debolezze umane e intrecciati poi alla politica, alle guerre esterne per difendere l Impero e a quelle interne per impadronirsi del trono, mettendo di mezzo anche la fede.
Basta una sequenza di date a riassumere la vicenda di Cirillo. Eletto vescovo di Gerusalemme nel 348, viene destituito nel 357. Motivo: il vescovo Acacio di Cesarea di Palestina (che pure lo ha consacrato) lo accusa di errori dottrinali; e soprattutto pretende che la sede episcopale di Gerusalemme dipenda da quella sua di Cesarea, che fu già capitale amministrativa della Palestina e sede dei procuratori romani.
Nel 359 un concilio locale di vescovi lo riabilita, e lui torna alla cattedra di Gerusalemme. Ma nel 360 viene scacciato per la seconda volta da un altro concilio, riunito a Costantinopoli su insistenza di Acacio, che è pure molto influente sull imperatore filo-ariano Costanzo. (E d altra parte questo Acacio, vescovo dal 340 al 366, non è certo un personaggio da poco. Succeduto al grande vescovo Eusebio, continuò ad arricchire la biblioteca di Cesarea. San Girolamo, infatti, morto nel 420, parlerà delle sue grandi opere di commento e interpretazione della Sacra Scrittura, andate poi perdute).
E riecco Cirillo nuovamente in carica a Gerusalemme nel 362, alla morte di Costanzo, che era in lotta contro i Persiani e poi contro il cugino Giuliano. Ma, verso il 367, l imperatore Valente lo condanna all esilio, dal quale potrà tornare solo nel 378, definitivamente, dopo la morte di Valente nella guerra contro i Goti.
Ora nessuno lo caccerà più. Nel 381 Cirillo prende parte al Concilio di Costantinopoli (secondo concilio ecumenico) e a quello successivo del 382, nel quale viene ancora ribadita la validità della sua consacrazione a vescovo di Gerusalemme, dove rimane finalmente indisturbato fino alla morte.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem & Eucarpion18th March
Troparion — Tone 8
You were seen in Zion clothed in a robe of godliness / As an illustrious pillar of the Apostles’ faith. / You became an heir to their grace, / Setting forth their pious doctrines / And dispensing their talents of wisdom. / O Cyril, our Father and hierarch, pray for us.Kontakion — Tone 1
With your lips, O wise Cyril, / And through divine inspiration / You enlightened your people / To the worship of the one Trinity, / Undivided in essence, yet divided in Hypostases. / Wherefore rejoicing, we celebrate your all-holy memory, / Offering you as our intercessor before God.
Le 18 mars, nous célébrons la mémoire de notre Saint Père Théophore CYRILLE, Archevêque de JERUSALEM
Saint Père Cyrille naquit probablement à Jérusalem, vers 315, de
parents pieux et Orthodoxes. Il fut ordonné Prêtre par l'Archevêque
Saint Maxime1 qui le chargea de la formation des
Catéchumènes. Homme de paix, humble et doux, plus préoccupé de
l'édification des fidèles que des interminables controverses doctrinales
qui déchiraient l'Eglise après le Concile de Nicée, il évitait
d'employer le mot « consubstantiel » (homoousios)2 mais
partageait pleinement la Foi Orthodoxe. Cette réserve fit croire aux
ariens qu'il était de leur parti et, lorsqu'à la mort de Maxime (347),
il fut élu par le peuple pour lui succéder, le métropolite arien de
Césarée de Palestine, Acace, dont dépendait
alors Jérusalem3, agréa l'élection et l'ordonna Evêque. Mais il dut bientôt reconnaître amèrement sa méprise4,
car le nouvel Evêque enseignait clairement la Doctrine Orthodoxe sur la
divinité du Fils et Verbe de Dieu en expliquant le Symbole de Foi aux
Catéchumènes dans ses Catéchèses baptismales5. Tel le Bon
Pasteur, il gouverna avec sagesse la Ville Sainte qui, grâce aux
constructions entreprises par Saint Constantin le Grand, retrouvait une
nouvelle gloire et attirait un grand nombre de pèlerins venus de toutes
les extrémités du monde chrétien. En 351, il fut témoin comme tous les
habitants de l'apparition merveille d'une immense Croix lumineuse dans
le ciel, du Golgotha au Mont des Oliviers, et il écrivit à l'empereur
Constance pour l'en informer6. Il contribua aussi à
l'organisation des fêtes et des processions dans les Lieux saints, qui
deviendront le fondement de maintes fêtes
générales de l'Eglise. Quelques années après, il présenta au Métropolite
de Césarée une requête, dans laquelle il demandait la reconnaissance
des privilèges apostoliques de Jérusalem, que les Pères du Concile de
Nicée avaient reconnus sans les définir exactement. Cette revendication
déclencha la haine d'Acace qui, sous prétexte qu'en temps de famine
Cyrille avait vendu des Vases Sacrés et des Ornements Liturgiques de la
Basilique de la Résurrection pour nourrir les pauvres, le convoqua à son
tribunal ecclésiastique, en vue de le condamner. Comme Cyrille ne se
rendait pas à ses convocations réitérées, il le déposa et le fit
expulser par la force de Jérusalem, en mettant à sa place un arien.
