mercoledì 5 marzo 2014

6 marzo santi feste e memorie
Saint MARCIEN, premier évêque de Tortone en Piémont, martyr sous Adrien (vers 120). Marciano detto anche Marziano, venerato come santo sin dall’antichità a Tortona (Alessandria), fu inserito nella lista dei vescovi della città, sia dagli studiosi, sia dalla devozione popolare, come protovescovo di Tortona, indicando che il suo martirio, sarebbe avvenuto ai tempi imperatore romano Adriano (117-138).

Saint moine et martyr MAXIME, mort lapidé.

Saint EUPHROSYNOS, qui accomplit son martyre en étant abreuvé d'eau bouillante.


Saints martyrs JULIEN et EUBULE, morts par le glaive.

Saint PATRICK, évêque de Malaga en Espagne, puis réfugié en Auvergne (vers 307).


Invention de la sainte et vivifiante CROIX par l'impératrice sainte HELENE et des précieux CLOUS de la Passion de Notre Seigneur JESUS-CHRIST (326). 
The Holy Empress Helen uncovered the Precious Cross and Nails of the Lord at Jerusalem in 326.
At the beginning of the reign of St Constantine the Great (306-337), the first Roman emperor to recognize Christianity, he and his pious mother St Helen decided to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. They also planned to build a church on the site of the Lord's suffering and Resurrection, in order to reconsecrate and purify the places connected with the Savior's death and Resurrection from the foul taint of paganism.

The empress Helen journeyed to Jerusalem with a large quantity of gold. St Constantine wrote a letter to Patriarch Macarius I (313-323), requesting him to assist her in every possible way with her task of the restoring the Christian holy places.

After her arrival in Jerusalem, the holy empress Helen began to destroy all the pagan temples and reconsecrate the places which had been defiled by the pagans.

In her quest for the Life-Creating Cross, she questioned several Christians and Jews, but for a long time her search remained unsuccessful. Finally, an elderly Hebrew named Jude told her that the Cross was buried beneath the temple of Venus. St Helen ordered that the pagan temple be demolished, and for the site to be excavated. Soon they found Golgotha and the Lord's Sepulchre. Not far from the spot were three crosses, a board with the inscription written by Pilate (John 19:19), and four nails which had pierced the Lord's Body.

Now the task was to determine on which of the three crosses the Savior had been crucified. Patriarch Macarius saw a dead person being carried to his grave, then he ordered that the dead man be placed upon each cross in turn. When the corpse was placed on the Cross of Christ, he was immediately restored to life. After seeing the raising of the dead man, everyone was convinced that the Life-Creating Cross had been found. With great joy the empress Helen and Patriarch Macarius lifted the Life-Creating Cross and displayed it to all the people standing about.
AUGURI "CRISTIANI ED ORTODOSSI" Alla  mia   asintattica FIGLIA spirituale ELENA (figlia amata ed amata figlia)
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Le 6 mars, Invention de la Sainte et vivifiante CROIX par Sainte HELENE et des précieux CLOUS de la Passion de Notre Seigneur JESUS-CHRIST1
Lorsque Sainte Hélène découvrit par miracle la Sainte Croix de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ avec celles des deux larrons, elle trouva aussi les clous qui avaient servi à leur supplice2. Alors que les clous des larrons étaient noirs et rouillés, ceux du Seigneur étaient tout resplendissants. Elle les apporta à Constantinople et les offrit à son fils Saint Constantin qui en fixa un sur son casque et un autre sur le mors de son cheval, montrant ainsi que c'était désormais au Nom du Christ qu'il mènerait ses guerres pour la victoire du Christianisme, et il déposa le troisième clou au pied de sa statue, placée au sommet d'une colonne de porphyre près du forum, avec la margelle du puits de Jacob, afin que la ville fût protégée par la puissance du Christ.

1. Cf. notice de l'Exaltation de la Croix, 14 sept.
2. Selon cette tradition, les larrons auraient donc été cloués à leurs croix, comme le Seigneur, et non attachés par des cordes comme d'autres le rapportent.

Icon of the Mother of God "the Blessed Heaven"
The "Blessed Heaven" Icon of the Mother of God is on the iconostasis of the Moscow Archangel cathedral in the Kremlin. Previously, this icon was at Smolensk and brought to Moscow by Sophia, daughter of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt, when she became the wife of Prince Basil of Moscow (1389-1425).

On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted in full stature, with a scepter in Her right hand. On Her left arm is the Divine Infant, and both of them are crowned. Certain people call also this icon of the Mother of God "What Shall we call Thee?"

This icon is also commemorated on the Sunday of All Saints.

Saint BASILE, évêque de Bologne en Emilie-Romagne (IVème siècle).
Saint CYRIAQUE (QUIRIACE), né en Poitou, prêtre et confesseur au diocèse de Trèves (IVème siècle).

Saint VICTOR, diacre près de Plaisance en Italie (444). 
Saint SIDNEY (SITHNEY, SEZNI, SENOU, SANE), Irlandais de nation, évêque itinérant puis ermite en Bretagne (529).

