giovedì 13 agosto 2015

14 agosto feste santi e memorie

Avant-fête de la Dormition de la Très-Sainte Mère de Dieu. (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII des Ménées.) 

Saint prophète MICHEE (début du VIIème siècle avant NSJC). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII des Ménées.)
Troparion (Tone 4In the Spirit thou didst foresee the Church of Christ as a lofty mountain, O inspired Prophet Micah. As thou hast foretold, those who have found salvation therein are walking in the paths of the Lord, ever praising thy glorious memory.


The Prophet Micah, one of the Old Testament prophets, was descended from the Tribe of Judah.  He was a native of the city of Moresheth.  He was a contemporary of the Prophet Isaiah.  He foresaw the misfortunes threatening the kingdom of Israel before its destruction, and the sufferings of Judah during the incursions under the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib.  He foretold the birth of the Savior of the world: "And thou, Bethlehem, house of Ephratha, art too few in number to be reckoned with the thousands of Judah; yet out of thee shall come forth to Me, one who is to be a ruler in Israel, and His goings forth were from the beginning, even from eternity" (Mic. 5: 2).  The Jews were afraid to kill the Prophet Micah.  His relics were discovered in the fourth century AD at Baraphsatia, through a revelation to the Bishop of Eleutheropolis, Zeuinos

Saint DEMETRE, martyr en Afrique.

Saint martyr LUCIUS le soldat, mort par le feu.

Saint EUSEBE, prêtre, martyr à Rome ou en Palestine (vers 300).

Saint URSICIN (OURSICIOS), natif de Sivention en Illyrie, tribun militaire, martyr sous Maximien (vers 303).

Saint EUSEBE, prêtre à Rome, confesseur sous l'empereur arien Constance (357).

Saint OROSE, prêtre espagnol, martyr à Rome par la main des Ariens (357).


Saint MARCEL, natif de Chypre, évêque d'Apamée en Syrie, martyr par la main des païens (vers 389).

L'exposition de la Croix Vénérable au palais impérial de Constantinople.

Saint FACHANAN, abbé en Irlande et peut-être premier évêque de Ross (vers 600).

Saint RION (RIOWEN), moine à Redon en Bretagne (VIIIème siècle).

Saint WERENFRIED (GUERFROY), Anglais de nation, apôtre en Frise (vers 760).

Saint EBERHARD, natif de Souabe, prévôt de la cathédrale de Strasbourg puis fondateur du monastère d'Einsiedeln en Suisse (958). 

Saint ARCADE du monastère du Nouveau-Torjosk (Russie XIème siècle).

Translation des reliques de saint Théodose de la laure des Grottes de Kiev (1091). (Acathiste à saints Antoine et Théodose des Grottes de Kiev traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VIII du Supplément aux Ménées. Office pour la translation des reliques de saint Théodose traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.) 

L'icône de la Mère de Dieu "DE LA CONVERSION" ("BIESSIEDNAÏA") (Russie 1383). 
The "Converser" Icon of the Mother of God is so named since it depicts the Mother of God and St Nicholas of Myra conversing with the sacristan George. This event occurred soon after the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1383, when the Most Holy Theotokos Herself commanded sacristan George to say that they should replace the metal cross on the newly-constructed temple in Her honor at Tikhvin with a wooden one. At the place of this vision a chapel was built in honor of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. The chapel burned several times (the first time was in 1390 at the same time as the church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos). In 1515, a wooden church was built and a monastery founded in honor of this holy icon.

14 Agosto 1480: I Santi 800 Martiri d'Otranto uccisi dai Turchi per essersi rifiutati di rinnegare la Fede Cristiana.
Il più anziano e il primo ad essere decapitato, Antonio Primaldo, un umile cimatore di panni, disse, rivolto agli altri: 
"Fratelli miei, sino ad oggi abbiamo combattuto per difendere la Patria e per salvare la vita e per li Signori nostri 
temporali, ora è tempo che combattiamo per salvar le anime nostre per il nostro Signore, il quale essendo morto per noi 
in Croce, conviene che noi moriamo per esso, stando saldi e costanti nella Fede e con questa temporale (morte) 
guadagneremo la vita eterna e la corona del martirio". Un coro fece eco alle parole dell'invitto campione: "Preferiamo 
mille volte morire con qual si voglia sorte di morte piuttosto che rinnegare Cristo". Neppure uno indietreggiò dinanzi al 
terribile dilemma e (secondo il cronista) si assistette a scene bellissime: i figli imploravano la benedizione dei genitori, i 
genitori incoraggiavano i figli ad affrontare la morte; si baciavano, si abbracciavano e contenti come se andassero ad 
una festa, si salutavano: Arrivederci in Paradiso.
L'icône de la Mère de Dieu de Narva (Estonie 1555).


Saint SYMEON, natif de Trébizonde, fondeur d'or de profession, martyr à Constantinople par la main des Musulmans, mais à la demande des Juifs (1644 ou 1653).

Saints BASILE, archevêque de Tchernigov, MATTHIEU, moine, et ALEXIS, laïque, martyrs par la main des Communistes (Ukraine 1918).

Saint VLADIMIR, prêtre, martyr par la main des Communistes (Russie 1920).

Synaxe des saints nouveaux-martyrs de Géorgie qui souffrirent sous le joug communiste (1921-1991). 

Saints NAZAIRE (Léjava), métropolite de Koutaissi, GERMAIN TCHATCHANIDZE, HIEROTHEE NICOLADZE et SIMON ETCHEDLIZE, prêtres, et BESSARION KOUKHIANIDZE, protodiacre, martyrs par la main des Communistes (Géorgie 1924).
Troparion O Holy New Martyrs tortured by the godless enemy, intercede for us with the Holy Trinity and ask of Christ God great mercy for our souls!
Across the front of the multitude of martyrs in this icon is depicted:  Holy New Martyr Metropolitan Nazar of Kutaisi-Gaenati; priests St. German, St. Ieroteos, & St. Simon; and archdeacon St. Besarion.  These foremost five were dragged from their beds in the night, bound, beaten, and then sentenced to death by the Troika on August 14, 1924.  They were shot to death in the Sapichkhia Forest.  They were murdered for being known nationalists and for upholding the Orthodox Faith by protecting holy things from destruction at the hands of the Bolsheviks who were then occupying Georgia.  In 1994, the full Ecclesiastical Council of the Georgian Church canonized them along with all those Georgians that were killed at the hands of the Bolsheviks for their Faith. 

Saints VLADIMIR et NICOLAS, prêtres, ELEUTHERE, moine, EVE et EUDOCIE, moniales, et THEODORE, laïque, martyrs par la main des Communistes (Russie 1937).

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