Saint Cyrille fit appel, demandant que l'affaire soit soumise à une
autorité ecclésiastique supérieure; et, en attendant, il trouva refuge à
Tarse, en Cilicie, auprès de l'Evêque Silvain. En dépit des menaces
d'Acace, celui-ci
l'accueillit fraternellement et lui demanda de prêcher au peuple qui
l'écoutait avec enthousiasme, comme un homme vraiment apostolique. Le
concile réuni à Séleucie en 359 lui rendit justice et déposa Acace. Mais
la sentence n'eut pas le temps d'être mise à exécution, car le
Métropolite de Césarée, se précipitant à Constantinople, fît pression
auprès de l'empereur Constance pour qu'il annule la décision du concile,
et il fit confirmer la déposition de Cyrille par un conciliabule
d'évêques ariens (360).
Lorsque, peu après, Julien l'Apostat prit le pouvoir, Saint Cyrille put profiter des mesures de tolérance religieuse prises par l'empereur afin de préparer sa restauration du paganisme, et il rejoignit son siège avec tous les autres Evêques exilés au temps de Constance. Mais ce ne fut que pour affronter de nouvelles tribulations. Incités par l'empereur, les païens de Gaza se soulevèrent alors contre les Chrétiens, en faisant de nombreuses victimes, puis ils détruisirent le Monastère de Saint Hilarion (cf. 21 oct.) et dispersèrent ses moines. Comme l'Apostat voulait démontrer la fausseté des Prophéties du Christ concernant la ruine définitive du Temple de Jérusalem (cf. Mat. 24:2), détruit par les Romains sous Tite, il permit aux Juifs de le reconstruire. Mais, conformément à la prédiction de Saint Cyrille, les travaux furent bientôt arrêtés par un terrible tremblement de terre, qui renversa même les fondations de l'ancien Temple, et un feu, sortant des fondements, consuma certains ouvriers, en mutila d'autres, laissant à tous les marques les plus visibles de la colère divine.
Après la disparition de Julien, le calme étant rétabli, Cyrille put reprendre son oeuvre pastorale et, à la mort d'Acace, il fit élire son neveu comme Métropolite de Césarée. Mais, par leurs intrigues, les ariens convainquirent l'empereur Valens (364-378) de déposer le Saint Evêque de Jérusalem et de le condamner à un nouvel exil, ainsi que tous les autres Evêques bannis sous Constance (367). A la mort de Valens, Saint Cyrille put regagner son diocèse, au bout de douze ans d'absence, mais il eut la douleur de découvrir que certains orthodoxes, influencés par les calomnies des ariens, refusaient de le reconnaître comme leur Evêque légitime et de communier avec lui. C'est pour cette raison que le Concile d'Antioche (379) envoya Saint Grégoire de Nysse (cf. 10 janv.) pour rétablir la paix dans le diocèse de Jérusalem. Ayant échoué, celui-ci se retira découragé et plein de tristesse, laissant Saint Cyrille affronter seul, avec foi et espérance, les divisions dans la Maison de Dieu. Il prit part au IIe Concile OEcuménique (381) réuni par l'empereur Théodose, et contribua à la condamnation définitive de l'arianisme et de ses diverses variantes. Au terme de ses sessions le Concile reconnut solennellement les combats de l'Evêque de Jérusalem pour la cause de l'Orthodoxie. De retour dans sa cité Saint Cyrille put jouir pour peu de temps de la paix qu'il avait restaurée au prix de tant de labeurs, et il s'endormit en 386, après trente-cinq ans d'épiscopat, dont seize se passèrent en exil.
1. Commémoré dans l'Eglise latine le 5 mai.
2. Cf. la notice de St Athanase. le 18 janv.
3. Réduite à l'état de simple bourgade après sa destruction par les romains, et sa communauté chrétienne ayant été dispersée au temps des persécutions, Jérusalem, nommée Allia, avait été soumise ecclésiastiquement à Césarée, capitale administrative de la Palestine.
4. Comme un peu plus tard les ariens qui avaient favorisé l'élection de St Mélèce d'Antioche (cf. 12 fév.).
5. Ces Catéchèses, dont il existe plusieurs traductions françaises, restent un des meilleurs exposés de la Foi Orthodoxe et un document de la plus grande importance pour la connaissance de la pratique liturgique de l'Eglise ancienne. fidèlement préservée dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe d'aujourd'hui. Prononcées pendant la période de quarante jours avant Pâques, préparatoire au Baptême, elles comportent une Procatéchèse, dix-huit catéchèses baptismales, interprétant le Symbole et les fondements de la Foi Orthodoxe, et cinq catéchèses mystagogiques, réservées aux initiés qui venaient d'être baptisés à Pâques, dans lesquelles l'Evêque explique les Rites Sacrés du Baptême et de l'Eucharistie.
6. Ce miracle est commémoré le 7 mai.
Saint MARCELLIN, tribun militaire et notaire public, martyr en Afrique par la main des Donatistes (413).
Sainte DEROUELLE, mère de saint Malo (Bretagne, VIème siècle).
Saint RIJEN (HERITEN), ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint TETRIC (TETRICE, TETRICIUS), fils de saint Grégoire de Langres, évêque de Langres en Bourgogne (572).
Saint VORLES, prêtre à Marcenay au diocèse de Dijon; ami de saint Tétric de Langres, il aurait été le père spirituel du roi saint Gontran (deuxième moitié du VIème siècle).
Saint MONDERIC, frère de saint Arnoul de Metz et coadjuteur de saint Tétric de Langres, soupçonné à tort de trahison par saint Gontran (après 561).