Saint FRIDOLIN, Irlandais de nation, fondateur du monastère de Seckingen sur une île du lac de Constance, illuminateur du Rhin supérieur (540). A Säckingen nel territorio odierna Svizzera, san Fridolino, abate, che, originario  Irlanda, vagò pellegrino per la Francia, finché fondò a Säckingen due monasteri i

Saintes CYNEBURGH, CYNESWITH et TIBBA, moniales en Angleterre (vers 680).

Saint BILFRID, ermite de Lindisfarne et orfèvre (VIIIème siècle).

Saint BALDRED (BALTHER), ermite sur la frontière entre l'Angleterre et l'Ecosse (756).

Saint HESYCHIUS le Thaumaturge, ascète en Bithynie (792).

Saints THEODORE, CONSTANTIN, CALLISTE, TEOPHILE, BASOES, AETIOS, CRATERE, MELISSINOS, CRATERE, CYRILLE et leurs TRENTE-DEUX compagnons, officiers byzantins faits prisonniers par le calife de Bagdad à Amorium en Haute-Phrygie, martyrs par la main des Musulmans (845). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome III des Ménées.) 

Troparion — Tone 4

Your forty-two holy martyrs, O Lord, / through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 4

Forty-two holy martyrs of Ammoria, / you contended for the sake of Christ on earth; / you were revealed as crown-bearing martyrs, / and have been received into the life of the joy of heaven. / Since you overthrew all the wiles of the enemy / by your sufferings and the blood of your wounds, / you continually send down from on high remission of sins to those who praise you

Saint CADROE (CADROEL), Ecossais de nation, higoumène de Waulsort en Belgique, puis de Saint-Clément de Metz en Lorraine (976 ou 978).

Saint JOB, moine, père spirituel du tsar Pierre Ier, puis injustement exilé au monastère de Solovki (1720).


L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE CZESTOCHOWA" ("TCHENSTOKHOVSKAÏA"), enlevée par les Polonais à Bielsa en Galicie en 1352 et transférée à Czestochowa.
dal nostro sito in inglese
The wonderworking Czestochowa Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is to be found in a Roman Catholic monastery at Yasna Gora near the city of Czestochowa, Petrov Province. It is believed to be one of the seventy icons painted by the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke (October 18). Tradition says that the icon was taken from Jerusalem when the Romans conquered the city in the year 66, and was hidden in a cave near Pella. The icon was given to St Helen (May 21) when she visited the Holy Land in 326, and she brought it back to Constantinople with her.

Starting in the eighth century the icon traveled to various places, including Galicia, Bavaria, and Moravia. Prince Leo, who founded the city of Lvov, brought the icon to Russia and placed it in the fortress of Belz. There many miracles took place before the holy icon.

Prince Vladislav of Opolsk acquired the icon when the Poles captured southwestern Russia. At the time that Vladislav ruled in Poland, the Tatars invaded Russia and soon appeared before the gates of the fortress of Belz. The prince ordered the icon to be placed atop the city walls as the Tatars began their siege of the fortress. Blood began dripping from the icon where it had been struck by an arrow or some other projectile. Those who witnessed it were fearfully amazed at the sight. The Tatars began to retreat when a dark haze covered them, and many of them died.

Following this miraculous deliverance, Prince Vladislav planned to take the icon to Siesia and to place it in his castle at Opolsk. As preparations for the transfer were being made, Vladislav was overcome with an inexplicable fear. He began to pray before the holy icon, and that night he was told in a vision to take the icon to Yasna Gora near Czestochowa. Vladislav built a monastery at Yasna Gora in 1382 and gave the icon to an order of Roman Catholic monks.

Many years later, followers of John Hus attacked Czestochowa and plundered the monastery. When they attempted to carry the Czestochowa Icon away in a cart, the horses refused to move from the spot, held back by some invisible power. One of the Hussites became angry and threw the icon onto the ground, while another stabbed the face of the Virgin with his sword. The first man was struck dead, and the hand of the second man shriveled up.

The other invaders also suffered punishment from God. Some of them died on the spot, while others became blind. Although many of the monastery's treasures were stolen by the Hussites, the wonderworking Czestochowa Icon was left behind.

King Carl X Gustav of Sweden occupied most of Poland in the seventeenth century, and his forces remained virtually undefeated until they fought a battle near Yasna Gora and the monastery where the icon was kept. With the help of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Poles were able to overcome the Swedes and end the war in 1656. At Lvov, King Jan Casimir officially decreed that Mother of God was the Queen of Poland, and that the nation was under her protection.

Many miracles have been worked by the Czestochowa Icon, and are recorded in a book which is kept at the Czestochowa monastery. Copies of the icon are found in many Orthodox and Roman Catholic monasteries. Some of these copies are venerated in the village of Pisarevkain in the Volhynia Province (June 29 and September 8), at Verhnaya Syrovatka in the Kharkov Province, at Tyvrov in the Vinits Province (Holy Spirit day), in the Kazan Cathedral at St Petersburg, and in several other places.

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