Saint FRIGIDIAN ou FRIDIEN, évêque de Lucques en Toscane, patron de la ville de Lucques (588). La data di nascita non si conosce, e come sua terra d origine si indica l Irlanda, terra di evangelizzatori dell Occidente, isola dei santi . Probabilmente si è fatto monaco in patria. Poi viene a Roma come pellegrino e studente. Più tardi lo troviamo nei dintorni di Lucca, eremita. Ed è lì che vanno a prenderlo clero e cittadini per farne il loro vescovo, intorno al 560. Un fatto non tanto insolito, in verità. La sua vita austera e la sua cultura sono ben note, e anche la sua energia. Doti naturalmente sempre preziose, ma essenziali in questi anni tormentati.
Nel 568 l invasione longobarda (un esercito e un popolo; soldati, famiglie, anche animali...) mette fine all unità italiana. (E passeranno 1.350 anni prima di vederla rifatta al completo, fino al bollettino di Armando Diaz nel 1918). L ntero territorio si trova diviso irregolarmente, con una parte più estesa conquistata dai Longobardi, e con le regioni più ricche ancora bizantine. Nelle terre già povere la povertà cresce, aggravata dalle rapine dei nuovi venuti (che distruggono anche il monastero di Montecassino), e dalla bassa produttività dei terreni, anche per il disordine idrogeologico. In territorio lucchese le acque del Serchio (affluente dell Arno) trasformano spesso i coltivi in acquitrini.
E qui interviene Frediano, che sa anche d idraulica: d accordo con i capi cittadini, progetta e fa aprire un canale che porta il Serchio al mare, risanando il territorio. E la voce popolare trasforma la saggia iniziativa in miracolo: con un rastrello, si racconta, il vescovo ha tracciato al Serchio un nuovo corso e il fiume ha obbedito. Frediano lavora anche a mettere ordine nella sua diocesi, a costruire chiese, e si impegna fortemente come tanti altri vescovi del tempo “ per portare nella Chiesa i Longobardi, in gran parte ariani o anche pagani. Per opera sua nasce una comunità monastica che avrà vita plurisecolare; da essa deriveranno i canonici di San Frediano , che Anselmo da Baggio, diventato papa Alessandro II, chiamerà a guidare anche i canonici di San Giovanni in Laterano a Roma.
Gli eventi hanno quasi cancellato le autorità civili tradizionali, ed è spesso Frediano a supplirle, come accade ad altri vescovi dell epoca. Lui è con la gente, è per la gente, mescolato a contadini e pescatori, in una intimità continua e cordiale. Sempre maestro e sempre fratello. Di qui la sua popolarità immensa, l aura di prodigio che pare sempre accompagnarlo, i tanti miracoli che gli si attribuiranno, e l affettuosa durata del suo culto, di secolo in secolo.
Frediano muore, secondo una tradizione, il 18 marzo 588. Ma l anno non è sicuro.
Lorsque, peu après, Julien l'Apostat prit le pouvoir, Saint Cyrille put profiter des mesures de tolérance religieuse prises par l'empereur afin de préparer sa restauration du paganisme, et il rejoignit son siège avec tous les autres Evêques exilés au temps de Constance. Mais ce ne fut que pour affronter de nouvelles tribulations. Incités par l'empereur, les païens de Gaza se soulevèrent alors contre les Chrétiens, en faisant de nombreuses victimes, puis ils détruisirent le Monastère de Saint Hilarion (cf. 21 oct.) et dispersèrent ses moines. Comme l'Apostat voulait démontrer la fausseté des Prophéties du Christ concernant la ruine définitive du Temple de Jérusalem (cf. Mat. 24:2), détruit par les Romains sous Tite, il permit aux Juifs de le reconstruire. Mais, conformément à la prédiction de Saint Cyrille, les travaux furent bientôt arrêtés par un terrible tremblement de terre, qui renversa même les fondations de l'ancien Temple, et un feu, sortant des fondements, consuma certains ouvriers, en mutila d'autres, laissant à tous les marques les plus visibles de la colère divine.
Après la disparition de Julien, le calme étant rétabli, Cyrille put reprendre son oeuvre pastorale et, à la mort d'Acace, il fit élire son neveu comme Métropolite de Césarée. Mais, par leurs intrigues, les ariens convainquirent l'empereur Valens (364-378) de déposer le Saint Evêque de Jérusalem et de le condamner à un nouvel exil, ainsi que tous les autres Evêques bannis sous Constance (367). A la mort de Valens, Saint Cyrille put regagner son diocèse, au bout de douze ans d'absence, mais il eut la douleur de découvrir que certains orthodoxes, influencés par les calomnies des ariens, refusaient de le reconnaître comme leur Evêque légitime et de communier avec lui. C'est pour cette raison que le Concile d'Antioche (379) envoya Saint Grégoire de Nysse (cf. 10 janv.) pour rétablir la paix dans le diocèse de Jérusalem. Ayant échoué, celui-ci se retira découragé et plein de tristesse, laissant Saint Cyrille affronter seul, avec foi et espérance, les divisions dans la Maison de Dieu. Il prit part au IIe Concile OEcuménique (381) réuni par l'empereur Théodose, et contribua à la condamnation définitive de l'arianisme et de ses diverses variantes. Au terme de ses sessions le Concile reconnut solennellement les combats de l'Evêque de Jérusalem pour la cause de l'Orthodoxie. De retour dans sa cité Saint Cyrille put jouir pour peu de temps de la paix qu'il avait restaurée au prix de tant de labeurs, et il s'endormit en 386, après trente-cinq ans d'épiscopat, dont seize se passèrent en exil.
1. Commémoré dans l'Eglise latine le 5 mai.
2. Cf. la notice de St Athanase. le 18 janv.
3. Réduite à l'état de simple bourgade après sa destruction par les romains, et sa communauté chrétienne ayant été dispersée au temps des persécutions, Jérusalem, nommée Allia, avait été soumise ecclésiastiquement à Césarée, capitale administrative de la Palestine.
4. Comme un peu plus tard les ariens qui avaient favorisé l'élection de St Mélèce d'Antioche (cf. 12 fév.).
5. Ces Catéchèses, dont il existe plusieurs traductions françaises, restent un des meilleurs exposés de la Foi Orthodoxe et un document de la plus grande importance pour la connaissance de la pratique liturgique de l'Eglise ancienne. fidèlement préservée dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe d'aujourd'hui. Prononcées pendant la période de quarante jours avant Pâques, préparatoire au Baptême, elles comportent une Procatéchèse, dix-huit catéchèses baptismales, interprétant le Symbole et les fondements de la Foi Orthodoxe, et cinq catéchèses mystagogiques, réservées aux initiés qui venaient d'être baptisés à Pâques, dans lesquelles l'Evêque explique les Rites Sacrés du Baptême et de l'Eucharistie.
6. Ce miracle est commémoré le 7 mai.
Saint MARCELLIN, tribun militaire et notaire public, martyr en Afrique par la main des Donatistes (413).
Sainte DEROUELLE, mère de saint Malo (Bretagne, VIème siècle).
Saint RIJEN (HERITEN), ermite en Bretagne (VIème siècle).
Saint TETRIC (TETRICE, TETRICIUS), fils de saint Grégoire de Langres, évêque de Langres en Bourgogne (572).
Saint VORLES, prêtre à Marcenay au diocèse de Dijon; ami de saint Tétric de Langres, il aurait été le père spirituel du roi saint Gontran (deuxième moitié du VIème siècle).
Saint MONDERIC, frère de saint Arnoul de Metz et coadjuteur de saint Tétric de Langres, soupçonné à tort de trahison par saint Gontran (après 561).
Saint FRIGIDIAN ou FRIDIEN, évêque de Lucques en Toscane, patron de la ville de Lucques (588). La data di nascita non si conosce, e come sua terra d origine si indica l Irlanda, terra di evangelizzatori dell Occidente, isola dei santi . Probabilmente si è fatto monaco in patria. Poi viene a Roma come pellegrino e studente. Più tardi lo troviamo nei dintorni di Lucca, eremita. Ed è lì che vanno a prenderlo clero e cittadini per farne il loro vescovo, intorno al 560. Un fatto non tanto insolito, in verità. La sua vita austera e la sua cultura sono ben note, e anche la sua energia. Doti naturalmente sempre preziose, ma essenziali in questi anni tormentati.
Nel 568 l invasione longobarda (un esercito e un popolo; soldati, famiglie, anche animali...) mette fine all unità italiana. (E passeranno 1.350 anni prima di vederla rifatta al completo, fino al bollettino di Armando Diaz nel 1918). L ntero territorio si trova diviso irregolarmente, con una parte più estesa conquistata dai Longobardi, e con le regioni più ricche ancora bizantine. Nelle terre già povere la povertà cresce, aggravata dalle rapine dei nuovi venuti (che distruggono anche il monastero di Montecassino), e dalla bassa produttività dei terreni, anche per il disordine idrogeologico. In territorio lucchese le acque del Serchio (affluente dell Arno) trasformano spesso i coltivi in acquitrini.
E qui interviene Frediano, che sa anche d idraulica: d accordo con i capi cittadini, progetta e fa aprire un canale che porta il Serchio al mare, risanando il territorio. E la voce popolare trasforma la saggia iniziativa in miracolo: con un rastrello, si racconta, il vescovo ha tracciato al Serchio un nuovo corso e il fiume ha obbedito. Frediano lavora anche a mettere ordine nella sua diocesi, a costruire chiese, e si impegna fortemente come tanti altri vescovi del tempo “ per portare nella Chiesa i Longobardi, in gran parte ariani o anche pagani. Per opera sua nasce una comunità monastica che avrà vita plurisecolare; da essa deriveranno i canonici di San Frediano , che Anselmo da Baggio, diventato papa Alessandro II, chiamerà a guidare anche i canonici di San Giovanni in Laterano a Roma.
Gli eventi hanno quasi cancellato le autorità civili tradizionali, ed è spesso Frediano a supplirle, come accade ad altri vescovi dell epoca. Lui è con la gente, è per la gente, mescolato a contadini e pescatori, in una intimità continua e cordiale. Sempre maestro e sempre fratello. Di qui la sua popolarità immensa, l aura di prodigio che pare sempre accompagnarlo, i tanti miracoli che gli si attribuiranno, e l affettuosa durata del suo culto, di secolo in secolo.
Frediano muore, secondo una tradizione, il 18 marzo 588. Ma l anno non è sicuro.
Saint SABULIN, abbé en Bretagne (VIème-VIIème siècles).
Saint KILIEN, Irlandais de nation, disciple de saint Colomban, missionnaire en Artois (début du VIIème siècle).
Saint BRAULION ou BRAULE, évêque de Saragosse en Espagne (646). A Saragozza in Spagna, san Braulio, vescovo, che diede aiuto a santo Isidoro, di cui fu grande amico, nel rinnovare la disciplina ecclesiastica in tutta la Spagna e ne fu degno successore per eloquenza e dottrina.
Saint TRETY (TETRICE, TETRICIUS), évêque d'Auxerre en Bourgogne, martyr à Escamps près d'Auxerre par la main d'un de ses archidiacres à la vie dissolue (vers 709). (Autre mémoire le 12 avril.)
Saint EGBERT, moine à Ripont en Argonne (vers 720).
Saint MEROLE, chorévêque dans le Maine (vers 785).
Saint TRETY (TETRICE, TETRICIUS), évêque d'Auxerre en Bourgogne, martyr à Escamps près d'Auxerre par la main d'un de ses archidiacres à la vie dissolue (vers 709). (Autre mémoire le 12 avril.)
Saint EGBERT, moine à Ripont en Argonne (vers 720).
Saint MEROLE, chorévêque dans le Maine (vers 785).
Saint EDOUARD II, roi d'Angleterre (962-978), martyr par la jalousie de sa belle-mère et thaumaturge (978). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome III du Supplément aux Ménées.)
II, dunque, era figlio del re Sant'Edgaro il Pacifico e della sua prima
consorte Etelfleda, che morì non molti anni dopo la sua nascita,
avvenuta all'incirca nel 962. Ricevette il battesimo dal celebre San
Dunstano, titolare della sede arcivescovile di Canterbury e primo
ministro reale.
Alla morte di Edgaro, il malcontento di alcuni cavalieri portò al tentativo di incoronazione del piccolo Etelredo, nato dal secondo matrimonio con Elfrida. Questa possibilità si scontrò però con l'opposizione del santo vescovo, che preferì incoronare egli stesso Edoardo II quale nuovo sovrano l'8 luglio 975. Anche se appena ragazzo, il nuovo re possedeva indubbiamente un temperamento vile ed un'innata inclinazione alla violenza, fattore che non poteva non renderlo ostile agli altri. L'opposizione nei suoi confronti continuò a crescere, nonostante fosse costantemente seguito nell'opera di governo da Dunstano. Alfero di Mercia dedise di intraprendere il saccheggio e la distruzione dei monasteri presenti nel regno, vanificando così in un battibaleno tutta la preziosa opera che il vescovo aveva realizzato ed Edoardo II aveva sostenuto in vario modo. Ma questa fu solamente una delle tante reazioni alla fitta politica di alleanza e reciproco sostegno instauratasi fra la monarchia e la Chiesa inglesi. Il monachesimo, sempre più emergente ed attivo nella vita di corte, avrebbe potuto compromettere inoltre il potere dei cavalieri.
Il biografo Osvaldo di Worcester narra che fu allora tramato un complotto finalizzato all'uccisione del re, dopo neppure quattro anni dalla sua ascesa al trono. Tutte le cronache sono concordi nel sostenere la tesi dell'assassinio di Edoardo II, ma Guglielmo di Malmesbury e lo stesso Osvaldo si spingono oltre, attribuendo l'iniziativa ai sostenitori di Etelredo ed in particolare a sua madre Elfrida. Constatando però anche l'ostilità provata da Alfero di Mercia, si può supporre che la cospirazione nei confronti del giovane sovrano ebbe sicuramente basi assai ampie.
In ogni caso il tragico evento si consumò presso il castello di Corfe-Gap nel Dorset, residenza di Etelredo ed Elfrida, ove Edoardo fu convocato dal fratellastro in seguito ad una battuta di caccia. Giuntovi dunque a cavallo, privo di scorta, la matrigna ordinò di coglierlo di sorpresa con una pugnalata. Spronato con urgenza il cavallo, un piede di Edoardo scivolò dalla staffa ed egli, caduto di sella, rimase ancorato solo più con un piede all'animale, che lo trascinò per un lungo tragitto. La morte, ormai inevitabile, lo raggiunse così il 18 marzo 979. Ufficialmente mai nessuno fu mai incolpato dell'accaduto, ma una tradizione vuole che la malvagia matrigna sia poi entrata nel monastero di Wherewell in segno di espiazione per la sua grande colpa di mandante dell'omicidio.
Alla morte di Edgaro, il malcontento di alcuni cavalieri portò al tentativo di incoronazione del piccolo Etelredo, nato dal secondo matrimonio con Elfrida. Questa possibilità si scontrò però con l'opposizione del santo vescovo, che preferì incoronare egli stesso Edoardo II quale nuovo sovrano l'8 luglio 975. Anche se appena ragazzo, il nuovo re possedeva indubbiamente un temperamento vile ed un'innata inclinazione alla violenza, fattore che non poteva non renderlo ostile agli altri. L'opposizione nei suoi confronti continuò a crescere, nonostante fosse costantemente seguito nell'opera di governo da Dunstano. Alfero di Mercia dedise di intraprendere il saccheggio e la distruzione dei monasteri presenti nel regno, vanificando così in un battibaleno tutta la preziosa opera che il vescovo aveva realizzato ed Edoardo II aveva sostenuto in vario modo. Ma questa fu solamente una delle tante reazioni alla fitta politica di alleanza e reciproco sostegno instauratasi fra la monarchia e la Chiesa inglesi. Il monachesimo, sempre più emergente ed attivo nella vita di corte, avrebbe potuto compromettere inoltre il potere dei cavalieri.
Il biografo Osvaldo di Worcester narra che fu allora tramato un complotto finalizzato all'uccisione del re, dopo neppure quattro anni dalla sua ascesa al trono. Tutte le cronache sono concordi nel sostenere la tesi dell'assassinio di Edoardo II, ma Guglielmo di Malmesbury e lo stesso Osvaldo si spingono oltre, attribuendo l'iniziativa ai sostenitori di Etelredo ed in particolare a sua madre Elfrida. Constatando però anche l'ostilità provata da Alfero di Mercia, si può supporre che la cospirazione nei confronti del giovane sovrano ebbe sicuramente basi assai ampie.
In ogni caso il tragico evento si consumò presso il castello di Corfe-Gap nel Dorset, residenza di Etelredo ed Elfrida, ove Edoardo fu convocato dal fratellastro in seguito ad una battuta di caccia. Giuntovi dunque a cavallo, privo di scorta, la matrigna ordinò di coglierlo di sorpresa con una pugnalata. Spronato con urgenza il cavallo, un piede di Edoardo scivolò dalla staffa ed egli, caduto di sella, rimase ancorato solo più con un piede all'animale, che lo trascinò per un lungo tragitto. La morte, ormai inevitabile, lo raggiunse così il 18 marzo 979. Ufficialmente mai nessuno fu mai incolpato dell'accaduto, ma una tradizione vuole che la malvagia matrigna sia poi entrata nel monastero di Wherewell in segno di espiazione per la sua grande colpa di mandante dell'omicidio.
the following forms of Old English liturgical books for the feast day of St. Edward:
Preface for the Liturgy: Qui sanctos tuosIt
is truly meet and just, right and availing to our salvation, that we
should always and in all places give thanks to Thee, O Holy Lord, Father
almighty, everlasting God, Who unceasingly dost uphold Thy Saints with
Thy mercy, Who mercifully didst go before Thy chosen one Edward when at
the helm of the kingdom he lived in a pure manner, and didst accompany
him with Thy compassion when innocently he was slain. For when he was
deprived by the impious of his earthly sceptre, Thou, O Merciful One,
didst endow him with a heavenly: and by his intercessory prayer we
entreat that Thou wouldst grant us to despise earthly things and to love
things heavenly, through Christ our Lord. By Whom Angels praise Thy
majesty, Dominions worship, the
Powers tremble. The heavens, and the heavenly Virtues, and the blessed
Seraphim, concelebrate in one exultation, with whom command our voices
also to have entrance, we beseech Thee, humbly confessing Thee, and
saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, etc.
Bishops Blessing during the Canon: Omnipotentis DeiMay the freely-bestowed blessing of almighty God rest upon you, and by the interceding righteous prayers of the all-blessed Edward, both king and martyr, may salvation and eternal protection be to you from the Lord our God. all sing: Amen.
Bishops Blessing during the Canon: Omnipotentis DeiMay the freely-bestowed blessing of almighty God rest upon you, and by the interceding righteous prayers of the all-blessed Edward, both king and martyr, may salvation and eternal protection be to you from the Lord our God. all sing: Amen.
the Lord fulfill your prayerful longings, accomplish your good desires,
blot out your transgressions, look down upon your afflictions, shepherd
your souls, direct your actions, and by the intercession of the same
Saint Edward, preserve you from every onslaught of the enemy. all sing:
may He that took him to Himself in the radiantly-white robe of
martyrdom, that he might enjoy heavenly honour rather than the honour of
a temporal kingdom, make you to be delivered from all the wickednesses
of the enemy, and to be planted in the unending dwelling-places, that ye
may be able with all the Saints to take possession of indescribable
glory, for ever and ever. all sing: Amen.
may He deign to grant, to Whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit
abideth praise and endlessness, unto ages of ages. Amen.
the blessing of God... (from Old Sarum Rite Missal, (c) 1998 St.
Hilarion Press, tr. by Fr. Hieromonk Aidan, due to be re-issued by St.
John Cassian Press)
Saint CYRILLE d'Astrakhan (Russie 1576).
Repose of St Nicholas of Zhicha
Nicholas of Zhicha, "the
Serbian Chrysostom," was born in Lelich in western Serbia on January 4,
1881 (December 23, 1880 O.S.). His parents were Dragomir and Katherine
Velimirovich, who lived on a farm where they raised a large family. His
pious mother was a major influence on his spiritual development,
teaching him by word and especially by example. As a small child,
Nicholas often walked three miles to the Chelije Monastery with his
mother to attend services there.
Sickly as a child, Nicholas was not physically strong as an adult. He failed his physical requirements when he applied to the military academy, but his excellent academic qualifications allowed him to enter the St Sava Seminary in Belgrade, even before he finished preparatory school.
After graduating from the seminary in 1905, he earned doctoral degrees from the University of Berne in 1908, and from King's College, Oxford in 1909. When he returned home, he fell ill with dysentery. Vowing to serve God for the rest of his life if he recovered, he was tonsured at the Rakovica Monastery on December 20, 1909 and was also ordained to the holy priesthood.
In 1910 he went to study in Russia to prepare himself for a teaching position at the seminary in Belgrade. At the Theological Academy in St Petersburg, the Provost asked him why he had come. He replied, "I wanted to be a shepherd. As a child, I tended my father's sheep. Now that I am a man, I wish to tend the rational flock of my heavenly Father. I believe that is the way that has been shown to me." The Provost smiled, pleased by this response, then showed the young man to his quarters.
After completing his studies, he returned to Belgrade and taught philosophy, logic, history, and foreign languages at the seminary. He spoke seven languages, and this ability proved very useful to him throughout his life.
St Nicholas was renowned for his sermons, which never lasted more than twenty minutes, and focused on just three main points. He taught people the theology of the Church in a language they could understand, and inspired them to repentance.
At the start of World War I, Archimandrite Nicholas was sent to England on a diplomatic mission to seek help in the struggle of the Serbs against Austria. His doctorate from Oxford gained him an invitation to speak at Westminster Abbey. He remained in England for three short months, but St Nicholas left a lasting impression on those who heard him. His writings "The Lord's Commandments," and "Meditations on the Lord's Prayer" impressed many in the Church of England.
Archimandrite Nicholas left England and went to America, where he proved to be a good ambassador for his nation and his Church.
The future saint returned to Serbia in 1919, where he was consecrated as Bishop of Zhicha, and was later transferred to Ochrid. The new hierarch assisted those who were suffering from the ravages of war by establishing orphanages and helping the poor.
Bishop Nicholas took over as leader of Bogomljcki Pokret, a popular movement for spiritual revival which encouraged people to pray and read the Bible. Under the bishop's direction, it also contributed to a renewal of monasticisml. Monasteries were restored and reopened, and this in turn revitalized the spiritual life of the Serbian people.
In 1921, Bishop Nicholas was invited to visit America again and spent two years as a missionary bishop. He gave more than a hundred talks in less than six months, raising funds for his orphanages. Over the next twenty years, he lectured in various churches and universities.
When Germany invaded Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941, Bishop Nicholas, a fearless critic of the Nazis, was arrested and confined in Ljubostir Vojlovici Monastery. In 1944, he and Patriarch Gavrilo were sent to the death camp at Dachau. There he witnessed many atrocities and was tortured himself. When American troops liberated the prisoners in May 1945, the patriarch returned to Yugoslavia, but Bishop Nicholas went to England.
The Communist leader Tito was just coming to power in Yugoslavia, where he persecuted the Church and crushed those who opposed him. Therefore, Bishop Nicholas believed he could serve the Serbian people more effectively by remaining abroad. He went to America in 1946, following a hectic schedule in spite of his health problems which were exacerbated by his time in Dachau. He taught for three years at St Sava's Seminary in Libertyville, IL before he settled at St Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan, PA in 1951.
He taught at St Tikhon's and also served as the seminary's Dean and Rector. He was also a guest lecturer at St Vladimir's Seminary in NY, and at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.
On Saturday March 17, 1956 Bishop Nicholas served his last Liturgy. After the service he went to the trapeza and gave a short talk. As he was leaving, he bowed low and said, "Forgive me, brothers." This was something unusual which he had not done before.
On March 18, 1956 St Nicholas fell asleep in the Lord Whom he had served throughout his life. He was found in his room kneeling in an attitude of prayer. Though he was buried at St Sava's Monastery in Libertyville, IL, he had always expressed a desire to be buried in his homeland. In April of 1991 his relics were transferred to the Chetinje Monastery in Lelich. There he was buried next to his friend and disciple Fr Justin Popovich (+ 1979).
English readers are familiar with St Nicholas's PROLOGUE FROM OCHRID, THE LIFE OF ST SAVA, A TREASURY OF SERBIAN SPIRITUALITY, and other writings which are of great benefit for the whole Church. He thought of his writings as silent sermons addressed to people who would never hear him preach. In his life and writings, the grace of the Holy Spirit shone forth for all to see, but in his humility he considered himself the least of men.
Though he was a native of Serbia, St Nicholas has a universal significance for Orthodox Christians in all countries. He was like a candle set upon a candlestick giving light to all (MT 5:15). A spiritual guide and teacher with a magnetic personality, he attracted many people to himself. He also loved them, seeing the image of God in each person he met. He had a special love for children, who hastened to receive his blessing whenever they saw him in the street.
He was a man of compunctionate prayer, and possessesed the gift of tears which purify the soul (St John Climacus, LADDER, Step 7). He was a true pastor to his flock protecting them from spiritual wolves, and guiding them on the path to salvation. He has left behind many soul-profiting writings which proclaim the truth of Christ to modern man. In them he exhorts people to love God, and to live a life of virtue and holiness. May we also be found worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven through the prayers of St Nicholas, and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever. Amen.
Sickly as a child, Nicholas was not physically strong as an adult. He failed his physical requirements when he applied to the military academy, but his excellent academic qualifications allowed him to enter the St Sava Seminary in Belgrade, even before he finished preparatory school.
After graduating from the seminary in 1905, he earned doctoral degrees from the University of Berne in 1908, and from King's College, Oxford in 1909. When he returned home, he fell ill with dysentery. Vowing to serve God for the rest of his life if he recovered, he was tonsured at the Rakovica Monastery on December 20, 1909 and was also ordained to the holy priesthood.
In 1910 he went to study in Russia to prepare himself for a teaching position at the seminary in Belgrade. At the Theological Academy in St Petersburg, the Provost asked him why he had come. He replied, "I wanted to be a shepherd. As a child, I tended my father's sheep. Now that I am a man, I wish to tend the rational flock of my heavenly Father. I believe that is the way that has been shown to me." The Provost smiled, pleased by this response, then showed the young man to his quarters.
After completing his studies, he returned to Belgrade and taught philosophy, logic, history, and foreign languages at the seminary. He spoke seven languages, and this ability proved very useful to him throughout his life.
St Nicholas was renowned for his sermons, which never lasted more than twenty minutes, and focused on just three main points. He taught people the theology of the Church in a language they could understand, and inspired them to repentance.
At the start of World War I, Archimandrite Nicholas was sent to England on a diplomatic mission to seek help in the struggle of the Serbs against Austria. His doctorate from Oxford gained him an invitation to speak at Westminster Abbey. He remained in England for three short months, but St Nicholas left a lasting impression on those who heard him. His writings "The Lord's Commandments," and "Meditations on the Lord's Prayer" impressed many in the Church of England.
Archimandrite Nicholas left England and went to America, where he proved to be a good ambassador for his nation and his Church.
The future saint returned to Serbia in 1919, where he was consecrated as Bishop of Zhicha, and was later transferred to Ochrid. The new hierarch assisted those who were suffering from the ravages of war by establishing orphanages and helping the poor.
Bishop Nicholas took over as leader of Bogomljcki Pokret, a popular movement for spiritual revival which encouraged people to pray and read the Bible. Under the bishop's direction, it also contributed to a renewal of monasticisml. Monasteries were restored and reopened, and this in turn revitalized the spiritual life of the Serbian people.
In 1921, Bishop Nicholas was invited to visit America again and spent two years as a missionary bishop. He gave more than a hundred talks in less than six months, raising funds for his orphanages. Over the next twenty years, he lectured in various churches and universities.
When Germany invaded Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941, Bishop Nicholas, a fearless critic of the Nazis, was arrested and confined in Ljubostir Vojlovici Monastery. In 1944, he and Patriarch Gavrilo were sent to the death camp at Dachau. There he witnessed many atrocities and was tortured himself. When American troops liberated the prisoners in May 1945, the patriarch returned to Yugoslavia, but Bishop Nicholas went to England.
The Communist leader Tito was just coming to power in Yugoslavia, where he persecuted the Church and crushed those who opposed him. Therefore, Bishop Nicholas believed he could serve the Serbian people more effectively by remaining abroad. He went to America in 1946, following a hectic schedule in spite of his health problems which were exacerbated by his time in Dachau. He taught for three years at St Sava's Seminary in Libertyville, IL before he settled at St Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan, PA in 1951.
He taught at St Tikhon's and also served as the seminary's Dean and Rector. He was also a guest lecturer at St Vladimir's Seminary in NY, and at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY.
On Saturday March 17, 1956 Bishop Nicholas served his last Liturgy. After the service he went to the trapeza and gave a short talk. As he was leaving, he bowed low and said, "Forgive me, brothers." This was something unusual which he had not done before.
On March 18, 1956 St Nicholas fell asleep in the Lord Whom he had served throughout his life. He was found in his room kneeling in an attitude of prayer. Though he was buried at St Sava's Monastery in Libertyville, IL, he had always expressed a desire to be buried in his homeland. In April of 1991 his relics were transferred to the Chetinje Monastery in Lelich. There he was buried next to his friend and disciple Fr Justin Popovich (+ 1979).
English readers are familiar with St Nicholas's PROLOGUE FROM OCHRID, THE LIFE OF ST SAVA, A TREASURY OF SERBIAN SPIRITUALITY, and other writings which are of great benefit for the whole Church. He thought of his writings as silent sermons addressed to people who would never hear him preach. In his life and writings, the grace of the Holy Spirit shone forth for all to see, but in his humility he considered himself the least of men.
Though he was a native of Serbia, St Nicholas has a universal significance for Orthodox Christians in all countries. He was like a candle set upon a candlestick giving light to all (MT 5:15). A spiritual guide and teacher with a magnetic personality, he attracted many people to himself. He also loved them, seeing the image of God in each person he met. He had a special love for children, who hastened to receive his blessing whenever they saw him in the street.
He was a man of compunctionate prayer, and possessesed the gift of tears which purify the soul (St John Climacus, LADDER, Step 7). He was a true pastor to his flock protecting them from spiritual wolves, and guiding them on the path to salvation. He has left behind many soul-profiting writings which proclaim the truth of Christ to modern man. In them he exhorts people to love God, and to live a life of virtue and holiness. May we also be found worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven through the prayers of St Nicholas, and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever. Amen.
Troparion (Tone 8)
Golden-mouthed preacher of the Resurrected Christ, guide of the cross-bearing Serbian people through the ages, resonant lyre of the Holy Spirit, joy and glory of priests, teacher of repentance, Bishop of the whole nation, leader of the God-praying army of Christ, O Holy Nicholai of Serbia and all Orthodoxy; with the saints in Heavenly Serbia, pray the Only Lover of mankind to grant peace and unity to our people.
Golden-mouthed preacher of the Resurrected Christ, guide of the cross-bearing Serbian people through the ages, resonant lyre of the Holy Spirit, joy and glory of priests, teacher of repentance, Bishop of the whole nation, leader of the God-praying army of Christ, O Holy Nicholai of Serbia and all Orthodoxy; with the saints in Heavenly Serbia, pray the Only Lover of mankind to grant peace and unity to our people.
Troparion — Tone 8
O golden-tongued preacher proclaiming the risen Christ, / Everlasting guide of the cross-bearing Serbian people, / Resounding harp of the Holy Spirit, and dear to monastics who rejoice in you, / Pride and boast of the priesthood, teacher of repentance, master for all nations, / Guide of those in the army of Christ as they pray to God, / Holy Nicholas teacher in America and pride of the Serbian people, / With all the saints, implore the only Lover of mankind / To grant us peace and joy in his heavenly kingdom!Troparion — Tone 4
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Nicholai, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.Kontakion — Tone 3
Born at Lelich in Serbia, / you served as archpastor at the church of Saint Nahum in Ochrid. / You presided on the throne of Saint Sava at Zhicha, / teaching the people of God and enlightening them with the Gospel, / bringing them to repentance and love for Christ. / And for His sake you endured suffering at Dachau. / Therefore, Nicholai, we glorify you as one newly well pleasing to God
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